The Company … competent, helpful and trustworthy

The Company RP Photonics

RP Photonics is an independent and privately owned company. We strive for excellence in the quality of our products and customer service, often taking unconventional approaches.

Our main activities are:

RP Photonics Encyclopedia


Explore this resource with the
RP Photonics Encyclopedia tour!

RP Photonics Buyer's Guide


Explore this resource with our tours:

Find out about highly efficient lead generation for photonics suppliers with our Advertising Package!

RP Photonics Software

Advanced simulation & design software:

RP Fiber Power RP Resonator
RP ProPulse RP Coating

Technical Consulting

Product design, problem solving, calculations and simulations, independent expertise and staff training on

from a highly reputed expert: author of the RP Photonics Encyclopedia, of other books and over 100 scientific journal papers.

The Companies

Due to our move from Germany to Switzerland in 02/2022, there are currently two RP Photonics companies:

RP Photonics AG (Switzerland)

This is the active company.

The address: RP Photonics AG, Bannhaldenstr. 38, CH-8500 Frauenfeld (see also: contact information).

Founder and executive: Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta

Company ID: CHE-141.173.265

RP Photonics Consulting GmbH (Germany)

Originally (in 2004), RP Photonics was founded in Zürich, Switzerland. In 2010, RP Photonics moved to Bad Dürrheim, Germany (Waldstr. 17, 78073 Bad Dürrheim), and kept the original name. Since February 2022, RP Photonics is back in Switzerland. It is now an AG (stock corporation), and “consulting” has been removed from the company name, since it is no longer the central business area.