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Buying Optical Parametric Oscillators

Top-level product category: nonlinear optics

Related product categories: optical parametric amplifiers, optical parametric generators

Optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) are versatile wavelength-tunable light sources, operated either in continuous-wave mode or with short pulses. They are used in laser spectroscopy, military applications, and other fields requiring tunable light.

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Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying optical parametric oscillators: oscillation efficiency, wavelength tuning range, pulse duration, thermal properties, alignment, mounting options, environmental stability, noise characteristics, durability, maintenance requirements.

For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.

Find Suppliers for Optical Parametric Oscillators

38 suppliers for optical parametric oscillators (OPO) are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 11 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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all wavelengths.

TOPTICA Photonics AG
Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing
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optical parametric oscillators

The TOPO smart is a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator which uses a novel pumping scheme to reduce size and cost relative to typical CW OPOs. It fills a price and capability gap in the mid-IR between low power, narrowly tunable interband cascade lasers, and high power, widely tunable CW OPOs like the TOPO.

Your trusted value co-creation partner

HC Photonics Corp.
F4, No. 2, Technology Rd. V
Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300
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optical parametric oscillators

HC Photonics (HCP) offers a wide range of solutions for optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) including commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and custom PPMgO:LN based devices.

PPLN bare crystals are excellent devices (i.e. >90% conversion efficiency) for all-kind pumped OPOs i.e. cw, ns, fs and ps.

PPLN cavity mixers such as IC-OPOs have options of either fixed or broadly tunable wavelengths between 1420 nm and 4100 nm. They are the most compact and easy-to-use OPO devices in the market.

HÜBNER Photonics GmbH
Wilhelmine-Reichard Strasse 6
34123 Kassel
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optical parametric oscillators

HÜBNER Photonics offer the C-WAVE tunable laser series. These are widely tunable continuous wave (cw), single frequency laser light sources based on optical parametric oscillator (OPO) technology. They are tunable from 450 nm to 3500 nm with powers up to 1 W. Ideal for all cutting edge research from nanophotonics to quantum.

APE Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH
Plauener Straße 163–165 / Haus N
13053 Berlin
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optical parametric oscillators

APE offers a wide range of ultrafast optical parametric oscillators (OPOs), which can be pumped with 1-μm lasers or with Ti:sapphire lasers. Wide wavelength regions in the near and mid-IR can be addressed, pulse durations in the picosecond or femtosecond region are available, and pulse repetition rates can be in the megahertz or gigahertz region.

The wavelength ranges can be easily expanded down to the ultraviolet/visible (via APEs SHG/THG/FHG devices) and up to 15 µm (via APEs DFG devices).

Fully automated ultrafast tunable laser systems

SI Stuttgart Instruments GmbH
Ernsthaldenstr. 17
70565 Stuttgart
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optical parametric oscillators

The Stuttgart Instruments Alpha is an ultrafast and fully wavelength-tunable frequency conversion system in an ultra-compact and completely passively stable system based on revolutionary parametric oscillator design which guarantees outstanding stability, reproducibility and shot-noise limited performance.

The revolutionary design of Stuttgart Instruments Alpha, characterized by outstanding low noise and passive long-term stability, is based on the fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillator (FFOPO) technology and results in outstanding performance and high flexibility at the same time.

The Alpha covers a gap-free rapid tunable spectral range from 700 nm to 20 µm wavelengths, while maintaining high output power up to the Watt-level with femto- or picosecond pulses at several MHz pulse repetition rates. It provides multiple simultaneously tunable outputs with a selectable bandwidth from a few to 100 cm-1. Shot-noise limited performance above 300 kHz, passive spectral stability (< 0.02% rms) and wavelength-independent stable beam pointing (< 30 µrad) enable excellent sensitivity. In addition, each Alpha is equipped with a user-friendly ethernet and Wi-Fi interface and a matching graphical user interface (GUI) as well as easy to access API interfaces for e.g. LabView, Python, C++.

Typically, the Alpha is pumped by an ultra-low-noise Primus pump laser, which provides more than 8 W average output power at 1040 nm wavelength and 450 fs pulse duration at 42 MHz repetition rate. In addition, the Alpha can be operated with other pump lasers around 1 µm wavelength and enough power.

Due to our modular platform, the Alpha can be adapted and optimized for various applications and is particularly suited for spectroscopic applications requiring a robust and reliable tunable radiation with low noise.

The lasers you need. From the people you trust. Our experience, your advantage.

RPMC Lasers, Inc.
8495 Veterans Memorial Pkwy
O’Fallon MO 63366
United States
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optical parametric oscillators

Serving North America, RPMC Lasers offers a range of optical parametric oscillators (OPO), providing wavelengths from 210 nm up to 4500 nm. The Q-TUNE Series is a tunable laser integrating an OPO for a range of 210-2300 nm. The Q-TUNE-IR extends this with a high peak power light source for infrared spectroscopy, offering a tunable wavelength in the 1380-4500 nm range. The Q-TUNE-G is designed for photoacoustic imaging and non-linear spectroscopy, with a tunable range of 680-2100 nm. All series feature air-cooling, self-optimization, self-calibration, and low power consumption. Standard and custom options available. Let RPMC help you find the right laser today!

Tune your wavelength

Carrer Esteve Terradas, 1
Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia
08860 Castelldefels
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optical parametric oscillators

A broad range of Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs) are manufactured by Radiantis. Covering the spectral range across the UV, visible and IR, Radiantis products operate in the picosecond, femtosecond and continuous-wave (CW) regimes.

Change the Color of Light to Expand your Possibilities!

GWU-Lasertechnik Vertriebsges. mbH
Bonner Ring 9
50374 Erftstadt
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optical parametric oscillators

GWU-Lasertechnik is the pioneer of commercial BBO-OPOs. We introduced the first device worldwide in 1989! More than 30 years of experience in lasers, nonlinear optics and manufacturing condenses in matured, highly reliable devices. Our widely tunable pulsed laser sources cover the spectral range from the deep-UV at <190 nm to the IR at >2700 nm continuously. The scanSeries nanosecond OPO product line offers scalable pulse energy at various repetition rates. As a unique feature, GWU can provide high-speed wavelength scanning across the complete wavelength range with shot-to-shot dynamic. Our all-solid-state laser design ensures maximum reliability for diode-pumped and flash-lamp pumped lasers with excellent performance and longest lifetime.

Advanced laser technologies

Savanoriu Av. 237
02300 Vilnius
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optical parametric oscillators

For researchers demanding a wide tuning range, high conversion efficiency and narrow linewidth, EKSPLA optical parametric oscillators/amplifiers are an excellent choice. All models feature hands-free wavelength tuning, a protection system for valuable optical components as well as a wide range of accessories and extension units.

Our long-term experience and close cooperation with scientific institutions made it possible to create a range of models, offering probably the widest tuning range: from 193 nm to 16000 nm. Versions offering near transform-limited linewidth as well as operating at kilohertz repetition rates are available.

The specialist in laser technologies

Lumibird – Quantel, Keopsys, Convergent, Continuum brands
2 rue Paul Sabatier
22300 Lannion
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optical parametric oscillators

The Peacock 532 is the first of a series of nanosecond optical parametric oscillators and pump lasers integrated on a single platform, which can be easily inserted into a complex system. Tunability from 680 nm to 2200 nm, up to 30 Hz, real time output energy control, fully automated, 19" rack mountable … all these features makes the Peacock a perfect tool for all demanding applications in the medical, biotechnology or medical fields.

Engineering on Your Wavelength

Covesion Ltd.
Unit F3, Adanac North
Adanac Drive
Nursling, Southampton SO16 0BT
United Kingdom
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optical parametric oscillators

One of the most common uses of PPLN is in an Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO). Nd:YAG pumped OPOs based on PPLN can efficiently produce tunable light at wavelengths between 1.3 and 5 μm and can even produce light at longer wavelengths but with lower efficiency. The PPLN OPO can produce output powers of several watts and can be pumped with pulsed or CW pump lasers.

Covesion offers a variety of free space bulk crystal solutions for multi-pass OPO to generate mid-IR wavelengths from visible and near-IR pump lasers for applications such as mid-IR spectroscopy and environmental monitoring.

Our custom capabilities include:

  • multiple grating, chirped or fan-out designs
  • tailored AR coatings
  • custom grating periods and apertures
  • broad mid-IR coverage
  • compatibility with both CW and pulsed lasers
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Other Suppliers
Chromacity Ltd.
United Kingdom
Coherent Corp.
United States
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Crystech Inc.
GMP SA, Büro Zürich
InnoLas Laser GmbH
Lahat Technologies Ltd
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Litron Lasers Ltd.
United Kingdom
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Microtech Instruments, Inc.
United States
Mountain Photonics GmbH
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New Technologies and Consulting
Onyx Optics, Inc.
United States
Opotek Inc.
United States
Opton Laser International
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Optoprim Germany GmbH
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Optotek, Inc.
United States
Photonics Industries International, Inc.
United States
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United States
Qbic Laser System Inc.
R&D Ultrafast Lasers Kft.
SOL Instruments Ltd.
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Solar Laser Systems
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Soliton Laser- und Messtechnik GmbH
Spectra-Physics Lasers
United States
Tokyo Instruments, Inc.
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
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von Gegerfelt Photonics
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