Buying Chromium-doped Laser Gain Media
There are various solid-state laser gain media doped with chromium ions of different charge states: Cr2+, Cr3+, or Cr4+. For example, alexandrite, Cr3+:LiSAF, and Cr3+:LiCAF are suitable for tunable lasers emitting in the 800-nm spectral region, while Cr4+:YAG lasers can emit around 1.4-1.5 μm.
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Find Suppliers for Chromium-doped Laser Gain Media
18 suppliers for chromium-doped laser gain media are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.
Suppliers with Advertising Package presenting their product descriptions | |
![]() P.O. Box 24190 Hilton Head Island, SC 29925–4190 United States | ![]() MegaWatt Lasers Inc. has a large inventory of Nd:YAG, Er:YAG and CTH:YAG laser rods. We also can assist in the design and modeling for various applications. |
Other Suppliers | |
3photon Lithuania | |
3W Photonics United States | |
Beijing JIEPU TREND Technology China | |
CASIX Inc. China | |
Crylink China | |
Crystal GmbH Germany | |
HAM Präzision - Hartmetallwerkzeugfabrik Andreas Maier GmbH Germany | |
HG Optronics China | |
JG International China | |
Metalaser China | |
Mountain Photonics GmbH Germany | |
New Age Instruments & Materials India | |
New Source Technology LLC United States | |
Northrop Grumman - Cutting Edge Optronics United States | |
Princeton Scientific Corp. United States | |
Roditi International Corporation Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Scientific Materials Corp. United States |