Buying High-power Lasers
Various types of lasers can produce very high output powers, including solid-state bulk lasers, diode lasers, and gas lasers. These high-power lasers are essential in industrial applications for materials processing, as well as in scientific research requiring high-intensity light sources.
Making Good Purchase Decisions
RP Photonics helps to not only to find all relevant suppliers, but also to make good purchase decisions:
Learning Resources

With its comprehensive resources, RP Photonics helps you to well prepare purchase decisions:
- Encyclopedia article: high-power lasers
- Related articles: power scaling of lasers, thin-disk lasers, slab lasers, rod lasers, lamp-pumped lasers, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, direct diode lasers, laser safety
- Tutorial: "Modeling of Fiber Amplifiers and Lasers"
- Spotlight article: "Are Laser Resonators Power Scalable?"
- Spotlight article: "New Paper on Power Scaling of Lasers"
Aspects to Consider Before Buying
Some aspects to consider before buying high-power lasers: output beam parameters, pulse format, polarization, stability, thermal management, efficiency, dimensions, single box or separate laser head, beam delivery options, safety features, reliability, operational lifetime, maintenance, quality of service.
For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.
Find Suppliers for High-power Lasers
102 suppliers for high-power lasers are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 11 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.
Suppliers with Advertising Package presenting their product descriptions | |
![]() 30 Years of Laser Excellence MonocromC/ Vilanoveta 6 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) Spain | ![]() Our high-power solid state lasers push the word “high” a bit further. High energy per pulse (1 J), high repetition rate (300 Hz), high average power (300 W) and high peak power (30 kW) together in the big brother of the family. We can manufacture our high energy solid state laser solutions with Nd:YAG or Nd:YLF as active media and use frequency conversion to deliver unprecedented laser properties in IR, green and UV while increasing the most demanding applications’ throughput. |
![]() Pioneering Photonics Alpes Lasers SAAvenue des Pâquiers 1 2072 St-Blaise Switzerland | ![]() At wavelengths between 3.9 and 9.7 μm, Alpes Lasers offers multiple high power Fabry-Pérot lasers up to 1.5 W. These Quantum Cascade Lasers have a minimum average power of 1 W and more than 9 W of peak power. Available in a collimated HHL package with a dedicated driver, these lasers can be used for free-space optical communications, energy deposition, illumination and IR countermeasures. |
![]() We manufacture diode lasers Lumics GmbHSchwarze-Pumpe-Weg 16 12681 Berlin Germany | ![]() The Lumics LuOcean diode lasers are ideal for OEM integrators aiming to develop state-of-the-art end-user laser systems, featuring single emitters with a very long service life and up to four different wavelengths. Users can choose from a wide range of wavelengths, including 670 nm, 760 nm, 785 nm, 808 nm, 890 nm, 915 nm, 940 nm, 975 nm, 1064 nm, 1470 nm, and 1940 nm with custom wavelengths and specifications available upon request. The modules can be configured to match the customers power requirements. Optional enhancements such as temperature, fiber and power monitor sensors and pilot beams further extend the module's capabilities. |
![]() We Speak Laser Diodes! Frankfurt Laser CompanyAn den 30 Morgen 13 61381 Friedrichsdorf Germany | ![]() Frankfurt Laser Company offers fiber-coupled high-power diode laser systems with up to 300 W output power. Separate diode bars are also available. |
![]() A Tradition of High Power Photonics Leadership QPC Lasers Inc.15632 Roxford Street Sylmar, CA 91342 United States | ![]() QPC Lasers manufactures diode lasers with the highest powers and brightness in the industry at wavelengths ranging from 780 to 2000 nm. Full vertical integration from epitaxy through packaging allows us to offer standard and custom diode solutions in packages ranging from C-mounts to complete OEM light engines that provide performance without compromise. Features include Brightlock monolithically spectrally stabilized diodes for unmatched linewidth and spectral control. |
![]() The specialist in laser technologies Lumibird – Quantel, Keopsys, Convergent, Continuum brands2 rue Paul Sabatier 22300 Lannion France | ![]() Lumibird manufactures a wide range of high power lasers thanks to its expertise in three key technologies: pulsed solid-state lasers (nanosecond range), CW and pulsed fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers, and laser diodes. Various application areas are addressed, in industry (manufacturing, lidar sensors), science (laboratories and universities), medical (ophthalmology) and defense. |
![]() No. 888 Jinhu Road High-tech Zone, Changchun 130103 China | ![]() CNI high power lasers include both DPSS lasers and diode lasers. They are widely used in medical, scientific research, material processing and industrial applications. Available wavelengths are include 532 nm, 556 nm, 589 nm, 660 nm, 808 nm, 880 nm, 980 nm, 1064 nm, 1319 nm and others. The average output power of 532-nm green lasers can be up to 200 W, and the 1064-nm infrared lasers deliver up to 500 W. |
![]() all wavelengths. TOPTICA Photonics AGLochhamer Schlag 19 82166 Gräfelfing Germany | ![]() The ALS-IR and ALS-VIS high-power fiber lasers now feature expanded standard wavelengths, offering greater flexibility for power-demanding applications. These turnkey systems ensure high beam quality, low noise, and robust industrial performance. Fiber technology is versatile, and a number of parameters can be adjusted to fit your need. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a discussion if you don’t find what you need in here. Examples are multiple outputs, parallel amplification, upcycling of non-converted IR, and more. |
![]() Via Artigiani 27 27010 Cura Carpignano (Pavia) Italy | ![]() Bright Solutions has different kinds of high-power lasers:
![]() Rue François Mitterrand Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine 33400 Talence France | ![]() SHIPS TODAY: AeroDIODE offers high-power laser diodes with up to 450 W output. Most models for 808 nm, 915 nm, 976 nm or 1064 nm are available as stock items or assembled with a turn-key high-power laser diode driver with air-cooled temperature regulation. Versions with a high-power optical fiber connector or with a 3-mm output collimator are available. See also our tutorial on fiber-coupled laser diodes. |
![]() Lasers beyond the state of the art Active Fiber Systems GmbHErnst-Ruska-Ring 17 07745 Jena Germany | ![]() AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application. |
Other Suppliers | |
Acal BFi Germany | |
Access Laser Company United States | |
Adsys Controls Inc. United States | |
Advanced Optowave Corporation United States | |
AKELA Laser Corporation United States | |
Allied Laser Solutions, LLC United States | |
Allied Scientific Pro Canada | |
AMPHOS GmbH Germany | |
Amplitude Laser Group France | |
Apollo Instruments, Inc. United States | |
Arktis Laser Inc. Canada | |
AUXXOS GmbH Germany | |
Azurlight Systems France | |
Beijing Reci Laser Technology Co., Ltd. China | |
Beijing Rofea Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. China | |
Bright Aerospace Italy | |
BWT Beijing Ltd. China | |
Bystronic Laser AG Switzerland | |
Calmar Laser United States | |
CASIX Inc. China | |
Civan Advanced Technologies Israel | |
CivilLaser Laser Source Technology Co., Ltd. China | |
Coherent Corp. United States | |
Dausinger & Giesen GmbH Germany | |
EdgeWave GmbH Germany | |
El.En. S.p.A. Italy | |
Elliot Scientific Ltd. United Kingdom | |
ELUXI Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Everbright Photonics China | |
Everfoton China | |
FiberLAST Inc. Turkey | |
GMP SA, Büro Zürich Switzerland | |
Shenzhen Gongda Laser Co., Ltd. China | |
HJ Optronics Inc. United States | |
IDIL Fibres Optiques France | |
IL Photonics Israel | |
Innotech Laser GmbH Germany | |
Intense United Kingdom | |
IPG Photonics Corporation United States | |
Iradion Laser, Inc. United States | |
Jilin Yongli Laser Technology Co., Ltd. China | |
Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories Inc. United States | |
Lahat Technologies Ltd Israel | |
Laser Photonics, Corp United States | |
Laserglow Technologies Canada M6C 1C | |
Laserline GmbH Germany | |
Lasertel North America United States | |
Leonardo Electronics US Inc. United States | |
LightOptics, Co. Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Lumentum Operations LLC United States | |
LumiMetric Co., Ltd. China | |
Market Tech, Inc. United States | |
Maxphotonics Co., Ltd. China | |
Modulight, Inc. Finland | |
Sichuan MetalMiracle Industry Corp. China | |
Nano-Giga France | |
New Age Instruments & Materials India | |
Nanguang Hi-Tech (Xiamen) Laser Co., Ltd China | |
Northrop Grumman - Cutting Edge Optronics United States | |
Optical Engines Inc. United States | |
OPTTON, Inc. United States | |
Oriental-Laser (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. China | |
PaR Systems (Pty) Ltd South Africa | |
Passat Ltd. Canada | |
Photonics Industries International, Inc. United States | |
Physical Sciences Inc. United States | |
PolarOnyx United States | |
Polytec GmbH Germany | |
Power Technology Inc. United States | |
Powerlase Limited United Kingdom | |
Prima Power Laserdyne United States | |
Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd. China | |
Sakar Technology United States | |
Sintec Optronics Pte Ltd (HQ) Singapore | |
SKYASTAR Technologies Corp. China | |
SOL Instruments Ltd. Belarus | |
Solar Laser Systems Belarus | |
Soliton Laser- und Messtechnik GmbH Germany | |
Sparkle Optics United States | |
Spectra-Physics Lasers United States | |
Spektrum Laser-Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs-GmbH Germany | |
SwiRoc Corp. Taiwan R.O.C. | |
Tecnosens S.p.a. Italy | |
The Optoelectronics Company Ltd United Kingdom | |
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH Germany | |
Tribal Existance Productions Worldwide United States | |
TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH Germany | |
TRUMPF Inc. United States | |
TRUMPF Scientific Lasers GmbH + Co. KG Germany | |
Universal Laser Systems, Inc. United States | |
Xi'an OE Photonics Co., Ltd. China |