Buying Optical Materials
A wide range of mostly transparent materials is used for optical elements, including inorganic glasses, insulating crystalline materials, semiconductors, polycrystalline ceramics, and organic polymers.
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Find Suppliers for Optical Materials
127 suppliers for optical materials are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 3 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.
Suppliers with Advertising Package presenting their product descriptions | |
![]() Bringing quality into focus Knight Optical (USA) LLC1130 Ten Rod Road Suite D102 North Kingstown Rhode Island 02852 United States |
Whether your application works in the visible, ultraviolet (UV), near-infrared (NIR) or infrared (IR) spectrum, we have a wide variety of wavelength-specific substrates for customisation or from our extensive stock range. From BK7 (or equivalent), UV-grade fused silica and quartz to germanium, sapphire and zinc selenide – plus many more substrate alternatives – our components are capable of meeting any requirement. |
![]() Engineering on Your Wavelength Covesion Ltd.Unit F3, Adanac North Adanac Drive Nursling, Southampton SO16 0BT United Kingdom | ![]() Lithium niobate is a ferroelectric material in which the domain structure can be inverted by application of an electric field. By applying a spatially patterned electric field, so called periodic poling, a periodic reversal in the in-built polarization can be produced within the crystal. Doping PPLN with 5% MgO significantly increases the optical and photorefractive resistance of the crystal while preserving its high nonlinear coefficient allowing for broader temperature tuning of the device, increased wavelength tunability and increased power handling capabilities of the device. This broad wavelength tuneability means PPLN can be used for a range of applications from microscopy to quantum communication. |
![]() Your reliable partner for photonics innovations! EKSMA Optics, UABDvarcioniu St. 2B LT-10233 Vilnius Lithuania | ![]() EKSMA Optics offers a wide range of optical materials, including various nonlinear crystals, laser crystals and Raman crystals, polarizing optics crystals and materials for UV and IR optics like calcium fluoride, barium fluoride, sapphire, zinc selenide (ZnSe) and germanium (Ge). |
Other Suppliers | |
3photon Lithuania | |
A. Optical Components Ltd. Israel | |
Abrisa Technologies United States | |
Acal BFi Germany | |
Advanced Glass Industries | |
Advanced Thin Films United States | |
Alkor Technologies Russian Federation | |
Argyle International United States | |
Asue Co., Ltd. Vietnam | |
AZURE Photonics Co., Ltd. China | |
BAE Systems, Inc. United States | |
BeamQ Lasers United States | |
Beijing JIEPU TREND Technology China | |
Belford Research Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Bluebean Optical Tech Ltd. China | |
Cascade Optical Corporation United States | |
CASIX Inc. China | |
CASTECH China | |
CDGM Glass Company Europe GmbH Germany | |
CeNing Optics Co., Ltd China | |
CILAS France | |
Core Optronics Co., Ltd China | |
Corning Inc. United States | |
CPG Optics China | |
Cristal Laser S. A. France | |
Crystal GmbH Germany | |
Crystech Inc. China | |
Crystran Limited United Kingdom | |
Crytur, spol. s r.o. Czech Republic | |
Compound Semiconduclor (Xiamen) Technology Co., Lld. China | |
CVI Laser Optics United States | |
Docter Optics SE Germany | |
Dynasil United States | |
EcoGlass, a.s. Czech Republic | |
Egismos Technology Corporation Taiwan | |
Electro Optical Components, Inc. United States | |
Element Six Ltd. Ireland | |
EMCORE Corporation United States | |
Epolin United States | |
Esco Optics United States | |
FICHOU France | |
FOCtek Photonics, Inc. China | |
Fresnel Technologies United States | |
Fuzhou Caston Optronics Co., Ltd. China | |
GAMDAN Optics Inc. United States | |
Gigahertz-Optik GmbH Germany | |
Glass Fab Inc. United States | |
HAM Präzision - Hartmetallwerkzeugfabrik Andreas Maier GmbH Germany | |
HEBO Spezialglas Germany | |
Hellma GmbH Germany | |
Heraeus Holding GmbH Germany | |
Heraeus Conamic Germany | |
HOYA Corporation USA United States | |
IL Photonics Israel | |
Impex High Tech Germany | |
Inkron Oy Finland | |
JG International China | |
Jinan Nanosecond Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. China | |
Korth Kristalle Germany | |
Labsphere, Inc. United States | |
Laser S.O.S. Ltd. United Kingdom | |
LightOptics, Co. Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Litech Optics Co., Ltd. China | |
Marktech Optoelectronics United States | |
Meller Optics United States | |
Metrolux Germany | |
Moltech GmbH Germany | |
Newlight Photonics Inc. Canada | |
Nihon Kessho Kogaku Co., Ltd. Japan | |
Northrop Grumman - Cutting Edge Optronics United States | |
nortus Optronic GmbH Germany | |
OASYS GmbH Optics and Systems Germany | |
Ohara Corporation United States | |
OPCO Laboratory United States | |
Optico AG Switzerland | |
Optics and Allied Engineering Pvt. Ltd. India | |
OPTO Precision Pte Ltd Singapore | |
OptoCity United States | |
Opton Laser International France | |
Optoprim Germany GmbH Germany | |
Orientir, Inc China | |
Oxide Corporation Japan | |
Phoenix Optical Technologies United Kingdom | |
Phosctech Photonics China | |
PHOTONIS Technologies S.A.S. France | |
Physical Sciences Inc. United States | |
Pixelligent Technologies | |
Präzisions Glas & Optik GmbH Germany | |
PreciSe Hyper-iMage Optics Ltd. China | |
Precision Glass & Optics PG&O United States | |
Precision Technologies Pte Ltd. Singapore | |
Princeton Scientific Corp. United States | |
Prof. Feierabend GmbH Germany | |
Qingdao NovelBeam Technology Co. Ltd. China | |
Rainbow Photonics AG Switzerland | |
REFLEX Analytical Corporation United States | |
Roditi International Corporation Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Roithner LaserTechnik Austria | |
S1 Optics GmbH Germany | |
Schott AG Germany | |
Schröder Spezialglas GmbH Germany | |
Scientific Materials Corp. United States | |
Hangzhou Shalom Electro-optics Technology Co., Ltd. China | |
Shanghai SICCAS High Technology Corporation China | |
Sinoceramics (USA), LLC United States | |
Sirah Lasertechnik GmbH Germany | |
Sky Scientific Press United States | |
SphereOptics GmbH Germany | |
Sutter Instrument United States | |
Sydor Optics United States | |
Tydex | |
Ultra Photonics China | |
Umicore Belgium | |
UNI Optics Co. Ltd. China | |
United Lens Company, Inc. United States | |
UQG Ltd. The Norman Industrial Estate United Kingdom | |
Vision Lasertechnik für Forschung und Industrie GmbH Germany | |
VM-TIM GmbH Germany | |
Wavelength Opto-Electronic (S) Pte Ltd Singapore | |
Xiamen Powerway Advanced Material Co., Ltd. China | |
Xi'an Aofa Optoelectronics Technology Inc. China | |
Hangzhou Yong Hee Photonics Co., Ltd. China | |
Yongan Optics Co. Ltd. China | |
Yutai Optics China |