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Buying Thin-film Polarizers

thin-film polarizers

Top-level product category: optical components and devices

More general product categories: polarizers

Thin-film polarizers are designed for various operation wavelengths and can handle very high optical powers. These structures are used in plate polarizers and polarizing cubes, essential for controlling polarization in high-power optical systems.

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Find Suppliers for Thin-film Polarizers

36 suppliers for thin-film polarizers (TFP) are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 8 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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Precision Optics & Coatings for High Energy Laser Applications

Perkins Precision Developments
4110 North Valley Drive
Longmont, CO 80504
United States
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thin-film polarizers

Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures Brewster’s angle polarizers as well as 45 degree plate polarizers for high performance with easy alignment. Because we utilize Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) coating technology, our dielectric thin film plate polarizers are environmentally stable, thus there is no spectral shift caused by either time, moisture or temperature. The predictability and repeatability of IBS thin film coatings allow us to guarantee high transmission at a specific angle of incidence, eliminating the need to angle tune the optical component in order to achieve optimal performance.

As with all of our custom laser optics and polarizers, PPD's IBS coated polarizing beam splitters exhibit low absorption, high extinction (Tp/Ts) and high damage thresholds, making them ideal for use with high energy Nd:YAG and fibers lasers as well as other high-power pulsed and CW laser systems throughout the visible and near-infrared.

Mokslininku str. 6B
08412 Vilnius
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See us at SPIE Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, January 25–30 (booth 1462)!

thin-film polarizers

Optogama standard high contrast Brewster-type and 45° thin-film polarizers provide high extinction ratio Tp:Ts > 1000:1 thanks to the ion beam sputtered (IBS) thin-film coatings. Moreover, these polarizers are ideal for high-power levels and in the UV.

Optogama designs and manufactures standard and custom Brewster-type high contrast polarizers for the wavelength range between 230 nm and 2000 nm with face dimensions up to 160 mm.

Your problem is our challenge – flexibility is our standard!

Artifex Engineering GmbH & Co KG
Dortmunder Str. 16–18
26723 Emden
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thin-film polarizers

Artifex Engineering offers custom dielectric thin-film polarizers with a high damage threshold. Our thin film polarizers are commonly used for Q-Switching and other high power applications. These components are dielectric coated glass substrates designed for use at the Brewster angle. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

Your Custom Optics Expert

Shanghai Optics Inc.
425 Main St Suite 2E
Metuchen, NJ 08840
United States
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thin-film polarizers

Shanghai Optics can provide all types of anti-reflective, high reflective, and partial reflective coatings. We produce a wide variety of coatings from a single layer of anti-reflective coating to complex multilayer dielectric stacks. Types of dielectric coatings are BBAR, V-coatings, dual wavelength coatings, and sharp cut-on and cut-off filters.

1100 US-22
North Plainfield, NJ 07060
United States
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See us at SPIE Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, January 25–30 (booth 954)!

Avantier is capable of delivering a broad range of coatings, including anti-reflective, high reflective, and partial reflective coatings. Our coating offerings vary from simple anti-reflective coatings to intricate multilayer dielectric stacks. Examples of dielectric coatings include BBAR, V-coatings, dual wavelength coatings, and filters with sharp cut-on and cut-off wavelengths.

Home of high power optics and coatings

Horster Str. 20
30826 Garbsen
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thin-film polarizers

LASEROPTIK offers various types of polarizers, including thin-film (TFP) devices, cube polarizers (CP) and broadband polarizers (BBPOL). We can work in different wavelength ranges from the mid-IR (2.1 μm) to the UV (157 nm).

Your sidekick for laser optics development

Ukmerges g. 427
14185 Vilnius
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See us at SPIE Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, January 25–30 (booth 3217)!

thin-film polarizers

OPTOMAN offers thin film polarizers, that are the optimal choice for polarizing high energy laser light. Thin film polarizers accomplish this task with a high efficiency level due to negligible absorption within the coating, transmittance (Tp) higher than 99%, and reflectance (Rs) as high as 99.99%.

OPTOMAN will provide an optimal solution in terms of extinction ratio (10'000:1 is possible), angle of incidence (various choices depending on application), and damage threshold (>49.4 J/cm2 @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz can be achieved in some configurations). Broadband configurations for femtosecond applications are also feasible.

Standard in-stock IBS coated polarizers can be found in OPTOSHOP.

Your reliable partner for photonics innovations!

Dvarcioniu St. 2B
LT-10233 Vilnius
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See us at SPIE Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, January 25–30 (booth 657)!

thin-film polarizers

EKSMA Optics has a wide range of BK7 and UV fused silica thin film laser polarizers for quick delivery. Thin film polarizers feature high laser damage thresholds and are designed for the most demanding applications with Nd host lasers operating in the 1040–1070 nm range and with femtosecond Ti:sapphire or Yb:KGW/KYW lasers.

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Other Suppliers
Advanced Thin Films
United States
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Alien Photonics
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Altechna UAB
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American Polarizers, Inc.
United States
Bluebean Optical Tech Ltd.
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CVI Laser Optics
United States
Fuzhou Hundreds Optics Inc.
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Holmarc Opto-Mechatronics
Karl Lambrecht Corporation
United States
Lahat Technologies Ltd
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Lasertec Inc.
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Layertec GmbH
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Manx Precision Optics
Isle of Man, IM9 2AP
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OF-LINK Communications Co., Ltd.
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Optikron GmbH
United States
Optolong Optics Co. Ltd
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Optonas UAB
United States
Rainbow Research Optics, Inc.
United States
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Reynard Corporation
United States
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Solaris Optics S.A.
Tokyo Instruments, Inc.
Universal Thin Film Lab Corp., 232 North Plank Road, Newburgh
United States
Wavelength Opto-Electronic (S) Pte Ltd
Hangzhou Yong Hee Photonics Co., Ltd.

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