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AdValue Photonics

Innovative and Reliable

AdValue Photonics
2700 E. Bilby Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85706
United States
Tel.:+1 520 790 5468
Fax:+1 520 790 1158
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Company Description

AdValue Photonics manufactures high performance and cost-effective fiber lasers and related components. Product offerings range from 0.5 µm, 1.0 µm, 1.5 µm and 2.0 µm in wavelength to femtoseconds, picoseconds, and nanoseconds in pulse width; used in industrial materials processing, LIDAR, sensing, frequency conversion, spectroscopy, and medical applications. The company also has special expertise in high peak power, high pulse energy, narrow linewidth, and single mode beam quality for fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers.

AdValue Photonics


See us at SPIE Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, January 25–30 (booth 555)!


Product categoryDescription
femtosecond lasers
suppliers for femtosecond lasers encyclopedia article
femtosecond lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers the AP-ML2 generates 800-fs pulses with up to 10 μJ pulse energy and up to 500 kHz repetition rate.

The AP-ML is a seed laser available with pulse durations between 350 fs and 950 fs. Pulse repetition rates can be between 20 MHz and 50 MHz.

fiber amplifiers
suppliers for fiber amplifiers encyclopedia article
fiber amplifiers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers fiber amplifiers for wavelength around 1 μm, 1.5 μm or 2 μm. They are suitable for pulsed or continuous-operation, narrow linewidth or broadband light.

For the 1-μm region, we have compact and yet powerful large mode area fiber amplifier modules, which can deliver more than 120 W average output power.

fiber lasers
suppliers for fiber lasers encyclopedia article
fiber lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics produces various kinds of fiber lasers emitting in the wavelength regions around 1 μm, 1.5 μm and 2 μm. Continuous-wave and pulsed devices (with pulse durations in the nanosecond, picosecond or femtosecond regime) are available, partly with high peak power, high pulse energy, high beam quality, and narrow linewidth capabilities.

See also our overview on fiber laser products!

green lasers
suppliers for green lasers encyclopedia article
green lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers the EVERESTpico green picosecond laser for applications like laser cutting, drilling and scribing on various materials. Different models can deliver 50-ps pulses with up to 30 W average power and excellent beam quality.

high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers
suppliers for high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers encyclopedia article
high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics produces various kinds of fiber lasers emitting in the wavelength regions around 1 μm, 1.5 μm and 2 μm. Some offer quite high output powers. For example, we have compact and yet powerful large mode area fiber amplifier modules, which can deliver more than 120 W.

industrial lasers
suppliers for industrial lasers encyclopedia article
industrial lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics has developed a number of industrial fiber laser products, operating in different wavelengths regions and pulse duration regimes, or in continuous-wave mode. They are suitable for a range of industrial applications, including laser cutting, drilling and ablation.

See also our overview on fiber laser products!

suppliers for lasers encyclopedia article
lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics has developed a number of industrial fiber laser products, operating in different wavelengths regions and pulse duration regimes, or in continuous-wave mode. They are suitable for a range of industrial applications, including laser cutting, drilling and ablation.

See also our overview on fiber laser products!

lasers for material processing
suppliers for lasers for material processing encyclopedia article

AdValue Photonics offers a broad range of fiber lasers for material processing at 515 nm, 1 µm, and 2 µm wavelengths. From nanosecond to picosecond, the variety of pulse width and wavelength options provide possibilities for laser material processing in optimized ways. Different materials, e.g. glass, ceramics, metals, semiconductors, and plastics, can be precisely machined under specific requirements. The fiber lasers are capable of delivering attractive solutions of high efficiency, high yield, and low cost for material processing.

Here is a list of fiber laser products for material processing: AP-515P, AP-1030P, AP-515, AP-1030, AP-1950, AP-QS1-MOD

mode-locked fiber lasers
suppliers for mode-locked fiber lasers encyclopedia article
mode-locked fiber lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers picosecond and femtosecond mode-locked fiber lasers emitting in the 2-μm spectral region:

  • The AP-ML1 offers up to 10 kW peak power in <3-ps pulses with 20–40 MHz pulse repetition rate.
  • The AP-ML2 generates 800-fs pulses with up to 10 μJ pulse energy and up to 500 kHz repetition rate.
  • The AP-ML is a seed laser available with pulse durations between 350 fs and 950 fs. Repetition rates can be between 20 MHz and 50 MHz.

All those devices have a good output beam quality.

mode-locked lasers
suppliers for mode-locked lasers encyclopedia article
mode-locked lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers picosecond and femtosecond mode-locked fiber lasers emitting in the 2-μm spectral region:

  • The AP-ML1 offers up to 10 kW peak power in <3-ps pulses with 20–40 MHz pulse repetition rate.
  • The AP-ML2 generates 800-fs pulses with up to 10 μJ pulse energy and up to 500 kHz repetition rate.
  • The AP-ML is a seed laser available with pulse durations between 350 fs and 950 fs. Repetition rates can be between 20 MHz and 50 MHz.

All those devices have a good output beam quality.

nanosecond lasers
suppliers for nanosecond lasers encyclopedia article
nanosecond lasers from AdValue Photonics

The EVERESTnano 1 µm pulsed fiber laser is suitable for laser marking, cutting and ablation. It generates 5-ns pulses with up to 100 W average power and up to 500 kHz repetition rate. The free-space output beam at 1030 nm exhibits a beam quality factor below 1.3.

narrow-linewidth lasers
suppliers for narrow-linewidth lasers encyclopedia article
narrow-linewidth lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics has the AP-SF single-frequency fiber laser emitting in the 2-μm wavelength region with a linewidth around 10 kHz. The AP-SF1 is an amplified version with 5 W output power. Both come with a turn-key benchtop housing.

OEM laser modules
suppliers for OEM laser modules encyclopedia article
OEM laser modules from AdValue Photonics

The EVEREST series laser modules are suitable for laser system/machine integration for application of material processing. It provides nanosecond to picosecond pulse width options; up to 100 W average power; up to megahertz repetition rate; beam quality of M2 > 1.3. The emission wavelength is 1030 nm, 515 nm or 1950 nm.

optical amplifiers
suppliers for optical amplifiers encyclopedia article
optical amplifiers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers fiber amplifiers for wavelength around 1 μm, 1.5 μm or 2 μm. They are suitable for pulsed or continuous-operation, narrow linewidth or broadband light.

For the 1-μm region, we have compact and yet powerful large mode area fiber amplifier modules, which can deliver more than 120 W average output power.

picosecond lasers
suppliers for picosecond lasers encyclopedia article
picosecond lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers the EVERESTpico 1 μm picosecond fiber laser (AP-1030P), Different models can deliver 50-ps pulses with 15 W, 30 W, 60 W or 100 W average power in a collimated free-space beam with excellent beam quality. Pulse repetition rates can go up to 1 MHz.

There is also the EVERESTpico green picosecond laser for applications like laser cutting, drilling and scribing on various materials. Different models can deliver 50-ps pulses with up to 30 W average power and excellent beam quality.

pulsed lasers
suppliers for pulsed lasers encyclopedia article
pulsed lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers different kinds of Q-switched nanosecond lasers, all emitting in the 2-μm spectral region (1950 nm):

  • The Q-switched laser module AP-QS1-MOD generates pulses with 20 ns to 200 ns duration, up to 30 kHz repetition rate, up to 10 W average output power and high beam quality. The module also has an output modulation capability.
  • The Q-switched laser AP-QS is a compact seed laser delivering 5-μJ pulses with up to 30 kHz repetition rate.
  • The Q-switched laser AP-QS1 with a rack housing offers up to 5 W average power and 250 μJ pulse energy.

Besides, AdValue Photonics has picosecond and femtosecond fiber lasers.

Q-switched lasers
suppliers for Q-switched lasers encyclopedia article
Q-switched lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers different kinds of Q-switched nanosecond lasers, all emitting in the 2-μm spectral region (1950 nm):

  • The Q-switched laser module AP-QS1-MOD generates pulses with 20 ns to 200 ns duration, up to 30 kHz repetition rate, up to 10 W average output power and high beam quality. The module also has an output modulation capability.
  • The Q-switched laser AP-QS is a compact seed laser delivering 5-μJ pulses with up to 30 kHz repetition rate.
  • The Q-switched laser AP-QS1 with a rack housing offers up to 5 W average power and 250 μJ pulse energy.
single-frequency lasers
suppliers for single-frequency lasers encyclopedia article
single-frequency lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics has the AP-SF single-frequency fiber laser emitting in the 2-μm wavelength region with a linewidth around 10 kHz. The AP-SF1 is an amplified version with 5 W output power. Both come with a turn-key benchtop housing.

supercontinuum sources
suppliers for supercontinuum sources encyclopedia article
supercontinuum sources from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers the fiber-based supercontinuum source AP-SC-MIR, emitting in a more than 500 nm wide region (10-dB bandwidth) around 2 μm with 10 kHz repetition rate and 100 mW average power. It can be used, for example, for caps optical component testing, gas analysis, biomedical analysis and spectroscopy.

superluminescent sources
suppliers for superluminescent sources encyclopedia article
superluminescent sources from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers 2-μm ASE sources: the AP-ASE-2000 with over 170 nm bandwidth and 20 mW output power, and the AP-ASE-2100 with over 100 nm and 10 mW output power. Both come as a turn-key benchtop package.

ultrafast lasers
suppliers for ultrafast lasers encyclopedia article
ultrafast lasers from AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers picosecond and femtosecond mode-locked fiber lasers emitting in the 2-μm spectral region:

  • The AP-ML1 offers up to 10 kW peak power in <3-ps pulses with 20–40 MHz pulse repetition rate.
  • The AP-ML2 generates 800-fs pulses with up to 10 μJ pulse energy and up to 500 kHz repetition rate.
  • The AP-ML is a seed laser available with pulse durations between 350 fs and 950 fs. Repetition rates can be between 20 MHz and 50 MHz.

All those devices have a good output beam quality.

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