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Buying Photosensitive Fibers

Top-level product category: fiber optics

More general product categories: fibers

Related product categories: fiber Bragg gratings, photosensitive materials

Photosensitive fibers have a core sensitive to ultraviolet light, allowing the writing of fiber Bragg gratings into the core. These gratings are used for various sensing and communication applications.

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Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying photosensitive fibers: UV sensitivity in given spectral range, achievable grating quality, durability of grating properties, thermal stability, environmental resistance.

For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.

Find Suppliers for Photosensitive Fibers

3 suppliers for photosensitive fibers are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 2 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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presenting their product descriptions
Exail (formerly iXblue)
34, Rue de la Croix de Fer
78100 Saint Germain-en-Laye
Profile page  Website  

See us at SPIE Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, January 25–30 (booth 5039)!

photosensitive fibers

Exail (formerly iXblue) is offering different types of photosensitive single-mode fibers for fiber Bragg gratings:

  • IXF-PHO-CMF and IXF-PHO-CMF-PM are designed to suppress the cladding mode losses (CMF = Cladding Mode Free). The fibers have a mode field diameter similar to most standard SMF with a relatively low photosensitivity that can be enhanced with hydrogen loading. The main benefits are the cladding mode suppression and an extremely low birefringence and a low phase noise, making it suitable for gratings for compensation of large dispersion.
  • IXF-PHO-CMS is designed to adapt the cladding mode offset (CMS Cladding Mode Shifted) in order to optimize the channel spacing. This fiber has very high germanium core concentration, with low attenuation compared to exotic boron-doped core fibers, enabling high reflectivity gratings without hydrogen loading. CMS series will shift the cladding modes by up to 10 nm.

Our photosensitive fibers exhibit uniform and controlled photosensitivity to conventional UV radiation techniques. Similar fibers are available with polyimide coatings for harsh environments.

Benefits and features:

  • excellent cladding mode suppression
  • mode field diameter matched to transmission

Applications: fiber Bragg gratings, gain flattening filters, broadband filters, temperature and strain sensors.

Innovation in every fiber

Fibercore Limited
University Parkway
Chilworth Science Park
Southampton SO16 7QQ
United Kingdom
Profile page  Website  

See us at SPIE Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, January 25–30 (booth 5123)!

photosensitive fibers

Fibercore’s photosensitive (PS) series of fibers have a high-germania and boron co-doped core composition, enabling high-reflectivity gratings to be written without the need to hydrogen-load. The mode field diameters of the boron co-doped fibers are engineered so gratings may be spliced into standard telecommunications, or pigtailing fiber with minimal excess loss.

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Other Suppliers
CorActive High-Tech Inc.

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