Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Phase Modulators

Optical modulators can modulate the phase of a light beam. Electro-optic modulators are commonly used for this purpose, enabling precise control of the optical phase.

More general products: optical modulators

Related products: drive electronics for photonic components

Related product category: optical modulators

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Manufacturers and Other Suppliers for Phase Modulators

18 suppliers for phase modulators are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 2 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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Suppliers with Advertising Package
presenting their product descriptions
CompanyProduct Description

Exail (formerly iXblue)

34, Rue de la Croix de Fer
78100 Saint Germain-en-Laye
phase modulators

Designed using state-of-the-art and proven lithium niobate technology, the MPZ-LN phase modulators are easy to operate and to integrate. Available at both 1550 nm and 1310 nm, with low insertion loss and high polarization extinction ratio, either AC and DC coupled for RAM and pyroelectrical effects control, these modulators offer the optimum for industrial Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems.

Exail near-infrared phase modulators NIR-MPX are a modulator family ranging from DC-coupled low-frequency modulators to wide bandwidths up to 30 GHz, requiring very low driving voltages and offering incomparable 300 mW optical powers handling capabilities. These products benefit from the technological mastery of the "Annealed Proton Exchange" (APE) waveguide manufacturing process. These modulators find a lot of interest in the laser application, such as Pound–Drever–Hall cavity locking as well as Spectral Beam Combining (SBC) and directed and high energy material processing lasers.

The optical spectral broadening ModBox-OSB can broaden an optical signal by modulating its phase with a very efficient LiNbO3 phase modulator. A number of sidebands are created over a spectral width that can reach several hundred GHz. The ModBox-OSB contains a single tone RF generator, a white noise source or a PRBS source. It well integrates into laser chains such as High Energy Lasers (HEL) lasers or Spectral Beam Combining lasers architectures (SBC).

Lasers, Optics, Electronics. Made in Germany.


Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 5
37085 Göttingen
web link
phase modulators

Using KTP, RTP and LiNbO3 crystals, ALPHALAS offers phase modulators for various applications like active mode locking, side-frequency generation and laser resonator cavity control. In addition to the standard products designed for 1064 nm, other customer-specific wavelengths can be offered as well.

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From your country:

AdvR Applied Photonics

2310 University Way #1–1
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States


19 Eagle Road
Danbury, CT 06810
United States


2724 Sawbury Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43235
United States
Outside America:

Lasers, Optics, Electronics. Made in Germany.


Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 5
37085 Göttingen
web link
phase modulators

Using KTP, RTP and LiNbO3 crystals, ALPHALAS offers phase modulators for various applications like active mode locking, side-frequency generation and laser resonator cavity control. In addition to the standard products designed for 1064 nm, other customer-specific wavelengths can be offered as well.

Beijing Rofea Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

No. 3, Jinxing West Rd
Daxing District, Beijing

Exail (formerly iXblue)

34, Rue de la Croix de Fer
78100 Saint Germain-en-Laye
phase modulators

Designed using state-of-the-art and proven lithium niobate technology, the MPZ-LN phase modulators are easy to operate and to integrate. Available at both 1550 nm and 1310 nm, with low insertion loss and high polarization extinction ratio, either AC and DC coupled for RAM and pyroelectrical effects control, these modulators offer the optimum for industrial Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems.

Exail near-infrared phase modulators NIR-MPX are a modulator family ranging from DC-coupled low-frequency modulators to wide bandwidths up to 30 GHz, requiring very low driving voltages and offering incomparable 300 mW optical powers handling capabilities. These products benefit from the technological mastery of the "Annealed Proton Exchange" (APE) waveguide manufacturing process. These modulators find a lot of interest in the laser application, such as Pound–Drever–Hall cavity locking as well as Spectral Beam Combining (SBC) and directed and high energy material processing lasers.

The optical spectral broadening ModBox-OSB can broaden an optical signal by modulating its phase with a very efficient LiNbO3 phase modulator. A number of sidebands are created over a spectral width that can reach several hundred GHz. The ModBox-OSB contains a single tone RF generator, a white noise source or a PRBS source. It well integrates into laser chains such as High Energy Lasers (HEL) lasers or Spectral Beam Combining lasers architectures (SBC).

Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications

Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI)
Einsteinufer 37
10587 Berlin

Hamamatsu Photonics

325–6, Sunayama-cho, Naka-ku
Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Pref., 430–8587

HC Optical Science and Tech

C-214, innovation building Information industial estate, high and new technology industial development zone
Guilin, Guangxi province

Jenoptik Optical Systems GmbH

Goeschwitzer Strasse 25
07745 Jena


137 avenue Anatole France,
94600 Choisy le Roi

nortus Optronic GmbH

In den Niederwiesen 4a
76744 Wörth am Rhein

Oelabs Inc.

1st storey, Building 1
No 598 Guanghua Road
Minhang district, Shanghai

Phaseform GmbH

Georges-Köhler-Allee 102
79110 Freiburg i.B.

Photonics Technologies

Unit SU4B, Lansbury Estate
102 Lower Guildford Road
Knaphill, Woking
Surrey, GU21 2EP
United Kingdom

Polytec GmbH

Polytec-Platz 1–7
76337 Waldbronn

Qubig GmbH

Greimelstr. 26
83236 Übersee

Yangtze Optical Electronic Co., Ltd.

No. 80, Gaoxin 5th Road
East Lake New Technology Development Zone

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