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Buying Autocorrelators

Top-level product category: detectors and measurements

More general product categories: pulse duration measurement devices

Optical autocorrelators are devices used to measure and characterize ultrashort laser pulses, providing information on pulse duration and shape. Different types, including intensity and interferometric autocorrelators, are employed in laser physics and photonics research to analyze and optimize laser performance.

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Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying autocorrelators: measurement precision, delay range, interferometric or intensity autocorrelation, range of allowed pulse energies, compatibility with lasers, durability, response time, single or multiple pulse operation, ease of alignment and calibration, data analysis tools, computer interface, operational stability, ease of integration.

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Find Suppliers for Autocorrelators

21 suppliers for autocorrelators are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 5 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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presenting their product descriptions

YOUR KEY to innovation and success

UltraFast Innovations GmbH
Dieselstr. 5
85748 Garching (München)
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TUNDRA®, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a third-order autocorrelator, which serves as a highly sensitive diagnostic tool for laser pulse contrast measurements. Using third-harmonic generation, TUNDRA can distinguish between pre- and post-pulses. Its dynamic range reaches up to 14 orders of magnitude, sufficient for detecting even the tiniest parasitic pre- and post-pulses. The scan range is up to 3.8 ns, and pulse durations from <20 fs to 3 ps can be measured. It is available for 800 nm and 1030 nm but other wavelengths can be provided upon request.

TUNDRA is a fully automated device, serving as an invaluable tool for state-of-the-art characterization of ultrashort laser pulses. Its designed ensures that ghost pre/post pulses are avoided.

The Future Depends on Optics

Edmund Optics
101 East Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007
United States
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Our compact ultrafast autocorrelator is used to characterize ultrafast laser pulses originating from Ti:sapphire and Yb:doped lasers. Featuring a built-in two-photon absorption (TPA) detector, this autocorrelator is ideal for measuring ultrafast femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses at wavelengths from 700 to 1100 nm. The highly sensitive TPA detector allows for measurements of ultrafast laser pulses with high sensitivity by eliminating the need for angle tuning of the SHG nonlinear crystal.

APE Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH
Plauener Straße 163–165 / Haus N
13053 Berlin
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APE autocorrelators are used to measure the pulse duration of femtosecond and picosecond laser systems. The technology is based on either second harmonic generation (SHG) detection or two-photon absorption (TPA) detection principle.

APE autocorrelator models:

  • pulseCheck: multitalent for any task
  • Mini TPA: compact and tuning-free
  • Mini PD: routine tasks with a fixed wavelength range
  • Carpe: first choice for multiphoton microscopy
43 Sparta Avenue
Newton, NJ 07860
United States
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The FSAC benchtop interferometric autocorrelator manufactured by Thorlabs is designed to characterize ultrafast pulse durations from 15 – 1,000 fs in the 650 – 1100 nm range. This autocorrelator for use with femtosecond lasers compliments our ultrafast family of lasers, amplifiers, and specialized optics, including nonlinear crystals, chirped mirrors, low GDD mirrors/beamsplitters, and dispersion compensating fiber.

Femto Easy
Batiment Gienah, Cite de la Photonique
11 avenue de Canteranne
33600 Pessac
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Femto Easy offers two different types of very compact and handy autocorrelators for ultrashort pulse characterization:

  • The ROC autocorrelator is a single-shot autocorrelator, thus it needs only a single pulse to measure its duration. It is very compact and extremely easy to use. It covers a wide range of pulse energies from a few hundred picojoules to a few millijoules, and durations from 5 fs to 10 ps. Also based on a single-shot architecture, the µ-ROC is the most compact autocorrelator ever built.
  • The MS-ROC autocorrelator is a multi-shot autocorrelator. It uses a particularly fast optical delay line to scan the delay, minimizing the measurement time. It can measure pulses with energies as low as 50 pJ, and with its fine-scan mode for durations even below 50 fs.
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Other Suppliers
Avesta Ltd.
Russian Federation
Axiom Optics
United States
Coherent Corp.
United States
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Crisel Instruments s.r.l.
Del Mar Photonics, Inc.
United States
Dyneos AG
Femtochrome Research
United States
GMP SA, Büro Zürich
Mesa Photonics
United States
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Minioptic Technologies, Inc
United States
Mountain Photonics GmbH
New Technologies and Consulting
Newport Corporation
United States
Photon Lines Ltd.
United Kingdom
Polytec GmbH
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
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