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Buying Machine Vision Devices

Top-level product categories: detectors and measurements, manufacturing equipment, applications, various devices, vision, displays and imaging

More general product categories: imaging instruments, cameras

Machine vision devices are crucial for various applications in industrial fabrication and robotics, including quality control through automatic inspection. These systems involve diverse types of cameras and optical elements designed to capture, process, and analyze images for automated decision making and process control. Advances in image processing algorithms and hardware have significantly enhanced the capabilities and efficiency of machine vision systems.

Making Good Purchase Decisions

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Learning Resources

With its comprehensive resources, RP Photonics helps you to well prepare purchase decisions:

Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying machine vision devices: image resolution, color rendering, distance range, requirements on illumination, frame rate, software compatibility, recording and data processing options, mounting and alignment options, environmental resistance, maintenance requirements.

For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.

Find Suppliers for Machine Vision Devices

14 suppliers for machine vision devices are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 2 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

Suppliers with Advertising Package
presenting their product descriptions
Universe Kogaku (America), Inc.
116 Audrey Avenue
Oyster Bay, New York 11771
United States
Profile page  Website  
machine vision devices

Universe Kogaku offers standard and custom CCTV lens assemblies for image capture, barcode scanning, night vision systems, medical systems, high-speed imaging, machine vision and robotic vision.

A full line of C and CS style CCTV lenses is available from stock – all formats, including hard to find 1″ optics. These are premium all-glass lenses, many of our own design and manufacture. We carry many specialty lenses as well, including right angle, pinhole and motor or manual zoom.

We also provide filters, step rings, and many adapters to meet your C-mount imaging needs. As always, Universe is willing and able to perform any custom barrelling or aperture changes that you require.

Optics, Metrology, and Photonics

Schäfter + Kirchhoff
Kieler Str. 212
22525 Hamburg
Profile page  Website  
machine vision devices

We offer line scan cameras with USB 3.0, GiGE or GiGE Vision interface. We also offer complete scanner systems like the corrosion inspector (measurement and evaluation of corrosion phenomena on coated test plates).

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Other Suppliers
AKELA Laser Corporation
United States
Allied Vision Technologies GmbH
Egismos Technology Corporation
Profile page  Website  
United States
MORITEX Corporation
New Imaging Technologies (NIT)
Opto GmbH
Photon etc. Inc.
Profile page  Website  
Prima Power Laserdyne
United States
Profile page  Website  
Radiant Vision Systems Global HQ
United States
Profile page  Website  
Sill Optics GmbH & Co. KG
Vision Embesoft Solution
Profile page  Website  

If any displayed information is incorrect (e.g., a listed supplier does not offer such products) or legally problematic, please notify RP Photonics so that the problem can be solved.

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