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Buying Dielectric Mirrors

dielectric mirrors

Top-level product category: optical components and devices

More general product categories: mirrors

More specific product categories: dichroic mirrors

Related product categories: dielectric coatings, laser mirrors, crystalline mirrors

Dielectric mirrors are based on multiple thin layers of different transparent optical materials. They can achieve very high reflectivities, low absorption losses, high damage thresholds, and dichroic properties, making them essential for various optical applications.

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1. Learn about the technology

It is important to sufficiently understand the technology before buying.

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With its comprehensive resources, RP Photonics helps you to well prepare purchase decisions:

2. Define your requirements

It is important to fully understand and define your requirements before you buy.

We recommend that for your preparation and for inquiries to suppliers, you draw up a list of clear specifications according to your specific needs:

To help you, we have already listed some aspects we recommend you consider when buying dielectric mirrors. Of course, there may be other aspects that are relevant to your specific case.

Otherwise, you will need to talk to your technical colleagues.

If you check this, the criteria will be inserted into the inquiry mail if below you use a button titled "Get quotation".

If you cannot sufficiently clarify your requirements, you may want to get technical consultancy from RP Photonics.

3. Find suppliers

We suggest three steps:

  • Below, you can find our list of suppliers for dielectric mirrors. Use the checkboxes to mark possibly suitable suppliers.
  • The selected suppliers will appear below this list, along with your list of specifications. You can then indicate which specifications they meet according to your research.
  • Based on the results, you can finally choose a supplier that is hopefully a good enough fit.

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Find Suppliers for Dielectric Mirrors

119 suppliers for dielectric mirrors are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 11 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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presenting their product descriptions

Your problem is our challenge – flexibility is our standard!

Artifex Engineering GmbH & Co KG
Dortmunder Str. 16–18
26723 Emden
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dielectric mirrors

Artifex Engineering offers custom dielectric mirrors tailored to your requirements. Dielectric coatings are particularly developed for the respective application and enable precise wavelength ranges, so that individual wavelengths or selected ranges can be specified. Our mirrors can be manufactured in almost any shape: round, rectangular, elliptical, or any other shape including cut-outs and drill holes. Holes may also be drilled at an angle to the surface normal. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

Precision Optics & Coatings for High Energy Laser Applications

Perkins Precision Developments
4110 North Valley Drive
Longmont, CO 80504
United States
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dielectric mirrors

Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures high energy laser mirrors and precision optics for both prototype and volume OEM requirements. We also offer custom Ion Beam Sputtered (IBS) thin film coatings for visible to near-infrared wavelengths on customer supplied substrates. PPD utilizes IBS coating technology because it is ideal for complex spectral designs, high power lasers and applications where it is critical to minimize losses from absorption and scatter.

Typical mirror coatings include dielectric low-loss high reflectors (HR), multi-wavelength high reflectors, dichroic mirrors, trichroic mirrors, beam splitter mirrors and dispersion controlled mirrors.

1100 US-22
North Plainfield, NJ 07060
United States
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dielectric mirrors

Our dielectric mirrors have the same exceptional specifications as our laser mirrors, except that they use special multi-layer coatings to achieve a very high degree of reflectance for both s- and p-polarizations over a broad wavelength range.

Hangzhou Shalom Electro-optics Technology Co., Ltd.
A635, Boke Mansion
No. 9 Xiyuan Road
Xihu District, Hangzhou 310030
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dielectric mirrors

Shalom EO offers a wide selection of off-the-shelf and custom dielectric mirrors, inclduing broadband dieletric mirrors, laser line dielectric mirrors. Shalom EO’s meticulously engineered dielectric mirror coatings ensure high reflectance across extensive broadband spectra or various laser line wavelengths over different AOIs. The mirror substrates are made of Corning UV-grade fused silica or other custom material, delivering durable mechanical and thermal properties. High precision is achieved with high surface flatness of λ/10 and high surface quality of 10/5 S/D. Our dielectric mirrors are ideal for miscellaneous kinds of lasers including YAG laser, LD laser, HeNe laser, Yb:KGW/KYW 1H laser, Ar+ laser, Ti:sapphire laser, etc.

Besides the conventional dielectric mirrors, Shalom EO also specializes in offering other special dielectric mirrors for more demanding applications, including femtoline low GDD mirrors and chirped mirrors for ultrafast and femtosecond lasers, and high power laser mirrors with a damage threshold >20 J/cm2 @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz pulses at design wavelengths of 1064 nm, 1030 nm, and 1050 nm.

Your sidekick for laser optics development

Ukmerges g. 427
14185 Vilnius
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dielectric mirrors

OPTOMAN concentrates on a single manufacturing technology – ion beam sputtering (IBS). We are ready to develop cost effective yet advanced, high accuracy and repeatability dielectric mirror coatings optimized for your application. Our dielectric mirrors are available in multiwavelength or broadband configuration in spectral range from 193 nm up to 5000 nm.

Standard in-stock mirrors designed for ultrafast applications can be found in OPTOSHOP.

The Future Depends on Optics

Edmund Optics
101 East Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007
United States
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dielectric mirrors

Edmund Optics offers a range of laser mirrors for use from the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to the far IR. Laser mirrors designed for dye, diode, Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Yb:YAG, Ti:sapphire, fiber, and many more laser sources are available as flat mirrors, right angle mirrors, concave mirrors, and other specialty shapes. Ultrafast laser line mirrors designed to provide high reflection with minimal group delay dispersion (GDD) for femtosecond pulsed lasers including Er:glass, Ti:sapphire, and Yb:doped laser sources are also available.

YOUR KEY to innovation and success

UltraFast Innovations GmbH
Dieselstr. 5
85748 Garching (München)
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dielectric mirrors

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) specializes in producing ultrahigh reflectivity (>99.99%) dielectric mirrors, made at our magnetron sputtering facility. More than 99.997% reflectivity over a bandwidth of more than 200 nm is achievable.

Home of high power optics and coatings

Horster Str. 20
30826 Garbsen
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dielectric mirrors

LASEROPTIK can produce a wide range of laser mirrors with high reflectivity (HR) or partial reflectivity at given wavelength. We can also make specialty mirrors, e.g. with extremely broad reflection bands.

We use different coating technologies depending on your detailed requirements.

Your reliable partner for photonics innovations!

Dvarcioniu St. 2B
LT-10233 Vilnius
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dielectric mirrors

We offer dielectric laser mirrors for fixed, narrowband or broadband applications covering the UV, VIS and IR spectral regions. Wide selection of round, elliptical or custom shapes as well as plano, spherical, cylindrical surface mirrors and substrates are available.

Bringing quality into focus

Knight Optical (USA) LLC
1130 Ten Rod Road
Suite D102
North Kingstown
Rhode Island 02852
United States
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See the company profile page for additional contact information.

dielectric mirrors

Knight Optical can provide catalogue dielectric front surface mirrors with coatings optimised for the visible or NIR regions, offering over 98% reflection in these wavelengths. Also available are laser mirrors with a dielectric coating applied using ion beam sputtering (IBS) technology, with above 99.9% reflection at their dedicated wavelength. Custom dielectric mirrors are available upon enquiry.

Your Custom Optics Expert

Shanghai Optics Inc.
425 Main St Suite 2E
Metuchen, NJ 08840
United States
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dielectric mirrors

Shanghai Optics is a custom optics manufacturer with over 55 years of optics manufacturing experience. We produce high precision broadband dielectric mirrors according to customer’s specifications. These mirrors have the same exceptional specifications as our laser mirrors except that they use special multi layer coatings to achieve a very high degree of reflectance for both s- and p-polarizations over a broad wavelength range. For white light or tunable laser use these mirrors provide the ultimate in high reflectance and insignificant polarization effect. The reflectance of these coatings is consistently greater than 99.5% average. However, this figure includes very small dips in the p-reflectance which can never be completely eliminated. The s-polarization component has a reflectance greater than 99.9% over the entire range.

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Other Suppliers
1T Optics Ltd
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Abrisa Technologies
United States
Advanced Thin Films
United States
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Alien Photonics
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Align Optics
United States
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Alkor Technologies
Russian Federation
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United States
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Alpine Research Optics
United States
Applied Optics Center (AOC)
United States
Argyle International
United States
Artemis Optical
United Kingdom
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B&M Optik GmbH
Befort Wetzlar
Beijing JIEPU TREND Technology
BMV Optical Technologies Inc.
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Bond Optics
United States
Changchun Boxin Photoelectric Co., Ltd.
Brewer Science Inc.
United States
Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH
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Cascade Optical Corporation
United States
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Chang Chun Jiu Tian Optoelectronics Co. Ltd.
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Changchun Realpoo Photoelectric Co., Ltd.
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Coastline Optics, Inc.
United States
CPG Optics
Creator Optics, Inc.
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Crylight Photonics, Inc.
Cryslaser Inc.
P.R. China
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Crysmit Photonics Co., Ltd.
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CVI Laser Optics
United States
Diverse Optics
United States
Doric Lenses Inc.
Evaporated Coatings, Inc.
United States
Fleige Optik GmbH & Co. KG
Focus Technology Co., Ltd.
Fuzhou Hundreds Optics Inc.
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G&H Artemis
United Kingdom
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GreenOptics Inc.
South Korea
Gurley Precision Instruments
United States
Hardin Optical
United States
He Rui Optics Co., Ltd.
Profile page  Website  
Hellma GmbH
Hind High Vacuum Company Pvt Ltd.
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IL Photonics
Profile page  Website  
Industrial Optics Unlimited
United States
ios Optics
United States
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Jilin Tianhua Opto-electrical Technology Development Co, Ltd.
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Lahat Technologies Ltd
Profile page  Website  
Layertec GmbH
Profile page  Website  
Lensel Optics Pvt Ltd
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Litech Optics Co., Ltd.
Materion Corporate Headquarters
United States
MICROS Optics GmbH & Co. KG
MLD Technologies, L.L.C.
United States
North American Coating Laboratories
United States
NANEO Precision IBS Coatings GmbH
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Newlight Photonics Inc.
Newport Thin Film Laboratory
United States
Ocean Opto Co., Ltd
Omega Optical, Inc.
United States
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OPCO Laboratory
United States
Oplatek Group Oy
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Optics and Allied Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
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Optics Balzers AG
United States
Optikron GmbH
Optimax Systems, Inc
United States
Optonas UAB
United States
OZ Optics
Pacific Coast Optics, LLC
United States
Penn Optical Coatings
United States
Pleiger Laseroptik
Changchun Positive Optics Co., Ltd.
Präzisions Glas & Optik GmbH
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PreciSe Hyper-iMage Optics Ltd.
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Precision Glass & Optics PG&O
United States
Qingdao NovelBeam Technology Co. Ltd.
R&D Ultrafast Lasers Kft.
Reynard Corporation
United States
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Rochester Precision Optics
United States
Ross Optical
United States
RZ Optics
S1 Optics GmbH
SLS Optics Ltd.
United Kingdom
Solaris Optics S.A.
Fuzhou Solid Photon Inc
Spectral Products
United States
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Sunday Optics
United States
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
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ULO Optics Ltd.
United Kingdom
United Lens Company, Inc.
United States
Universal Thin Film Lab Corp., 232 North Plank Road, Newburgh
United States
VisiMax Technologies, Inc.
United States
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Vision Lasertechnik für Forschung und Industrie GmbH
Vision Optics
United Kingdom
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Hangzhou Yong Hee Photonics Co., Ltd.
Yutai Optics

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