Buying Ytterbium-doped Laser Gain Media
Ytterbium-doped laser gain media include a variety of materials such as bulk crystals, glasses, and fibers. These media are known for their efficiency and are used in a wide range of laser applications.
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Find Suppliers for Ytterbium-doped Laser Gain Media
46 suppliers for ytterbium-doped laser gain media are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, out of which 6 present their product descriptions. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.
Suppliers with Advertising Package presenting their product descriptions | |
![]() 34, Rue de la Croix de Fer 78100 Saint Germain-en-Laye France | ![]() Exail (formerly iXblue) offers a large choice of ytterbium-doped single clad and dual clad optical fibers to address a variety of laser performance requirements. Exail’s ytterbium-doped fibers have been designed to provide low noise and high optical conversion efficiency in fiber lasers and amplifiers at 1 µm. Our portfolio contains single clad, double clad, LMA and VLMA Yb fibers (from 5 µm up to 40 µm core diameter) in PM and non-PM versions. Space and radiation-resistant versions are also available. Benefits and features:
Applications: 1-μm CW and pulsed lasers and preamplifiers. |
![]() Innovation in every fiber Fibercore LimitedUniversity Parkway Chilworth Science Park Southampton SO16 7QQ United Kingdom | ![]() Fibercore's portfolio of erbium-doped fiber, PM erbium fiber, dual-clad erbium/ytterbium-doped fiber, triple-clad doped fiber and other doped fibers offers ideal suitability for high-power erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) and fiber lasers. |
![]() Solutions for Innovators NKT PhotonicsBregnerødvej 144 3460 Birkerød Denmark | ![]() Our ytterbium double clad fibers offer the largest single-mode cores in the world. They enable amplification to unprecedented power levels while keeping mode quality and stability. If you are building picosecond or femtosecond ultrafast fiber lasers, our Yb-doped aeroGAIN gain modules may be just what you are looking for. |
![]() Your reliable partner for photonics innovations! EKSMA Optics, UABDvarcioniu St. 2B LT-10233 Vilnius Lithuania | ![]() EKSMA Optics offers Yb:KGW and Yb:KYW single crystals for diode or laser pumped solid-state laser applications. |
![]() (4Lasers) Mokslininku str. 6B 08412 Vilnius Lithuania | ![]() Optogama offers Yb:KGW, Yb:KYW, Yb:CaF2 and other Yb-doped crystals which possess a broad gain bandwidth that enable the generation of femtosecond pulses in diode-laser pumped mode-locked lasers. Compared with other ytterbium-doped gain media, ytterbium-doped tungstates has fairly high absorption and emission cross-sections. Yb:CaF2 features very broad and smooth emission bands, good thermal properties and can be grown of large dimension with high optical quality. |
![]() Lasers, Optics, Electronics. Made in Germany. ALPHALAS GmbHBertha-von-Suttner-Str. 5 37085 Göttingen Germany | ![]() Yb3+:YAG, Yb3+:CaF2 and other Yb3+-doped laser crystals are lately gaining more attention due to some unique lasing properties like very wide emission spectral range from 1020 nm to 1100 nm and the absence of excited-state absorption. Both the wide tuning range and generation of femtosecond laser pulses makes these laser gain media as the first choice for many applications. Standard pre-configured Yb3+:YAG laser crystals with various doping levels from 0.5% to 10% and AR- or HR-coatings are available from stock. Customized designs are also available. |
Other Suppliers | |
3photon Lithuania | |
3W Photonics United States | |
AOG Crystal Technology Co, Ltd. China | |
Beijing JIEPU TREND Technology China | |
Bluebean Optical Tech Ltd. China | |
CASIX Inc. China | |
CASTECH China | |
Coherent Corp. United States | |
CorActive High-Tech Inc. Canada | |
Crystal GmbH Germany | |
Crytur, spol. s r.o. Czech Republic | |
Dausinger & Giesen GmbH Germany | |
ELUXI Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Everfoton China | |
HG Optronics China | |
Impex High Tech Germany | |
INO Canada | |
JG International China | |
Jinan Nanosecond Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. China | |
Laserand, Inc. Canada | |
Lumispot Technology Corp. China | |
Metalaser China | |
Mountain Photonics GmbH Germany | |
Sichuan MetalMiracle Industry Corp. China | |
Nanjing Crylink Photonics Co., Ltd China | |
Nanjing Metalaser Photonics Co., Ltd China | |
Newlight Photonics Inc. Canada | |
nLight Photonics Corporation Canada | |
Northrop Grumman - Cutting Edge Optronics United States | |
nortus Optronic GmbH Germany | |
Nuphoton Technologies United States | |
OFS Global Headquarters United States | |
Princeton Scientific Corp. United States | |
Raybium AB Sweden | |
Roditi International Corporation Ltd. United Kingdom | |
Scientific Materials Corp. United States | |
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH Germany | |
Yangtze Optical Electronics Co., Ltd China | |
Yutai Optics China |