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Beam Shapers

Author: the photonics expert (RP)

Definition: optical devices for modifying the shapes of laser beams

Alternative term: beam converters

Category: article belongs to category photonic devices photonic devices

DOI: 10.61835/877   Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML   Link to this page   LinkedIn

In general, a beam shaper (or beam converter) is an optical device which somehow reshapes a light beam, i.e., it modifies its spatial profile. For example, there are refractive and micro-optic beam shapers which create a flat-top (top-hat) beam from a Gaussian input beam.

Another kind of beam shaper is often used in conjunction with a high-power laser diode, for example with a diode bar, to make both its beam radius and beam quality more symmetric with respect to two orthogonal directions. This facilitates e.g. launching the beam into an optical fiber with a circular cross-section, or pumping a solid-state gain medium. A popular type of device, which is based on two highly reflective mirrors and largely preserves the brightness, is described in Ref. [2]. Other devices are based on micro-optical structures, for example containing arrays of small prisms, to perform a similar function with a smaller device. Originally, such brightness-preserving beam shapers were applied to diode bars, but they can equally well be used with diode stacks.

beam shaper for symmetrizing diode laser beam quality
Figure 1: Setup of a two-mirror beam shaper [2]. The lower part shows how an array of beamlets from the emitters of a diode bar is rearranged so as to obtain a roughly equal beam quality in both directions.

Note that it would not be sufficient simply to use a combination of cylindrical lenses so as to achieve equal spot sizes in both directions; the beam qualities and thus the beam divergence angles in both directions would then remain very different. If a circular focus is formed in that way, the beam divergence at least in one direction is much larger than achievable with a beam shaper.

There are other devices performing essentially the same function with other means, e.g. with diffractive micro-optics or with fiber bundles. In the latter case, the outputs of individual emitters of a diode bar are coupled into separate fibers of a bundle, which are arranged in a linear array on the side of the diode bar, but as a circular array on the output end.

Other beam shapers perform different functions. For example, there are devices for correcting the “smile” of diode bars [4].

Finally, there are beam homogenizers for making its intensity distribution more uniform.

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[1]J. R. Leger and W. C. Goltsos, “Geometrical transformation of linear diode-laser arrays for longitudinal pumping of solid-state lasers”, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 28 (4), 1088 (1992); https://doi.org/10.1109/3.135232
[2]W. A. Clarkson and D. C. Hanna, “Two-mirror beam-shaping technique for high-power diode bars” (reflective beam shaper for symmetrizing the beam quality and preserving the brightness), Opt. Lett. 21 (6), 375 (1996); https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.21.000375
[3]A. von Pfeil, “Beam shaping of broad area diode lasers: principles and benefits”, Proc. SPIE 4648, 82 (2002); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.462645
[4]J. F. Monjardin et al., “Correction of beam errors in high-power laser diode bars and stacks”, Opt. Express 14 (18), 8178 (2006); https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.14.008178
[5]X. Gu et al., “All-fiber laser beam shaping using a long-period grating”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 20 (13), 1130 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1109/LPT.2008.924640

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The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 38 suppliers for beam shapers. Among them:


beam shapers

Single-piece top hat beam shapers convert a circular Gaussian laser beam profile to a uniform flat-top beam spot. We offer beam shaping lenses that generate uniform profiles of round, rectangular or line shapes in the focal plane of the focusing optics.


beam shapers

Cailabs offers a wide range of beam shapers for various applications and laser types. Top-hat beam shapers with passive beam stabilization feature are available for single-mode lasers, especially ultra-short pulse lasers. We also offer beam shaping modules and laser heads with low focus shift and high depth of field for high-power multi-kW lasers. Reflective axicons are also available for high-quality Bessel beam generation.

Our beam shaping modules and laser heads for welding applications shape high-power CW lasers in symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. Their reflective design supports very high power (up to 20 kW) and minimizes focus shifts, therefore offering improved quality and efficiency in laser beam welding.

There are also the beam shaping modules for ultrashort pulse lasers, providing high-quality top-hat shapes with exceptional depth of field and sharpness at the diffraction limit. The modules include a mode-cleaning feature that passively stabilize the beam, ensuring a stable and high-quality process.


beam shapers

PowerPhotonic offers a wide range of high-quality, high-power handling beam shapers for both single and multimode lasers. These beam shapers can be customised to suit any need. From circles, square and lines for ultrashort laser material processing to square flat tops for laser projection, PowerPhotonic is the number one provider for optical beam shapers.

Focuslight Technologies

beam shapers

Focuslight Technologies produces compact beam shapers (CBS) based on high-grade micro-optics, generating line-shaped or square laser beams. Each of these two beam geometries is available in various sizes.

The latest LIMO beam shaping module provides a budget-friendly way to complement any basic equipment for laser application development, in both scientific and industrial fields.

The features of the CBS:

  • slim-design aluminum housing (diameter of 30.5 mm; 80 mm long)
  • inhomogeneity across entire area < 7.5%
  • line-shaped and square beam geometry
  • SMA905 connection

Edmund Optics

beam shapers

Edmund Optics offers laser beam shaping solutions to collimate laser beams, transform beam profiles, convert beam shapes, and much more. Flat top beam shapers, used to convert Gaussian beams into flat top beams with a uniform intensity distribution, are available optimized for laser wavelengths associated with Nd:YAG, fiber, and CO2 lasers. Cylinder Lenses, offered in broadband and laser line versions, are ideal for laser machining or medical applications, which require laser light shaping in only one axis. Slow axis collimators and fast axis collimators are also available, which are ideal for collimated laser bars and laser diodes, respectively.

Workshop of Photonics

beam shapers

WOP offers beam shapers for various applications. Our circular grating / flat axicon is a space-variant retarder that transforms a Gaussian beam into a Bessel-Gauss beam.

Main features:

  • converts Gaussian beam to a flat-top beam
  • high damage threshold: 63.4 J/cm2 at 1064 nm, 10 ns and 2.2 J/cm2 at 1030 nm, 212 fs
  • wavelength range from 300 nm to 2 μm
  • conversion efficiency up to 70% (wavelength-dependent)
  • large aperture (up to 15 mm; standard is 6 mm)

This device is made 100% suitable for your application – designed according to your laser beam specifications.

Frankfurt Laser Company

beam shapers

Frankfurt Laser Company offers beam shapers based on diffractive optical elements. These have a high diffraction efficiency of e.g. 70% at 633 nm.

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