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Buying Nonlinear Crystal Materials

nonlinear crystal materials

Top-level product categories: materials, nonlinear optics

More general product categories: optical crystals, nonlinear frequency conversion equipment

More specific product categories: periodically poled nonlinear crystals

Related product category: laser crystals

Nonlinear crystal materials are used in various frequency conversion applications, such as second harmonic generation (SHG), sum and difference frequency generation (SFG and DFG), optical parametric generation and amplification (OPA and OPO). These materials also generate terahertz radiation pulses through optical rectification.

Making Good Purchase Decisions

RP Photonics helps you to not only to find all relevant suppliers, but also to make good purchasing decisions.

NEW: Structured Decision Process

Purchasing involves a lot of responsibility. We recommend that you apply best practice by using the following structured process: Go through the following expandable sections, complete the form and finally come to a purchase decision. You can then print that to a PDF for documenting the process.

Our article on best practices for purchasing gives you valuable insights.

1. Understand the technical background

It is important to sufficiently understand the technology before buying.

Use the comprehensive resources of RP Photonics:

If you need personal help, contact RP Photonics to get technical consultancy.

2. Define your requirements

It is essential to fully understand and clearly define your requirements before you buy.

We recommend that you develop a list of clear specifications according to your specific needs, against which you can later check the suitability of found product offers:

To help you, we have already listed some aspects we recommend you consider when buying nonlinear crystal materials. Of course, there may be other aspects that are relevant to your specific case.

This list is for your own preparation, and can later (possibly in modified form) be used for quotation requests to suppliers.

Otherwise, you will need to talk to your technical colleagues.

If you cannot sufficiently clarify your requirements, you may want to get technical consultancy from RP Photonics.

3. Find suitable suppliers

We suggest three steps:

  • Below, you can find our list of suppliers for nonlinear crystal materials. Use the checkboxes to mark possibly suitable suppliers.
  • The selected suppliers will appear below this list, along with your list of specifications. You can then indicate which specifications they meet according to your research. (You should finalize your specifications before doing this.)
  • Based on the results, you can finally choose a supplier that is hopefully a good enough fit.

Selected suppliers:

(none so far)


The most suitable supplier you found:

Comments, e.g. reasons for your choice, or things which still need to be checked:

Additional Resources

See also the white paper on Wavelength Engineering Using Non-Linear Optical Crystals from Covesion!


Suppliers for Nonlinear Crystal Materials

84 suppliers for nonlinear crystal materials are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 11 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

Suppliers with Advertising Package
presenting their product descriptions
Hangzhou Shalom Electro-optics Technology Co., Ltd.
A635, Boke Mansion
No. 9 Xiyuan Road
Xihu District, Hangzhou 310030
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nonlinear crystal materials

Shalom EO offers a vast selection of nonlinear crystals, including BBO, CLBO crystals, KDP and KD*P, LBO, KTP, HGTR KTP, KTA, BIBO, LiIO3, LiNbO3, MgO:LiNbO3, RTP, ultra-thin BBO, LBO crystals and infrared nonlinear crystals ZnGeP2 (ZGP). KGW crystals for stimulated Raman scattering are also available.

Our nonlinear crystals are excellent for applications ranging from frequency conversion to short-pulse generation. The NLO crystals offer reliable performance for harmonic generation (SHG, THG, 4HG, 5HG), sum and difference frequency generation (SFG, DFG), for optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) and optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs). Off-the-shelf and customized crystals are optional for our customers. Miscellaneous coating options including uncoated, AR, HR, HT, PR coatings, and custom coatings can be tailored. All the crystals will undergo rigorous inspection before dispatch.

Recent days, Shalom EO has launched CLBO crystals. The ClBO processed and polished in low humidity workshop are ideal for FHOG and FIHG for Nd: lasers, SHG and THG for Ti:Sapphire and Alexandrite lasers, and micro-lithography.

In addition, electro-optic (EO) crystals and acousto-optic (AO) crystals are also available.

Laserton Optic Co., Ltd.
C506, #1 Building
Pioneering Park for Overseas Chinese Scholars
No. 69 Huayang Road
Lixia District Jinan, Shandong
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nonlinear crystal materials

Laserton offers various types of nonlinear crystals, including β-BBO, KTP and KTA, KDP & KD*P, LiNbO3, LBO, SBN and RTP.

The Future Depends on Optics

Edmund Optics
101 East Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007
United States
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nonlinear crystal materials

Nonlinear crystals of either β-barium borate (BBO) or lithium triborate (LBO) are used for frequency conversion of laser sources. BBO crystals feature thicknesses from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm to minimize group velocity mismatch and are ideal for frequency doubling or tripling of Ti:sapphire and Yb:doped laser pulses. The critical and noncritical phase matching LBO crystals are ideal for second or third harmonic generation of Nd:YAG and Yb:doped lasers.

Nonlinear crystals with 20-10 surface quality and λ/10 (LBO) or λ/8 (BBO) surface flatness provide the broad transparency range and large nonlinear coefficient needed for the harmonic generation of fundamental laser frequencies. Each crystal features a protective anti-reflection (AR) coating that minimizes reflection and limits fogging from ambient conditions.

Your problem is our challenge – flexibility is our standard!

Artifex Engineering GmbH & Co KG
Dortmunder Str. 16–18
26723 Emden
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nonlinear crystal materials

Artifex Engineering provides finished crystal optics for non-linear applications. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

Mokslininku str. 6B
08412 Vilnius
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nonlinear crystal materials

Optogama supplies different types of nonlinear crystals for fundamental, applied research and industrial applications: BBO, LBO, KTP, KDP, DKDP, LiNbO3, AGaSe2, AGaS2, ZGeP2, GaSe, CdSe. The crystals are used for harmonic generation, sum and difference frequency mixing, optical parametric oscillators and amplifiers, electro-optical modulation and Q-switching, terahertz generation and terahertz detectors, as well as for characterization of ultrashort laser pulses by FROG, XFROG, SPIDER, dispersion scan, and chirp scan methods.

Change the Color of Light to Expand your Possibilities!

GWU-Lasertechnik Vertriebsges. mbH
Bonner Ring 9
50374 Erftstadt
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nonlinear crystal materials

GWU-Lasertechnik offers all standard nonlinear crystals like LBO, BBO and KTP with a broad variety of specifications. Beside the well-established materials, innovative crystals like CLBO or BiBO with outstanding properties for e. g. deep-UV generation or high-power ultrashort pulse lasers are available. No matter if individual pieces for R & D purposes are required or cost-efficient numbers in small, medium or large batches with in-time delivery for the production line are needed: GWU’s dedicated service helps to find the best core components for your application. GWU-Lasertechnik has more than 30 years of experience in distributing laser crystals. Choose GWU to benefit from our wide knowledge and in-field experience!

Lasers, Optics, Electronics. Made in Germany.

Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 5
37085 Göttingen
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nonlinear crystal materials

Most of the standard nonlinear crystals like BBO, LBO, BiBO or KTP for frequency doubling, tripling and quadrupling of the fundamental laser radiation are available from stock. Customer-specific dimensions and AR coatings are also offered at competitive prices.

Your trusted value co-creation partner

HC Photonics Corp.
F4, No. 2, Technology Rd. V
Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300
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nonlinear crystal materials

HC Photonics (HCP) provides various high efficiency nonlinear crystals to enable full-spectrum applications, including periodically poled lithium niobate (pp-LiNbO3, PPLN) and periodically poled lithium tantalate (LiTaO3)/PPLT.

Features and service:

  • more than 250 commercial off-the-shelf PPMgO:LN bulk crystals for wavelength conversions: QPM pattern: single, multiple, and fan-out; configuration: SHG, SFG, DFG, OPG, OPO, OPA; wavelength range: UV (355 nm) to mid-infrared (5000 nm)
  • custom-made solutions: QPM period: 2–1000 μm; QPM pattern: single, multiple, fan-out, chirped, cascade, 2D; dimension: length 0.3–80 mm, width 0.1–40 mm, thickness 0.2–5 mm); configuration: SHG, SFG, DFG, OPG, OPO, OPA, THG, SHG+SFG; wavelength range: UV (355 nm) to mid-infrared (5000 nm) and THz; material: PPMgO:LN or PPMgO:LT
  • PPLN waveguides: excellent performance, i.e. >50% overall efficiency. Fibered module generating >2 W at 780 nm (1560 nm SHG) is off-the-shelf. Crystals for other wavelengths are also available or can be designed upon request.

Your reliable partner for photonics innovations!

Dvarcioniu St. 2B
LT-10233 Vilnius
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nonlinear crystal materials

EKSMA Optics offers a complete portfolio of nonlinear optical crystals: BBO, LBO, KTP, KDP, DKDP, LiIO3, LiNbO3, MgO:LiNbO3, AGS, AGSe, ZGP, GaSe, CdSe from stock or manufactured according to customers specifications or for specific applications.

Nonlinear crystals pioneers

Raicol Crystals Ltd.
22 Hamelacha Str.
Park Cibel, New Industrial Area
Rosh Ha'ain 48091
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nonlinear crystal materials

Raicol Crystals offers a wide range nonlinear crystal materials:

Our crystals are used in a wide range of applications, including various kinds of nonlinear frequency conversion and electro-optics, but also quantum technology.

Engineering on Your Wavelength

Covesion Ltd.
Unit F3, Adanac North
Adanac Drive
Nursling, Southampton SO16 0BT
United Kingdom
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nonlinear crystal materials

Non-linear Optical (NLO) crystals provide an enormously flexible solution for generating new wavelengths from existing, off-the-shelf laser sources. The optical wavelength spectrum is utilized by a large and continually expanding variety of applications, from manufacturing of medical lasers, quantum networking & computing through to environmental sensing as well as many others.

With its high non-linear coefficient, ability to be periodically poled and broad optical transmission, MgO:PPLN becomes a highly flexible solution for the generation wavelengths from the blue (400 nm) through the mid-IR and beyond (THz).

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Other Suppliers
3W Photonics
United States
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Acal BFi
AOG Crystal Technology Co, Ltd.
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AZURE Photonics Co., Ltd.
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BAE Systems, Inc.
United States
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BeamQ Lasers
United States
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Beijing JIEPU TREND Technology
Bluebean Optical Tech Ltd.
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CeNing Optics Co., Ltd
Coherent Corp.
United States
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Core Optronics Co., Ltd
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CPG Optics
Cristal Laser S. A.
Crylight Photonics, Inc.
Cryslaser Inc.
P.R. China
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Crysmit Photonics Co., Ltd.
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Crystech Inc.
Crystrong Photonics Technology Co., Ltd​
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Fuzhou Caston Optronics Co., Ltd.
Fuzhou Farview Optics Co., Ltd.
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Fuzhou Hundreds Optics Inc.
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GAMDAN Optics Inc.
United States
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GMP SA, Büro Zürich
HAM Präzision - Hartmetallwerkzeugfabrik Andreas Maier GmbH
He Rui Optics Co., Ltd.
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HG Optronics
IL Photonics
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Impex High Tech
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JG International
Jinan Nanosecond Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.
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Komlas Optische Komponenten und Lasersysteme GmbH
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LAS Photonics
Laser Components GmbH
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Laserand, Inc.
Lasertec Inc.
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Litech Optics Co., Ltd.
MOK Optics Co. Ltd.
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Moltech GmbH
Sichuan MetalMiracle Industry Corp.
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Nanjing Crylink Photonics Co., Ltd
Nanjing Metalaser Photonics Co., Ltd
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New Age Instruments & Materials
Newlight Photonics Inc.
nortus Optronic GmbH
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United States
Opton Laser International
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Oxide Corporation
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Princeton Scientific Corp.
United States
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Pro-Lite Technology Ltd
United Kingdom
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Rainbow Photonics AG
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Rayser Optronics, Inc.
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Roditi International Corporation Ltd.
United Kingdom
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Shanghai SICCAS High Technology Corporation
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Sichuan MetalMiracle Industry Corp.
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Sinoceramics (USA), LLC
United States
Sirah Lasertechnik GmbH
Tailored Photons AB
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Tian Cheng Optic Co., Ltd.
Tokyo Instruments, Inc.
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
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Ultra Photonics
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UNI Optics Co. Ltd.
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Voyawave Optics Ltd.
Hangzhou Yong Hee Photonics Co., Ltd.
Yutai Optics

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