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Buying Raman Spectroscopy Equipment

Top-level product categories: detectors and measurements, applications

More general product categories: spectroscopy equipment

Related product categories: Raman microscopes, fluorescence spectroscopy equipment, lasers for Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy equipment encompasses instruments for various Raman spectroscopy methods, including spontaneous and stimulated Raman scattering, polarized Raman spectroscopy, surface- or tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, resonance Raman spectroscopy, and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy.

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Aspects to Consider Before Buying

Some aspects to consider before buying Raman spectroscopy equipment: spectral resolution, sensitivity, range of methods, robustness, integration ease, user interface, maintenance requirements, calibration stability.

For responsible purchase decisions, we recommend applying good practices.

Find Suppliers for Raman Spectroscopy Equipment

61 suppliers for Raman spectroscopy equipment are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 9 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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presenting their product descriptions
Zolix Instruments Co., Ltd.
No. 68B, LDUV
Tongzhou District
Beijing 101102
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Raman spectroscopy equipment

Since entering the field of Raman spectroscopy in 2003, Zolix has continued to accumulate technical strength, and continuously updated Raman products. The products have been widely used in materials, geology, biology, chemistry, medicine, food, investigate and other fields. After long-term discussions with customers in different industries, we have launched a new generation of Raman system: Finder 930 is a high-end laser confocal Raman spectrometer with high performance, high stability and high cost performance. Based on the successful experience of previous generations of products, Finder 930 has been fully upgraded in terms of both hardware and software.

43 Sparta Avenue
Newton, NJ 07860
United States
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Raman spectroscopy equipment

Thorlabs manufactures a unique Raman technology employing a coded aperture. The Thorlabs-developed spectrograph unit utilizes a pseudo-Hadamard mask at the spectrograph input instead of a traditional single slit. With an aperture size of 2.3 mm × 3.2 mm, the spatial amplitude modulation mask improves light-throughput, or the system étendue, allowing enough Raman-scattered light to reach the CMOS sensor for room temperature operation and sample excitation with an unfocused laser beam. The spectrograph is designed for 680 nm to 785 nm excitation and an 815 nm to 915 nm detection range. This technology is employed in a modular kit as well as in a portable benchtop device, available with up to two excitation lasers to cover the fingerprint (500–1800 cm−1) and high-frequency regions (2800–3800 cm−1).

all wavelengths.

TOPTICA Photonics AG
Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing
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Raman spectroscopy equipment

For Raman spectroscopy, a wavelength of 532 nm is regularly used, as well as 785 nm (to reduce autofluorescence of the sample). For semiconductor inspection shorter wavelengths of 405 nm, 266 nm, or even 213 nm are commonly used.

Most recent, upcoming time-resolved Raman spectroscopy and microscopy applications (i.e measurements on airplane engine exhausts to optimize the combustion process and reduce fuel consumption) trigger the need for pulsed laser sources operating in the femto- and picosecond regime. This demand is covered by the FemtoFiber laser family, which have already proven its outstanding performance and suitability in various broadband CARS and SRS applications.

CNI Laser
No. 888 Jinhu Road
High-tech Zone, Changchun 130103
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Raman spectroscopy equipment

CNI offers combined Raman spectroscopy systems. For example, we have portable Raman spectrometers and a micro Raman spectrum measurement system. Available wavelengths are 405 nm, 532 nm, 785 nm and 830 nm.

Lasers beyond the state of the art

Active Fiber Systems GmbH
Ernst-Ruska-Ring 17
07745 Jena
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Raman spectroscopy equipment

Our compact, alignment-free and all-fiber picosecond laser source for CARS microscopy delivers synchronized pump and Stokes pulses from a single fiber end. This air-cooled and turn-key CARS laser source has a great benefit for the user as the fiber delivery eliminates alignment of the spatial and temporal pulse overlap.

Sacher Lasertechnik GmbH
Hedwig-Jahnow-Str. 12
35037 Marburg

The Micron laser is a mode-hop free tunable external cavity laser for emission of up to 300 mW. Versions with emission wavelengths between 638 nm and 1700 nm are available.

Innovation is where we start

Headwall Photonics
580 Main Street
Bolton, MA 01740
United States
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Raman spectroscopy equipment

Headwall's Raman Explorer and Raman Discovery imaging spectrometers are designed for instrument-makers looking for OEM modules suitable for harsh environments (Raman Explorer) or portable instrumentation (Raman Discovery). They both feature Headwall's aberration-corrected, retro-reflective designs with exceptional signal-to-noise and outstanding keystone and smile. Single- and dual-input versions available. Give us a call or send us an email.

Helping our customers reach their research @ commercial goals for over 45 years

MPB Communications
Head Office
147 Hymus Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec H9R 1E9
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Raman spectroscopy equipment

Fiber lasers are highly effective in Raman spectroscopy applications due to their ability to produce stable, coherent, and unique wavelengths.

MPBC’s Single-frequency fiber lasers are an ideal solution for Raman spectroscopy due to their narrow linewidth and long coherence length.

APE Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH
Plauener Straße 163–165 / Haus N
13053 Berlin
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Raman spectroscopy equipment

The picoEmerald system facilitates Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) microscopy for non-invasive label-free imaging. SRS microscopy provides almost background-free imaging contrast. It allows simple spectroscopic identification of the samples’ fingerprint region based on Raman spectra databases. Imaging at high video rates is possible due to very short integration times of the SRS detection module (lock-in amplifier). Switching over to SRS microscopy is relatively straightforward for researchers who already have CARS experience.

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Other Suppliers
Agilent Technologies
Allied Scientific Pro
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Avantes B. V.
B&W Tek, Inc.
United States
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BaySpec Inc.
United States
Beijing RealLight Technology Co. Ltd.
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Bruker Corporation
United States
Coherent Corp.
United States
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CryLaS GmbH
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Delta Photonics
DialAct Corporation
United States
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Flash Photonics
United States
Gekko Photonics Ltd.
GMP SA, Büro Zürich
HORIBA Scientific
United States
Ibsen Photonics A/S
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IL Photonics
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IS-Instruments Ltd.
United Kingdom
United States
Klar Scientific
United States
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Laser 2000 GmbH
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Lightnovo ApS
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LIOS Technology
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United States
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Metrohm AG
Micromaterials, Inc.
United States
Mountain Photonics GmbH
Nanobase, Inc.
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New Age Instruments & Materials
Ocean Optics
United States
United States
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Opton Laser International
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Optoprim Germany GmbH
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Optosky Photonics, Inc.
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Photon etc. Inc.
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Power Technology Inc.
United States
Pro-Lite Technology Ltd
United Kingdom
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QS Lasers
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QuantumDesign Europe GmbH
Renishaw plc
United Kingdom
Sciencetech Inc.
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SOL Instruments Ltd.
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Solar Laser Systems
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Spectra Solutions Inc.
United States
StellarNet, Inc.
United States
Thunder Optics
Timegate Instruments Ltd.
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Wasatch Photonics
United States
YIXI Smart Technology Co., Ltd.
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