Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

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Buying Terahertz Optics

Top-level product category: optical components and devices

A variety of optical components are available for terahertz radiation, including windows, lenses, prisms, mirrors, polarizers, beam splitters, and attenuators. These components are essential for manipulating and controlling terahertz waves in various applications.

Making Good Purchase Decisions

RP Photonics helps you to not only to find all relevant suppliers, but also to make good purchasing decisions.

NEW: Structured Decision Process

Purchasing involves a lot of responsibility. We recommend that you apply best practice by using the following structured process: Go through the following expandable sections, complete the form and finally come to a purchase decision. You can then print that to a PDF for documenting the process.

Our article on best practices for purchasing gives you valuable insights.

1. Understand the technical background

It is important to sufficiently understand the technology before buying.

Use the comprehensive resources of RP Photonics:

If you need personal help, contact RP Photonics to get technical consultancy.

2. Define your requirements

It is essential to fully understand and clearly define your requirements before you buy.

We recommend that you develop a list of clear specifications according to your specific needs, against which you can later check the suitability of found product offers:

To help you, we have already listed some aspects we recommend you consider when buying terahertz optics. Of course, there may be other aspects that are relevant to your specific case.

This list is for your own preparation, and can later (possibly in modified form) be used for quotation requests to suppliers.

Otherwise, you will need to talk to your technical colleagues.

If you cannot sufficiently clarify your requirements, you may want to get technical consultancy from RP Photonics.

3. Find suitable suppliers

We suggest three steps:

  • Below, you can find our list of suppliers for terahertz optics. Use the checkboxes to mark possibly suitable suppliers.
  • The selected suppliers will appear below this list, along with your list of specifications. You can then indicate which specifications they meet according to your research. (You should finalize your specifications before doing this.)
  • Based on the results, you can finally choose a supplier that is hopefully a good enough fit.

Selected suppliers:

(none so far)


The most suitable supplier you found:

Comments, e.g. reasons for your choice, or things which still need to be checked:

Suppliers for Terahertz Optics

9 suppliers for terahertz optics are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

Suppliers with Advertising Package
presenting their product descriptions

Optical components at better price

Office 16 D, Yujia Mansion
N° 1336 HuaShan Road
Shanghai 200052
Profile page  Website  
terahertz optics

We offer TPX windows and TPX lenses for THz applications.

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Other Suppliers
Alkor Technologies
Russian Federation
Profile page  Website  
Crystran Limited
United Kingdom
Profile page  Website  
Lahat Technologies Ltd
Profile page  Website  
Lytid SAS
Profile page  Website  
Newport Corporation
United States
Soliton Laser- und Messtechnik GmbH
TeraSense Group, Inc.
United States

If any displayed information is incorrect (e.g., a listed supplier does not offer such products) or legally problematic, please notify RP Photonics so that the problem can be solved.

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