Buying Ultrafast Lasers
Ultrafast lasers produce extremely short pulses of light, typically in the picosecond or femtosecond range. They often contain a mode-locked laser, but comprehensive ultrafast laser systems may include amplifiers to achieve higher pulse energies and peak powers. These systems offer a wide range of parameters in terms of pulse energy and duration, average power, repetition rate, and wavelength.
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See also the white paper on White Dwarf and Monaco: A Simple, Turnkey Source of <10 fs Pulses from Class 5 Photonics!

Find Suppliers for Ultrafast Lasers
111 suppliers for ultrafast lasers are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 21 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.
Suppliers with Advertising Package presenting their product descriptions | |
![]() Femtosecond fiber lasers - superior lifetime & performance Fluence sp. z o.o.ul. Kolejowa 5/7 01–217 Warszawa Poland | ![]() Halite is a compact, single-box, all-fiber femtosecond laser, specifically designed to meet the most demanding applications in the field of neuroscience, biophotonics, microscopy and engineering. With pulses as short as <180 fs, average power up to 2 W at 1030 nm and the option of second harmonic generation at 515 nm, it is an irreplaceable tool in every lab that needs a reliable, turn-key, ultrafast light source. Thanks to its unique construction and SESAM-free technology it is a cost-effective solution that provides high pulse energy (up to 100 nJ) and an excellent beam quality. Halite’s industrial design facilitates easy integration with both experimental and commercial systems. |
![]() Lasers beyond the state of the art Active Fiber Systems GmbHErnst-Ruska-Ring 17 07745 Jena Germany | ![]() AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application. |
![]() Wilhelmine-Reichard Strasse 6 34123 Kassel Germany | ![]() The VALO Series of ultrafast fiber lasers are unique in their design offering among the shortest femtosecond pulses and highest peak powers which can be obtained from a compact turn-key solution. Pulse durations of <50 fs are achieved using novel fiber laser based technology. The ultrashort pulse durations combined with computer controlled group velocity dispersion pre-compensation, allow users of the VALO lasers to achieve the highest peak power exactly where its needed, which makes the lasers ideal for use in multiphoton imaging, advanced spectroscopy and many other applications.
![]() all wavelengths. TOPTICA Photonics AGLochhamer Schlag 19 82166 Gräfelfing Germany | ![]() With more than 20 years of experience, TOPTICA provides high-repetitive femtosecond lasers based on fiber laser technology. TOPTICA offers systems for OEM integrators as well as customized solutions for scientific customers, ranging from compact laser systems to tailored for specific applications, to customized high-power multi-watt laser systems. TOPTICA offers several products fulfilling these requirements: ultrafast fiber lasers based on Erbium (Er) and Ytterbium (Yb) like the FemtoFiber smart, FemtoFiber ultra and FemtoFiber dichro series. |
![]() Advanced laser technologies EKSPLASavanoriu Av. 237 02300 Vilnius Lithuania | ![]() The current EKSPLA product line includes lasers providing picosecond and femtosecond pulses. The femtosecond laser line includes:
Due to their excellent stability and high output parameters, EKSPLA scientific picosecond lasers established their name as “Gold Standard” among scientific picosecond lasers. The innovative design of a new generation of picosecond mode-locked lasers features diode-pumping‑only technology, thus reducing maintenance costs and improving output parameters. Second, third, fourth and fifth (on some versions) harmonic options combined with various accessories, advanced electronics (for streak camera synchronization, phase-locked loop, synchronization of femtosecond laser) and customization possibilities make these lasers well suited for many scientific applications, including optical parametric generator pumping, time-resolved spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, remote sensing and metrology. |
![]() Lasers, Optics, Electronics. Made in Germany. ALPHALAS GmbHBertha-von-Suttner-Str. 5 37085 Göttingen Germany | ![]() The ALPHALAS product line of PICOPOWER series ultrafast lasers implements advanced methods for generating picosecond pulses, including active, passive or combined mode-locking. ALPHALAS is the only manufacturer that uses the patented and most advanced “Nonlinear Mirror” or “Stankov Mirror” mode-locking method based on second harmonic generation with practically unlimited power scaling. The product line includes cavity-dumped mode-locked lasers, regeneratively amplified picosecond pulses with unsurpassed low jitter < 3.5 ps for pulses “on demand” and MW peak power. Optional harmonic wavelengths are also available. The PICOPOWER-LD series of the proprietary picosecond diode lasers covers the range 375 nm to 2300 nm with picosecond pulses as short as 12 ps and high peak power more than 2 W for specific wavelengths. Numerous applications cover optical parametric generator pumping, nonlinear optics, spectroscopy time-resolved spectroscopy, remote sensing and material processing. |
![]() Innovative and Reliable AdValue Photonics2700 E. Bilby Rd. Tucson, AZ 85706 United States | ![]() AdValue Photonics offers picosecond and femtosecond mode-locked fiber lasers emitting in the 2-μm spectral region:
All those devices have a good output beam quality. |
![]() The lasers you need. From the people you trust. Our experience, your advantage. RPMC Lasers, Inc.8495 Veterans Memorial Pkwy O’Fallon MO 63366 United States | ![]() Serving North America, RPMC Lasers offers a selection of ultrafast mode-locked lasers with pulse widths as short as 100 femtoseconds (100fs) and up to 10 picoseconds (10ps). They produce a peak pulse energy up to 500 microjoules (500 µJ) and pulse repetition rates up to 80 MHz. These lasers are typically available in the near infrared wavelength region. However, harmonic generation like frequency doubling and tripling allows the generation of visible outputs in the green and UV spectral regions and tunable wavelengths up to 10µm are possible through use of an optional optical parametric oscillator. With many options and customization capabilities, we’re sure to have a solution for your unique problem. Let RPMC help you find the right laser today! |
![]() Fully automated ultrafast tunable laser systems SI Stuttgart Instruments GmbHErnsthaldenstr. 17 70565 Stuttgart Germany | ![]() The Stuttgart Instruments Primus is an ultrafast (fs) mode-locked oscillator, based on the solid-state technology. It provides a high average output power combined with a superior low noise level (shot noise limit above 300 kHz) and an excellent long-term stability. The solid-state technology with 1040 nm central wavelength enables the excellent long-term stability by providing several watts of output power at 40 MHz pulse repetition rate and 450 fs pulse duration. Its superior low noise level reaches the shot noise limit above 300 kHz. In combination with the stability and output power, it enables ultrasensitive measurements and makes the Primus perfectly suited as pump source for frequency converters like the Stuttgart Instruments Alpha. The entire system is encapsulated in a solid CNC-cut and water-cooled housing, thus reaching excellent robustness against external perturbations. |
![]() Industriestrasse 42 8152 Glattbrugg Switzerland | ![]() Menhir Photonics offers ultrafast mode-locked lasers at 1.5 μm wavelength. These lasers offer pulse width below 200 fs and fundamental pulse repetition rates that can be chosen from 250 MHz up to 2.5 GHz. These systems are hermetically sealed and all-in-one (laser and electronic is one box). Menhir Photonics’ products have been designed to achieve ultra-low-noise performances combined with high-reliability and robustness, to ensure that they can be used in any situation from laboratory setup to harsh environments. |
![]() Tune your wavelength RadiantisCarrer Esteve Terradas, 1 Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia 08860 Castelldefels Barcelona Spain | ![]() Radiantis manufacturers broadly tunable laser systems based on Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs). Our MHz repetition-rate femtosecond and picosecond lasers cover the visible and IR spectral regions. The laser systems include both a pump laser and the OPO in the same enclosure. |
![]() We Laser The New Industry FYLA LASER S.L.Ronda Guglielmo Marconi 14 CP 46980, Paterna Spain | ![]() Iceblink is a supercontinuum fiber laser covering the 450–2300 nm spectral range with 3 W of average power and superior stability (<0.5% std. dev.). It is a very versatile white light source with a world of applications in the scientific and industrial sectors, including absorption/transmission measurements for material characterization, VIS, NIR, IR spectroscopy, single molecule spectroscopy, and fluorescence excitation. The spatial coherence and broad spectrum of Iceblink make it a great alternative to classic lamps, single-line lasers, LEDs, and ASE sources. |
![]() Lasers for the Molecular Age Cycle GmbHLuruper Hauptstr. 1 22547 Hamburg Germany | ![]() Cycle supplies tailored laser systems with unique features and affordable prices: The SOPRANO-15 is Cycle’s state-of-the art femtosecond fiber lasers, designed to fulfill tasks such as OPO/OPA pumping, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis and processing. The SOPRANO-15 operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm or 775 nm and pulse duration below 350 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments in 24/7 operation. The SOPRANO-15 mini is designed to carry out tasks such as multiphoton microscopy, spectroscopy, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis. In addition to its dependable 24/7 operation, the SOPRANO-15 mini operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm and typical pulse duration below 130 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments. |
![]() Extreme power at extreme wavelengths Class 5 PhotonicsDeutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg Germany | ![]() Class 5 Photonics delivers ultrafast, high-power laser technology at outstanding performance to advance demanding applications from bio-imaging to ultrafast material science and attosecond science. Our robust optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers (OPCPA) provide high-power, tunable femtosecond pulses at user-friendly operation. Features of the White Dwarf OPCPA 5 W:
![]() Precision in photonics. Together we shape a sustainable future. Menlo Systems GmbHBunsenstr. 5 82152 Martinsried Germany | ![]() Menlo Systems' femtosecond fiber lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration. From the shortest pulses to highest average power beyond 10 watts and pulse energy beyond 10 μJ we have the solution for your application ranging from basic research to industrial applications in spectroscopy, quality control, and material processing. |
![]() Enabling new applications with ultrashort laser pulses n2-Photonics GmbHKrausestraße 102 22049 Hamburg Germany | ![]() n2-Photonics offers the Lamiks lasers with:
![]() Solutions for Innovators NKT PhotonicsBregnerødvej 144 3460 Birkerød Denmark | ![]() NKT Photonics offers a wide range of ultrafast lasers. Our solid-state and fiber lasers are all maintenance-free and come in dust-sealed housing allowing for operation in the harshest environments. |
![]() Helping our customers reach their research @ commercial goals for over 45 years MPB CommunicationsHead Office 147 Hymus Boulevard Montreal, Quebec H9R 1E9 Canada | ![]() MPBC offers two distinct product lines in the ultrafast regime, our femtosecond fiber lasers and our picosecond fiber lasers. These lasers provide outstanding performance, offering linearly polarized, near-transform-limited pulses with excellent beam quality. They are compact, reliable, and require low maintenance, available either as seeders for high-power laser systems or complete laser systems. Our ultrafast fiber lasers come with a wide range of repetition rates, wavelengths, and output powers, making them suitable for a variety of advanced applications. |
![]() Via Artigiani 27 27010 Cura Carpignano (Pavia) Italy | ![]() Bright Solutions has the NPS narrowband picosecond lasers:
The NPS lasers are suitable for applications like OPO pumping, Raman or fluorescence spectroscopy and multimodal imaging. |
![]() Femtoseconds with Confidence Light Conversion, UABKeramikų 2B 10233 Vilnius Lithuania | ![]() LIGHT CONVERSION has worldwide recognition for its industrial-grade Yb-based PHAROS, CARBIDE, and FLINT femtosecond lasers.
Together, these products cover a wide range of scientific, industrial, and medical applications. |
![]() 43 Sparta Avenue Newton, NJ 07860 United States | ![]() Thorlabs manufactures an extensive selection of ultrafast lasers and related products for control and characterization. Applications from nonlinear excitation and amplifier seeding to THz and supercontinuum generation are served by a family of products covering a spectral range from 700 – 4500 nm. Our femtosecond laser offerings include fiber lasers, and our picosecond lasers include gain-switched and microchip lasers. Complimenting these laser systems is a suite of ultrafast optics, including nonlinear crystals, chirped mirrors, low-GDD optics, and related products for pulse measurement, pre-compensation, and dispersion measurement. |
Other Suppliers | |
Acal BFi Germany | |
Alnair Labs Japan | |
Altos Photonics United States | |
AMPHOS GmbH Germany | |
Amplitude Laser Group France | |
AUREA Technology France | |
Avesta Ltd. Russian Federation | |
Beijing Rofea Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. China | |
Calmar Laser United States | |
Chromacity Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Clark MXR United States | |
Coherent Corp. United States | |
Compact Laser Solutions GmbH Germany | |
CPG Optics China | |
Crisel Instruments s.r.l. Italy | |
Crysmit Photonics Co., Ltd. China | |
Dausinger & Giesen GmbH Germany | |
Del Mar Photonics, Inc. United States | |
Dyneos AG Switzerland | |
EdgeWave GmbH Germany | |
Elixir Photonics United States | |
ELUXI Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Enlight Technologies, Inc. United States | |
Femtum Canada | |
Fibercryst France | |
FiberLAST Inc. Turkey | |
GMP SA, Büro Zürich Switzerland | |
HibriLaser United States | |
HJ Optronics Inc. United States | |
IDIL Fibres Optiques France | |
IL Photonics Israel | |
IMRA America United States | |
IPG Photonics Corporation United States | |
Iradion Laser, Inc. United States | |
Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. United States | |
Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories Inc. United States | |
Lahat Technologies Ltd Israel | |
LAS Photonics Israel | |
Lasermate Group, Inc. United States | |
Lastek Pty Ltd Australia | |
Light Age, Inc. United States | |
Lithium Lasers Srl Italy | |
Litilit Lithuania | |
Lumentum Operations LLC United States | |
Lumos Laser Ltd. Turkey | |
Luxinar United Kingdom | |
M Squared Lasers Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Market Tech, Inc. United States | |
Microtech Instruments, Inc. United States | |
MONTFORT Laser GmbH Austria | |
Nano-Giga France | |
neoLASE GmbH Germany | |
Neptec Optical Solutions United States | |
NETWORK GROUP, s.r.o. Czech Republic | |
New Age Instruments & Materials India | |
New Technologies and Consulting Germany | |
Novanta Photonics United States | |
Optizone Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd. China | |
Opton Laser International France | |
Optoprim Germany GmbH Germany | |
Oxide Corporation Japan | |
Photonics Industries International, Inc. United States | |
PolarOnyx United States | |
Polarus Laser Russian Federation | |
Polytec GmbH Germany | |
PreciLasers Co. Ltd. China | |
Pritel United States | |
Prospective Instruments LK OG Austria | |
PULSED GmbH Germany | |
R&D Ultrafast Lasers Kft. Hungary | |
Refined Laser Systems GmbH Germany | |
Roithner LaserTechnik Austria | |
Sintec Optronics Pte Ltd (HQ) Singapore | |
Solar Laser Systems Belarus | |
Soliton Laser- und Messtechnik GmbH Germany | |
Spectra-Physics Lasers United States | |
Sydor Instruments LLC United States | |
Tokyo Instruments, Inc. Japan | |
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH Germany | |
TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH Germany | |
TRUMPF Inc. United States | |
TRUMPF Scientific Lasers GmbH + Co. KG Germany | |
UpTek Solutions Corp. United States | |
VALO Innovations GmbH Germany | |
Vescent Photonics, Inc. United States | |
von Gegerfelt Photonics Germany | |
Wavelength Opto-Electronic (S) Pte Ltd Singapore | |
YSL Photonics China | |
Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG Switzerland |