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Supplier profile:

Active Fiber Systems

Customized high-power ultrafast lasers

Active Fiber Systems GmbH
Ernst-Ruska-Ring 17
07745 Jena
Tel.:+49 3641 22 52 10
Fax:+49 3641 53 41 53
Website:web link
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Company Description

Active Fiber Systems GmbH is located in Jena, known as the ‘City of Photonics’ in Germany. Active Fiber Systems GmbH (AFS) is a technological leader for high-power femtosecond laser systems. Our employees have pushed the boundaries of what is possible over the last decade. Our solutions range from compact options all the way to complex high-power femtosecond laser beamlines with multiple output ports. All of our high-power laser systems are fully-based on fiber amplifier technology – developed in Jena, Germany.

Active Fiber Systems


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Write your thesis at AFS! Enthusiastic students get the opportunity to write their bachelor or master thesis in cooperation with us and the Friedrich Schiller University.

Star product: The newest model Thulium-300 offers unprecedented ultrafast average power at 2 µm central wavelength in combination with a very high pulse energy.

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Product categoryEncDescription
burst mode lasersS Eburst mode lasers from Active Fiber Systems

All of our lasers have the option to add a burst module. Up to multi-GHz intra-burst rates are possible.

femtosecond lasersS Efemtosecond lasers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

fiber amplifiersS Efiber amplifiers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

fiber lasersS Efiber lasers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

high harmonic generation equipmentS Ehigh harmonic generation equipment from Active Fiber Systems

The photon-flux values obtained by fiber-laser-driven HHG sources can be considered the highest of all laser systems for photon energies between 20 eV – 150 eV. Even higher photon energies up to the soft X-ray regime are feasible using Tm-based lasers.

AFS ultrafast fiber lasers are ideal high-harmonic drivers. These turnkey HHG beamlines can address several applications in the EUV to X-ray spectral region.

high-power fiber lasers and amplifiersS Ehigh-power fiber lasers and amplifiers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

high-power lasersS Ehigh-power lasers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

lasersS Elasers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS offers various femtosecond laser platforms based on ytterbium or thulium-doped fiber amplifiers, OPCPA/OPA and XUV extensions covering all wavelength ranges for compact systems up to complex multi-functional beamlines.

lasers for material processingS Elasers for material processing from Active Fiber Systems

Our compact thulium-based sources Thulium-30 and Thulium-60 are particularly well-suited for next generation material processing applications.

mid-infrared laser sourcesS Emid-infrared laser sources from Active Fiber Systems

This extension complements the compact 50fs-thulium-doped ultrafast fiber laser system and provides a high-power frequency comb in the mid-IR. The ultrafast mid-IR pulses are achieved through intra-pulse difference-frequency generation, which guarantees passive carrier-envelope-offset stability. The complete frequency-comb nature of the source can be achieved by controlling and stabilizing the fundamental pulse-repetition frequency of the driving laser.

optical parametric amplifiersS Eoptical parametric amplifiers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS offers customized OPCPA/OPA add-ons to supplement our high-power beamlines.

optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiersS Eoptical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS offers customized OPCPA/OPA add-ons to supplement our high-power beamlines.

pulsed lasersS Epulsed lasers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

Raman spectroscopy equipmentS ERaman spectroscopy equipment from Active Fiber Systems

Our compact, alignment-free and all-fiber picosecond laser source for CARS microscopy delivers synchronized pump and Stokes pulses from a single fiber end. This air-cooled and turn-key CARS laser source has a great benefit for the user as the fiber delivery eliminates alignment of the spatial and temporal pulse overlap.

scientific lasersS Escientific lasers from Active Fiber Systems

Our employees have pushed the boundaries of what is possible with femtosecond lasers over the last decade. Our solutions range from compact options all the way to complex high-power femtosecond laser beamlines with multiple output ports.

ultrafast amplifiersS Eultrafast amplifiers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

ultrafast lasersS Eultrafast lasers from Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.

ultraviolet lasersS Eultraviolet lasers from Active Fiber Systems

Many applications benefit from central wavelengths in the VIS or UV range. AFS offers fully integrated frequency conversion modules from 1030 nm to 515 nm, 343 nm or even 258 nm. The conversion efficiency depends on the pulse duration of the driving laser. We offer fourth-harmonic generation upon request.