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Buying Brewster Windows

Top-level product category: optical components and devices

Related product categories: Brewster plates, optical windows

Brewster windows are optical windows used at Brewster's angle, eliminating the need for anti-reflection coatings. They are used in gas lasers and other laser systems to minimize reflective losses and maintain polarization.

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Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying Brewster windows: optical quality, surface finish, wavelength range, thermal stability, dimensions, mounting options, compatibility with laser systems, ease of integration, environmental resistance.

For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.

Find Suppliers for Brewster Windows

22 suppliers for Brewster windows are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 2 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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Dvarcioniu St. 2B
LT-10233 Vilnius
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Brewster windows

EKSMA Optics offers uncoated Brewster windows made from N-BK7 or UV fused silica.

Precision Optics & Coatings for High Energy Laser Applications

Perkins Precision Developments
4110 North Valley Drive
Longmont, CO 80504
United States
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Brewster windows

Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures Brewster windows in a variety of shapes and sizes from 2 mm to > 8” in diameter and with parallelism errors as low as 1 arcsecond. PPD manufactures precision plano substrates in a wide range of materials including fused silica, fused quartz, infrasil, N-BK7, YAG, silicon, SF11 and other high index glasses.

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Other Suppliers
1T Optics Ltd
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Altechna UAB
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BMV Optical Technologies Inc.
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Chang Chun Jiu Tian Optoelectronics Co. Ltd.
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Crysmit Photonics Co., Ltd.
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Crystran Limited
United Kingdom
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Hind High Vacuum Company Pvt Ltd.
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ios Optics
United States
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Litech Optics Co., Ltd.
Manx Precision Optics
Isle of Man, IM9 2AP
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Mountain Photonics GmbH
Newlight Photonics Inc.
Newport Corporation
United States
Optico AG
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PreciSe Hyper-iMage Optics Ltd.
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Sinoceramics (USA), LLC
United States
Solaris Optics S.A.
Sunday Optics
ULO Optics Ltd.
United Kingdom

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