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Buying Fiber Amplifiers

fiber amplifiers

Top-level product categories: fiber optics, lasers and laser amplifiers

More general product categories: optical amplifiers

More specific product categories: erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers

Related product categories: fiber optics, gain equalization filters

Fiber amplifiers are optical amplifiers that use optical fibers as laser gain media. They play a crucial role in optical communication by amplifying signal light without needing conversion to electrical signals. High-power amplifiers are employed in laser material processing and medical applications, while lower-power amplifiers are essential in optical fiber communications. Different types of fiber amplifiers, such as EDFAs and YDFAs, operate in different wavelength regions.

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Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying fiber amplifiers: output power, gain vs. wavelength, noise figure, saturation power, electrical power requirements, thermal management, compatibility with telecom standards, ease of integration, reliability, environmental robustness.

For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.

Find Suppliers for Fiber Amplifiers

64 suppliers for fiber amplifiers are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 12 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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presenting their product descriptions

Lasers for the Molecular Age

Cycle GmbH
Luruper Hauptstr. 1
22547 Hamburg
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Based on Cycle's own femtosecond fiber lasers, the company also offers fiber-based amplifiers (EDFA) with a center wavelength of 1550 nm to 1700 nm. This variant of the SOPRANO-15 is a very attractive solution to amplify the output of beam arrival monitors in synchrotron or FEL facilities, for example. Other custom-made fiber amplifiers are available upon request.

all wavelengths.

TOPTICA Photonics AG
Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing
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See the company profile page for additional contact information.

fiber amplifiers

Our new highly reliable Raman fiber amplifiers (RFA) are based on patented technology. With their high power of up to 30 W, the amplifiers cover the wavelength range from 1120 to 1370 nm that is not accessible by Yb or Er fiber amplifiers. For wavelengths outside this range, please enquire for a custom system.

The RFA is designed using TOPTICA’s high quality engineering excellence and utilizing a stable European & North American supply chain. The all fiber design requires no re-alignment and provides a high degree of stability. The RFA offers a wide tuning range of up to 10 nm, a relative intensity noise <1% r.m.s. (10 Hz – 10 MHz) and excellent long term RMS power stability of less than 0.5% over 100 hours (with a TA pro seed laser).

DK Photonics Technology Co., Ltd.
4F, Building 18, Qinghu Industrial Park
Dahe Road, Longhua District
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518109
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fiber amplifiers

DK Photonics offers various erbium-doped fiber amplifiers for telecom applications, including compact amplifier modules as well as bench-top instruments with controls and displays.

Ytterbium-doped amplifiers for the 1-μm wavelength region are also available.

Lasers beyond the state of the art

Active Fiber Systems GmbH
Ernst-Ruska-Ring 17
07745 Jena
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fiber amplifiers

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

AMS Technologies AG
Fraunhoferstr. 22
82152 Martinsried
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fiber amplifiers

For both C- and L-band operation, AMS Techno­logies provides a selection of CW and pulsed erbium-(Er-)doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) as well as Yb/Er co-doped fiber amplifiers (YEDFAs) in a wide range of configurations and gains:

Helping our customers reach their research @ commercial goals for over 45 years

MPB Communications
Head Office
147 Hymus Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec H9R 1E9
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fiber amplifiers

Drawing from a rich heritage in fiber optic technologies, MPBC has established itself as a leading provider of optical amplification solutions including:

The lasers you need. From the people you trust. Our experience, your advantage.

RPMC Lasers, Inc.
8495 Veterans Memorial Pkwy
O’Fallon MO 63366
United States
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fiber amplifiers

Serving North America, RPMC offers a wide range of Telcordia grade erbium and ytterbium fiber lasers and amplifiers that are deployed in a wide range of applications, including LIDAR, mapping, 3D scanning and telecommunications. The BKtel suite of lasers and amplifiers are available in a range of wavelengths from 1030 nm to 2054 nm, with average powers up to 40 W, pulsed and CW capabilities, and numerous features, including low noise, compact package size, and a digital control system. Standard and custom solutions available. Let RPMC help you find the right laser today!

Leader in fluoride glass and optical fiber technology

Le Verre Fluoré
Rue Gabriel Voisin
Campus de Ker Lann
35170 Bruz, Brittany
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fiber amplifiers

Thanks to their high rare-earth solubility (up to 100,000 ppm) and low phonon energy, LVF fluoride fibers offer dozens of active transitions, enabling a broad range of applications from visible to the mid-infrared, one of which is amplification. For example, LVF praseodymium and thulium doped fibers are used for amplification at 1.3 µm and 1.47 µm respectively. LVF doped fibers for amplification are available as single-mode fiber or double cladding fiber.

Le Verre Fluoré will soon offer laser and amplifier fiber modules. The required fiber will be integrated in a robust housing and connectorized with FC/PC, FC/APC, SMA or custom connectors depending on customer need: this is a plug-and-play module.

Depending on specific needs, modules might include single-mode or multimode splices between fluoride fibers or between silica and fluoride fibers.

The specialist in laser technologies

Lumibird – Quantel, Keopsys, Convergent, Continuum brands
2 rue Paul Sabatier
22300 Lannion
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fiber amplifiers

Lumibird manufactures an extensive range of mature and custom-designed optical fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers. High output powers are achieved through the use of double cladding fibers pumped by broad stripe diodes. Several varieties of pumping techniques are used each optimized for specific applications. Lumibird also develops key components for producing unique and innovative light sources.

Advanced Tunable Lasers Open the Future of Measurement Technology

Spectra Quest Lab, Inc.
408 Chiba-Univ. Inohana Inovation Plaza
1–8–15 Inohana Chuou-ku Chiba-shi
Chiba, 260–0856
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fiber amplifiers

Spectra Quest Lab offers fiber amplifiers in the 900-nm band (890–930 nm) with an average power of 20 dBm and peak power of over 100 W. In addition, in the 1-μm band, we also offer broadband fiber amplifiers for 975 nm – 1090 nm.

By combining a fiber amplifier section and a highly efficient, broadband tunable filter in multiple stages, transmission of ASE light other than the set wavelength to the next stage is suppressed, realizing a fiber amplifier with an unprecedentedly broad amplification bandwidth.

43 Sparta Avenue
Newton, NJ 07860
United States
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fiber amplifiers

Thorlabs manufactures erbium (Er)-, ytterbium (Yb)-, and praseodymium (Pr)-doped fiber amplifiers for applications from ultrafast pulse amplification to datacom. Along with these stand-alone benchtop amplifiers, Thorlabs has developed a family of femtosecond lasers utilizing oscillator-amplifier architectures.

Innovative and Reliable

AdValue Photonics
2700 E. Bilby Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85706
United States
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fiber amplifiers

AdValue Photonics offers fiber amplifiers for wavelength around 1 μm, 1.5 μm or 2 μm. They are suitable for pulsed or continuous-operation, narrow linewidth or broadband light.

For the 1-μm region, we have compact and yet powerful large mode area fiber amplifier modules, which can deliver more than 120 W average output power.

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Other Suppliers
Agiltron Inc.
United States
Alnair Labs
Amonics Ltd.
Hong Kong
Appletec Ltd.
44862 Israel
Azurlight Systems
Profile page  Website  
BaySpec Inc.
United States
Beijing Rofea Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
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BKtel photonics
Calmar Laser
United States
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United States
Crisel Instruments s.r.l.
Crystech Inc.
United States
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United Kingdom
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EMCORE Corporation
United States
Evolase Oy
FiberBridge Photonics GmbH
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Hong Kong
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FiberLabs Inc.
Russian Federation
United States
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Furukawa Electric
GLsun Science And Tech Co., Ltd
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GMP SA, Büro Zürich
HAM Präzision - Hartmetallwerkzeugfabrik Andreas Maier GmbH
HC Optical Science and Tech
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Heyoptics, Co. Ltd.
Hong Kong
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Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
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Lightcomm Technology Co., Ltd.
LightOptics, Co. Ltd.
United Kingdom
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Mitsubishi Cable Industries
molex LLC
United States
MWTechnologies, Lda.
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Neptec Optical Solutions
United States
New Age Instruments & Materials
Nuphoton Technologies
United States
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OFS Global Headquarters
United States
Optical Engines Inc.
United States
Optiwave Photonics Limited
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Hong Kong
Photonwares Co.
United States
Polytec GmbH
PreciLasers Co. Ltd.
United States
RAM Photonics LLC
United States
Soliton Laser- und Messtechnik GmbH
Techwin (China) Industr Co., Ltd.
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VOSCOM Technologies Co. Ltd.
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