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Buying Multimode Fibers

multimode fibers

Top-level product category: fiber optics

More general product categories: fibers

More specific product categories: graded-index fibers

Related product categories: single-mode fibers, large mode area fibers, large-core fibers, fiber optics

Multimode fibers are optical fibers that support multiple guided modes. They are used in applications such as high-power pump light transport from laser diodes to solid-state lasers and in optical fiber communications, offering higher data capacity over short distances.

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Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying multimode fibers: core diameter, numerical aperture, wavelength range, intermodal dispersion, bend sensitivity, coating properties, integration with systems.

For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.

Find Suppliers for Multimode Fibers

37 suppliers for multimode fibers (MMF) are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 5 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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presenting their product descriptions
Exail (formerly iXblue)
34, Rue de la Croix de Fer
78100 Saint Germain-en-Laye
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multimode fibers

Exail (formerly iXblue) offers a wide range of multimode specialty optical fibers, either for lasers and amplifiers or for sensing applications. Hundreds of fiber designs are available from stock on our dedicated e-store. Custom versions are also available. More specifically, multimode would consist of step index or graded index fibers with control of temporal dispersion. Most of the references are also available in radiation resistant versions, either for nuclear environment or for space missions.

Innovation in every fiber

Fibercore Limited
University Parkway
Chilworth Science Park
Southampton SO16 7QQ
United Kingdom
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multimode fibers

Fibercore's multimode (MM) fibers are available in graded index (GRIN) variants with 50 μm and 62.5 μm germanium doped cores, along with bend insensitive options. In addition to these germanium doped cores, Fibercore offers pure silica core GRIN fibers specifically designed for long term use in downhole hydrogen environments as experienced in the oil & gas industry, and applications where resistance to radiation effects is required.

The Future Depends on Optics

Edmund Optics
101 East Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007
United States
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multimode fibers

Edmund Optics offers a variety of fiber optics, including jacketed and unjacketed optical grade or communications grade optical fibers. Optical grade optical fiber is ideal for general industrial lighting or short distance data transmission. It is designed for optimal visible light transmission for digital or analog links. Jacketed fiber has increased durability while decreasing stray light. Edmund Optics also offers optical fiber components, including patchcords, collimators, faceplates and image conduits, fiber connectors, and the tools needed for cutting or stripping fibers.

Guiding Photonics LLC
(a spin-off from OptoKnowledge Systems, Inc.)
19805 Hamilton Ave.
Torrance CA 90502–1341
United States
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multimode fibers

Guiding Photonics produces low-loss multi-mode fibers with a range of internal diameters that are ideally suited for mid-IR and/or high-power laser beams. In addition to mid-IR, various option are available for UV through far-IR wavelengths.

Leader in fluoride glass and optical fiber technology

Le Verre Fluoré
Rue Gabriel Voisin
Campus de Ker Lann
35170 Bruz, Brittany
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multimode fibers

LVF offers a large range of fluoride multimode optical fibers, for mid infrared applications:

LVF fluoride multimode fibers are the most transparent fibers on the market in the mid-infrared 2–5 µm band.

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Other Suppliers
AC Photonics
United States
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Advanced Fiber Resources Ltd.
Berkshire Photonics
United States
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CeramOptec GmbH
CorActive High-Tech Inc.
Corning Inc.
United States
United States
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United Kingdom
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Furukawa Electric
GEHT International Ltd
Hong Kong
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IL Photonics
Profile page  Website  
IRflex Corporation
United States
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j-fiber GmbH
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Kingfisher International
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Laser Components GmbH
Profile page  Website  
Laserglow Technologies
Canada M6C 1C
Profile page  Website  
molex LLC
United States
Oelabs Inc.
Profile page  Website  
OFS Global Headquarters
United States
OptiConcepts Inc.
United States
Profile page  Website  
Opto-Knowledge Systems Inc.
United States
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PacketLight Networks, Ltd.
Profile page  Website  
Polymicro Technologies
United States
Profile page  Website  
Prysmian Group
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Shanghai Tarluz Telecom Tech. Co., Tld.
Profile page  Website  
Sintec Optronics Pte Ltd (HQ)
Yangtze Optical Electronics Co., Ltd

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