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Supplier profile:

Advanced Photonic Sciences

Excellence in Lasers, Optics, and Photonic Systems

Advanced Photonic Sciences
26741 State Route 267
Friendsville, PA 18818
United States
Tel.:+1 570 553 1120
Website:web link

Company Description

Advanced Photonic Sciences (“APS”) develops and manufactures microlaser and laser module products for industrial and government organizations for biomedical, illumination, and aiming applications in both laboratory and demanding industrial conditions; kilowatt-class cryogenic lasers; diode-pumped solid-state lasers operating in the UV, visible, and near and mid-infrared spectral regions; offers more than 40 experimental kits for photonics and laser technology education of students at universities and related educational bodies; spectroscopy services; and conducts research and development in collaboration with organizations to develop novel new optical and laser materials.

Advanced Photonic Sciences


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Advanced Photonic Sciences and CarbonVision sign distribution agreement

Star product: Snake Creek Lasers’ WTR Series is an industrial-grade OEM laser module.

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Product categoryEncDescription
educational laser kitsSeducational laser kits from Advanced Photonic Sciences

APS’ has signed an exclusive agreement to represent Dr. Luhs Engineering Offices in North America to distribute, service, and support all educational optics, lasers, telecom, and laser applications modules. These modules, developed by Dr. Walter Luhs Photonik Ingenieurbüro in Germany, are educational modules that teach the basic principles of optics and lasers, and applications thereof, on college and professional school level.

fiber-coupled diode lasersS Efiber-coupled diode lasers from Advanced Photonic Sciences

APS now offers 445 nm (blue) fiber-coupled laser modules with varying powers of 50 W, 100 W, 150 W and 200 W. With the exception of the 50 W power module, all units are self-contained, internally-cooled, and designed for mounting. These units, equipped with a SMA connector at the fiber output, can be used for various applications such as illumination, cutting, engraving, and more.

green lasersS Egreen lasers from Advanced Photonic Sciences

APS offers the MicroGreen™ Series, which is a diode-pumped solid-state laser packaged in a 5.6 mm diameter can. The MicroGreen is available in power ratings up to 80 mW in TEM00 mode. The alignment-free optical design is also both rugged and reliable; and its high optical-to-optical conversion efficiency allows the laser to be battery powered. Applications include tool alignment, machine vision, aiming guide, and the green color source in micro-displays.

laser diode modulesS Elaser diode modules from Advanced Photonic Sciences

APS’ new Cool Photons Module is a robust water-cooled assembly that allows easy setup and operation of high-power laser diodes, while also providing cooling and temperature monitoring. Compatible diodes can be found on APS website under high power visible laser diodes.

laser diodesS Elaser diodes from Advanced Photonic Sciences

Our selection of High-Powered Visible Diode Lasers (>1.0 W) offer a few key features including High efficiency and long lifetime. Wide temperature range and high optical output power of violet, blue, green, and red lasers. Leading product performance and innovative packaging; their small package size is particularly beneficial to highly compact systems.

laser engraving machinerySlaser engraving machinery from Advanced Photonic Sciences

Lasertack's 6-watt blue diode laser is offered for laser engraving, marking, and cutting applications. With the Spot Creator beam-forming optics, spot sizes down to 50 µm are achievable. The device can serve as a high-intensity source for micro-machining of wood, plastics, metals, anodized aluminum, stone, tile, and other materials.

microchip lasersS Emicrochip lasers from Advanced Photonic Sciences

APS offers microchip lasers emitting at green and infrared wavelengths. For example, the Snake Creek Lasers MicroGreen™ Series is a diode-pumped solid-state laser packaged in a 5.6 mm diameter can – the world’s smallest microchip laser with 532-nm output. An eye-safe version emitting at 1550 nm is also available.

OEM laser modulesS EOEM laser modules from Advanced Photonic Sciences

APS offers WTR Series, which is an industrial-grade OEM laser module, proven for operation in wide ambient temperature conditions and to withstand severe shock and vibration conditions. With large drive-voltage acceptance range (10 to 50 Vdc), the WTR is easy to integrate into OEM applications. The WTR is currently available with output powers up to 50 mW at 532 nm and 30 mW at 635 nm wavelengths. Beam-forming optics are available to project dot, line, or cross hair in the single-beam configuration; and dot, line, or a combination thereof, in the dual-beam configuration, respectively.

optical breadboardsS Eoptical breadboards from Advanced Photonic Sciences

APS offers CarbonVision’s program of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) optical breadboards in the United States and Canada. CFRP boards provide similar thermal stability compared to Super Invar but at a lower cost and are inherently non-magnetic. Beside low-weight high-strength attributes, CFRP boards exhibit low-resonant frequencies and can be constructed for dynamic and/or vacuum applications.

optical tablesS Eoptical tables from Advanced Photonic Sciences

APS offers CarbonVision’s program of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) optical breadboards, tables and specialty products in the United States and Canada. Compared to stainless-steel, CFRP benches and structures exhibit high-strength, low-frequency resonances and vacuum compatibility attributes.

Information of Advanced Photonic Sciences Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

educational laser kits, fiber-coupled diode lasers, green lasers, laser diode modules, laser diodes, laser engraving machinery, microchip lasers, OEM laser modules, optical breadboards, optical tables

Encyclopedia Articles

fiber-coupled diode lasers, green lasers, laser diode modules, laser diodes, microchip lasers, OEM laser modules, optical breadboards, optical tables

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