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Buying Phase Noise Measurement Equipment

Top-level product category: detectors and measurements

More general product categories: laser noise measurement equipment

Related product category: linewidth measurement equipment

Phase noise measurement, for example in laser beams, can be performed using various methods, such as interferometric self-heterodyne techniques. This equipment is essential for applications requiring low phase noise.

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Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying phase noise measurement equipment: measurement accuracy, noise frequency range, calibration procedures, software integration, ease of use, portability, power requirements.

For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.

Find Suppliers for Phase Noise Measurement Equipment

5 suppliers for phase noise measurement equipment are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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The Standard of Accuracy

HighFinesse GmbH
Wöhrdstraße 4
72072 Tübingen
Profile page  Website  
phase noise measurement equipment

HighFinesse linewidth analyzers are the ultimate high-end instruments for measuring, analyzing and controlling frequency, linewidth and intensity noise of laser light sources. The product series covers a measurement range from 450 nm up to 1625 nm and enables the analysis of both very narrow laser lines down to 1 kHz as well as broader spectra up to 100 MHz. Thanks to the included software, the instrument delivers real-time analysis, with no need for further calculation. The analyzers feature an extremely high resolution and accuracy and are ideal for optimizing the stability of laser setups.

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Other Suppliers
APEX Technologies
Profile page  Website  
Profile page  Website  
OEwaves, Inc.
United States
Profile page  Website  
Stable Laser Systems
United States
Profile page  Website  

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