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Buying Rod Lenses

Top-level product category: optical components and devices

More general product categories: lenses

Rod lenses are cylindrical lenses used for beam collimation, focusing, and imaging. Their unique shape makes them suitable for specific optical applications.

Making Good Purchase Decisions

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NEW: Structured Decision Process

We recommend that you apply best practice by using the following structured process: Go through the following expandable sections, complete the form and finally come to a purchase decision. You can then print that to a PDF for documenting the process.

Read our article on best practices for purchasing.

1. Understand the technical background

It is important to sufficiently understand the technology before buying.

Use the comprehensive resources of RP Photonics:

If you need personal help, contact RP Photonics to get technical consultancy.

2. Define your requirements

It is essential to fully understand and clearly define your requirements before you buy.

We recommend that you draw up a list of clear specifications according to your specific needs:

To help you, we have already listed some aspects we recommend you consider when buying rod lenses. Of course, there may be other aspects that are relevant to your specific case.

This list is for your own preparation, and can later (possibly in modified form) be used for quotation requests to suppliers.

Otherwise, you will need to talk to your technical colleagues.

If you cannot sufficiently clarify your requirements, you may want to get technical consultancy from RP Photonics.

3. Find suppliers

We suggest three steps:

  • Below, you can find our list of suppliers for rod lenses. Use the checkboxes to mark possibly suitable suppliers.
  • The selected suppliers will appear below this list, along with your list of specifications. You can then indicate which specifications they meet according to your research.
  • Based on the results, you can finally choose a supplier that is hopefully a good enough fit.

Selected suppliers:

(none so far)

The most suitable supplier you found:

Comments, e.g. reasons for your choice, or things which still need to be checked:

Suppliers for Rod Lenses

19 suppliers for rod lenses are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 6 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

Suppliers with Advertising Package
presenting their product descriptions
1100 US-22
North Plainfield, NJ 07060
United States
Profile page  Website  

Rod lenses perform in a manner analogous to a standard cylinder lens, and can be used in beam shaping and to focus collimated light into a line. Our rod lenses play a key part in many laser and imaging optical assemblies, and can be used for UV, visible and NIR applications.

The Future Depends on Optics

Edmund Optics
101 East Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007
United States
Profile page  Website  
rod lenses

Designed for use in a variety of laser and imaging systems, these components are available in a range of micro sizes for integration into a host of OEM applications. Custom sizes, variations in polishing/ ground surfaces and additional coatings are available upon request.

TECHSPEC® rod lenses are polished on the circumference and ground on both ends. Optical performance is similar to a cylinder lens. Collimated light passing through the diameter of the rod lens will be focused into a line. N-BK7 and UV fused silica substrates are available for a variety of UV, visible and NIR applications.

Your problem is our challenge – flexibility is our standard!

Artifex Engineering GmbH & Co KG
Dortmunder Str. 16–18
26723 Emden
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rod lenses

Artifex Engineering offers custom rod lenses for various applications such as endoscopes. A wide range of substrates are available in custom sizes, specifications and coatings to suit your requirements. We look forward to your inquiry.

Bringing quality into focus

Knight Optical (USA) LLC
1130 Ten Rod Road
Suite D102
North Kingstown
Rhode Island 02852
United States
Profile page  Website  

See the company profile page for additional contact information.

rod lenses

Knight Optical offers standard rod lenses manufactured from borosilicate. We can also provide custom rod lenses, for example manufactured from UV fused or with an applied coating.

Your Custom Optics Expert

Shanghai Optics Inc.
425 Main St Suite 2E
Metuchen, NJ 08840
United States
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rod lenses

Shanghai Optics custom rod lenses are polished on the circumference and ground on both ends. They act as a cylinder lens, focusing collimated light into a line. Our fused silica rod lens offers high transmission in the UV and through the NIR as well as a low coefficient of thermal expansion, 0.55 × 10-6 /K.

Hangzhou Shalom Electro-optics Technology Co., Ltd.
A635, Boke Mansion
No. 9 Xiyuan Road
Xihu District, Hangzhou 310030
Profile page  Website  
rod lenses

Hangzhou Shalom EO offers rod lenses a series of custom Rod Lenses made from various optical materials such as, but not limited to UV-fused silica, N-BK7. The transmission wavelength range of our rod lenses extends from UV, Visible, to NIR with a minimum diameter of 0.6 mm, roundness error down to 0.005 mm, and diameter tolerance down to 0.01 mm. Our rod lenses are ideal for applications as endoscope lenses, light pipes, and laser processing lenses.

Custom coating options for rod lenses include uncoated substrates, Broadband Anti-reflection (BBAR) coatings (average reflection below 0.5%), laser line V-coating which provides higher transmission (average reflection below 0.25%) at a narrower range around a certain wavelength, and MgF2 AR coatings (average reflection below 1.5%) with competitive low price.

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Other Suppliers
Adept Optical Ltd
United Kingdom
Comar Optics Ltd
United Kingdom
Profile page  Website  
Doric Lenses Inc.
GELINDE Optical Co., Ltd.
Profile page  Website  
He Rui Optics Co., Ltd.
Profile page  Website  
Hyperion Optics
Mikrop AG
Nanjing Shuncheng Optical Components Co., Ltd.
United States
Profile page  Website  
Sichuan MetalMiracle Industry Corp.
Profile page  Website  
Tian Cheng Optic Co., Ltd.
WLoptical Co., Ltd.

If any displayed information is incorrect (e.g., a listed supplier does not offer such products) or legally problematic, please notify RP Photonics so that the problem can be solved.

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