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Lasers, Optics, Electronics. Made in Germany.

Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 5
37085 Göttingen
Tel.:+49 551 7 70 61 47
Fax:+49 551 7 70 61 46
Website:web link
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Company Description

ALPHALAS GmbH is a laser manufacturer founded in 1997 in Göttingen, Germany. The main activities include development, production and sales of lasers, laser systems, optics, laser-related electronics and components. The main products are advanced diode-pumped solid-state lasers: picosecond (modelocked, cavity-dumped, regeneratively amplified), single frequency (CW & high-power pulsed) and sub-nanosecond Q-switched lasers. Further, we offer picosecond diode lasers with very short pulses and high peak power from UV to IR, as well as educational laser kits.

As a vertically integrated manufacturer, we also develop and produce laser-related electronics like diode laser and TEC drivers, electro-/acousto-optic modulators and drivers, ultrafast photodetectors and CCD line scan cameras. Laser components, polarization optics, standard and wideband tunable waveplates are available from stock.

Our strengths include custom design and flexibility. We also perform contract research and development.


Product CategoryDescription
balanced photodetectors
suppliers for balanced photodetectors encyclopedia article
balanced photodetectors from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers balanced photodetectors with bandwidths from DC up to 10 GHz and wavelength ranges from 170 nm to 2600 nm. Both free-space and fiber-coupled models are available.

birefringent tuners
suppliers for birefringent tuners encyclopedia article
birefringent tuners from ALPHALAS

Birefringent tuners (Lyot filters) for wavelength tuning of lasers are made of crystal quartz or MgF2. Their optical axis can be parallel to the surface plane or at customized angle. Standard thicknesses ranging from 0.5 mm to 10 mm and diameter of 25.4 mm (1 inch) are available from stock. Transmission ranges: 200 nm … 2700 nm for crystal quartz and 150 nm … 6000 nm made of MgF2. ALPHALAS offers both uncoated and AR-coated birefringent tuners. These can be used at Brewster angle Lyot filter configuration (no Fresnel reflection losses), or in a customer-specific design.

blue lasers
suppliers for blue lasers encyclopedia article
blue lasers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers actively and passively Q-switched diode-pumped solid-state lasers emitting blue light at 457 nm and 473 nm wavelengths. Typical parameters are pulse energy 1 … 5 µJ, pulse duration 1 ns, repetition rate 1 … 5 kHz. CW blue diode lasers with wavelengths 405 nm, 450 nm, 488 nm and up to 200 mW output power are also provided. The range of blue lasers is complemented with picosecond pulse blue diode lasers at wavelengths 375, 405 nm, 445, 450 and 488 nm.

cavity-dumped lasers
suppliers for cavity-dumped lasers encyclopedia article
cavity-dumped lasers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers diode-pumped mode-locked cavity-dumped picosecond lasers at 1030 nm, 1047 nm, 1053 nm and 1064 nm with optional second, third or fourth harmonic wavelengths. Typical parameters of these lasers are pulse durations < 15 ps and repetition rates from single shot to 10 kHz. For lower average and peak powers, these lasers are a good alternative to regeneratively amplified lasers due to simplicity, reliability and easy operation. On request, customized lasers for higher repetition rates or other wavelengths are available. This range of products includes also cavity-dumped Q-switched lasers that feature constant pulse widths and energies in a wide frequency range.

composite laser crystals
suppliers for composite laser crystals encyclopedia article
composite laser crystals from ALPHALAS

The composite (or diffusion-bonded) laser crystals consist of two crystals that are fixed together to form a monolithic design. The most popular combination includes Nd3+:YAG as the laser medium and Cr4+:YAG as the passive Q-switch. Most of the composite laser crystals like Nd3+:YAG + Cr4+:YAG, Yb3+:YAG + Cr4+:YAG, Nd3+:YAG + V3+:YAG, Er3+:YAG + YAG, Nd3+:YVO4 + YVO4 are available from stock or with customer’s specifications with AR, PR or HR coatings.

design and development services
suppliers for design and development services
design and development services from ALPHALAS

Based on more than 40 years of experience in lasers, optics, nonlinear optics and electronics, ALPHALAS offers customer-specific design and development services. Successfully finished projects for numerous customers include CW, Q-switched, mode-locked and cavity-dumped lasers, high-voltage, high-speed switches, as well as diode laser and TEC drivers.

diode-pumped lasers
suppliers for diode-pumped lasers encyclopedia article
diode-pumped lasers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers advanced diode-pumped solid-state lasers with pulse durations in the nanosecond or picosecond region, as well as CW lasers. Different types of pulsed diode-pumped lasers include:

  • actively or passively mode-locked picosecond lasers,
  • regeneratively amplified lasers,
  • actively and passively Q-switched lasers, and
  • mode-locked and cavity-dumped lasers.

Customer-specific repetition rates and pulse energies are available on request. Some models can operate at single longitudinal mode in CW or pulsed mode. Optionally available are also second, third or fourth harmonics for most of the above lasers.

distributed feedback lasers
suppliers for distributed feedback lasers encyclopedia article
distributed feedback lasers from ALPHALAS

Narrow-band distributed feedback diode lasers with free-space beam or fiber coupling at numerous wavelengths: 1030 nm, 1047 nm, 1053 nm and 1064 nm are available from stock. In order to match the gain maximum of popular amplifying media as seed lasers, temperature tuning and wavelength selection are offered for the above standard laser wavelengths.

educational laser kits
suppliers for educational laser kits
educational laser kits from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers laser kits for education and research:

  • Diode-pumped solid-state laser kit with five modes of operation: CW @ 1064 nm, frequency-doubling intra-cavity & Q-switched, external frequency-doubling.
    Options: Nanosecond monolithic microchip laser, active Q-switching, third and fourth harmonic generation, acousto-optic or electro-optic modulator.
    Applications: education in theory and practice, research & testing, start-up for DPSS laser development.
  • Mode-locked picosecond laser kit with ready aligned diode-pumped passively mode-locked laser cavity is offered at a very low price. Nominal specifications are: 1064 nm wavelength, 300 mW output power, 10 ps pulse duration, 100 MHz rep. rate. This kit uses semiconductor saturable absorber technology.
    Options: Second and third harmonic generation.
    Applications: education in theory & practice, research & testing, start-up for picosecond laser development.
electro-optic modulators
suppliers for electro-optic modulators encyclopedia article
electro-optic modulators from ALPHALAS

Electro-optic crystals like LiNbO3, LiTaO3, DKDP, BBO, KTP and RTP crystals in conjunction with HF drivers are available for phase or amplitude modulation. ALPHALAS has a large stock of Pockels cells and phase modulators for most of the standard laser wavelengths.

suppliers for etalons encyclopedia article
etalons from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers etalons made of fused silica for wavelength tuning and single-frequency operation of lasers. Etalons with diameter 8 mm and thicknesses 0.2 mm, 0.9 mm or 1.3 mm, coated with different reflectivities in the near infrared region, are available from stock.

Upgraded to resonant reflectors (stack of very high precision fused quartz flats with spacers and different number of elements), these have very high periodic spectral selectivity and very high damage threshold.

Customer-specific designs are also available.

Fabry–Pérot interferometers
suppliers for Fabry–Pérot interferometers encyclopedia article
Fabry–Pérot interferometers from ALPHALAS

The Fabry–Pérot interferometers offered by ALPHALAS are high-resolution spectroscopic instruments having applications in spectral analysis of narrowband light sources like gas discharge lamps and lasers. These are especially useful for analyzing the spectral content of pulsed lasers, because they allow for single-shot measurements.

The interferometers consist of two high-precision mirrors with a flatness better than λ/40 over 90% of the aperture, having broadband coatings and spacers of different thickness. The working aperture is either 22 mm or 48 mm, and the reflectivity finesse is > 120. The standard spectral range is 450 nm … 1100 nm, others on request. Combined with our CCD linear array, the interferometers form a versatile spectral analysis system.

gain-switched lasers
suppliers for gain-switched lasers encyclopedia article
gain-switched lasers from ALPHALAS

Gain-switched diode lasers of the PICOPOWER-LD series from ALPHALAS with pulses < 12 ps and peak power > 2 W at specific wavelengths offer a cost-saving alternative to mode-locked DPSS lasers. Exchangeable laser heads with wavelengths from 375 to 2200 nm offer greatest flexibility. Simultaneous multichannel operation at a number of wavelengths is also available. External TTL trigger and TTL sync output are standard features. Picosecond pulses are generated with repetition rates from single-shot to 100 MHz. Options like fiber coupling, variable amplitude, CW mode, temperature tuning of the wavelength and single-frequency are available on request for most wavelengths. All models generate a single transverse mode laser beam. Applications include fluorescence lifetime measurements, pump-probe experiments, laser seeding, optical tomography, time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC).

infrared detectors
suppliers for infrared detectors encyclopedia article
infrared detectors from ALPHALAS

Ultrafast photodetectors from ALPHALAS are suitable for measuring optical waveforms with rise times starting from 10 ps and spectral coverage for the IR region up to 2600 nm have bandwidths from DC up to 30 GHz. Available configurations include free-space, fiber receptacle or SM-fiber-pigtailed options and have compact metal housings for noise immunity. For maximum flexibility, most models are not internally terminated. A 50 Ohm external termination supports the highest speed operation, while a high impedance load generates large amplitude signals.

Applications include pulse form and pulse width measurement, laser synchronization, mode beating monitoring and heterodyne measurements. Balanced photodiodes complement the large selection for these models.

infrared-to-visible converters
suppliers for infrared-to-visible converters
infrared-to-visible converters from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers infrared-to-visible converters (visualizers) for detecting and visualizing IR radiation from CW and pulsed lasers, IR laser diodes and for revealing the transverse laser mode structure. They feature high sensitivity, high laser damage threshold due to the use of special durable ceramic-like material, coverage of wide spectral ranges 800 … 1150 nm and 1460 … 1650 nm, no need for activation with UV-light and no bleaching. The converters are mounted in black-anodized metal holders. The active surface diameter is 40 mm and has two active sides.

injection-seeded lasers
suppliers for injection-seeded lasers encyclopedia article
injection-seeded lasers from ALPHALAS

Injection-seeding using a single-frequency low power laser is implemented to seed a single-frequency nanosecond laser source delivering very high energies of 1 mJ with 10 ns pulse width at 10 kHz repetition rate. Output power can reach up to 10 W or even higher on demand. It operates at 1064 nm, but frequency conversion to 532 nm, 355 nm and 266 nm is also available. The distinctive features of these lasers like near-transform-limited spectral width, simultaneously high average and peak powers, diffraction-limited output beam make them an ideal choice for numerous scientific applications including optical metrology, interferometry, high-resolution laser spectroscopy, fiber communications, single pulse holography and many others. The Ethernet connection allows easy access and control of the laser system even in remote, hard-to-reach or hazardous environment.

intensity modulators
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intensity modulators from ALPHALAS

Electro-optic crystals with suitable drivers are used to modulate the laser beam intensity with frequencies up to 100 MHz. Standard and customer-specific devices are available. The intensity modulators series is complemented with acousto-optic modulators for the standard laser wavelengths.

laser crystals
suppliers for laser crystals encyclopedia article
laser crystals from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers many standard laser crystals like Nd3+:YAG, Yb3+:YAG, Nd3+:YVO4 and Nd3+:GdVO4 with large stock inventory. Customer-specific dimensions, doping levels as well as HR, PR and AR coatings are also available.

laser design services
suppliers for laser design services
laser design services from ALPHALAS

Based on more than 40 years of experience in lasers, optics and electronics, ALPHALAS offers customer-specific design and development services. Successful projects include single-frequency, Q-switched and picosecond lasers.

laser development services
suppliers for laser development services encyclopedia article
laser development services from ALPHALAS

Based on more than 40 years of experience in lasers, optics and electronics, ALPHALAS offers customer-specific design and development services for lasers, laser-related electronics and optical devices.

laser diode drivers
suppliers for laser diode drivers encyclopedia article
laser diode drivers from ALPHALAS

A large range of diode laser drivers covering CW and pulsed currents from 100 mA to 300 A are available as standard or as customer-specific products at competitive prices. The diode laser drivers are complemented with TEC drivers of various powers for easy integration into the customer’s laser systems. The product line includes also drivers for picosecond pulse diode lasers with repetition rates up to 100 MHz and laser diode current modulation up to 1 GHz.

laser mirrors
suppliers for laser mirrors encyclopedia article
laser mirrors from ALPHALAS

Dielectric mirrors for most standard laser wavelengths and their harmonics at angle of incidence 0° or 45° with different dimensions are available from stock. They feature high laser-induced damage threshold. Customer-specific designs can also be implemented.

laser power supplies
suppliers for laser power supplies
laser power supplies from ALPHALAS

A large range of diode laser drivers covering CW and pulsed currents from 100 mA to 300 A are available as standard or as customer-specific products at competitive prices. The diode laser drivers are complemented with TEC drivers of various powers for easy integration into the customer’s laser systems.

line scan cameras
suppliers for line scan cameras
line scan cameras from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers both analog and digital line scan cameras. The advanced digital high-speed CCD line cameras include a high-sensitivity linear CCD array with 3648 pixels and spectral range: 170 nm … 1100 nm. Features:

  • plug & play with USB 2.0 connection, full software control including LabVIEW as well as C++ drivers and examples
  • all major operating systems supported
  • free standalone acquisition & viewer software for Windows
  • high frame rates up to 269.5 fps
  • data storage: onboard or direct data streaming for unlimited capturing of subsequent frames

The analog linear CCD arrays offer a low-cost solution for line scan camera applications. These analog cameras can be easily integrated into spectrographs, autocorrelators and other devices. Number of pixels: 2048. Spectral range: 250 nm … 1100 nm. Scanning frequency: 0.25 MHz … 2 MHz. Internal and external triggering.

Lyot filters
suppliers for Lyot filters encyclopedia article
Lyot filters from ALPHALAS

Lyot (birefringent) filters made of crystal quartz for wavelength tuning of lasers or use as spectral selection devices with standard thicknesses ranging from 0.5 mm to 10 mm and diameter 25.4 mm (1 inch) are available from stock. The transmission range for quartz plates is 200 nm … 2700 nm, and optionally made of MgF2 Lyot filters cover the spectral range 150 nm … 6000 nm. Both uncoated or optionally AR-coated can be provided. Use at Brewster angle avoids Fresnel reflection losses. Customer-specific designs are available on request.

microchip lasers
suppliers for microchip lasers encyclopedia article
microchip lasers from ALPHALAS

Passively Q-switched microchip lasers from ALPHALAS are based on Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Yb:YAG and other active media combined with Cr4+:YAG Q-switch. Their monolithic laser cavity is the basis for extreme durability and reliability. Pulse widths range from 500 ps to several nanoseconds. The lasers have high peak powers at the fundamental wavelengths 914, 946, 1030, 1047, 1053, 1064, 1320 or 1342 nm and their harmonics. Models with repetition rates greater than 100 kHz, average power up to 1 W, pulse energies up to 1.5 mJ and > 3 MW peak power directly from an oscillator can be amplified for further power/energy boosting in a MOPA setup. TEM00 beam profile and extremely compact design round up the laser specifications. Applications include material processing, nonlinear optics, efficient Raman Stokes, super continuum generation and micromachining. Customer-specific parameters are also available.

mode locking devices
suppliers for mode locking devices encyclopedia article
mode locking devices from ALPHALAS

Electro-optic phase or intensity modulators including a driver can be used at frequencies up to 100 MHz for actively mode-locking lasers at various wavelengths. These are manufactured on customer’s demand.

Proprietary electro-optic deflectors (EOD) are also offered as efficient active mode-locking devices.

mode-locked lasers
suppliers for mode-locked lasers encyclopedia article
mode-locked lasers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS employs various techniques to mode-lock lasers for the generation of picosecond pulses at 1064 nm and the harmonics at 532 nm, 355 nm and 266 nm. The passive techniques include the patented nonlinear mirror (Stankov’s mirror), as well as semiconductor absorber mirror or Kerr lens mode locking. In addition, active mode locking is used in combination with the passive mode locking for highest reliability and stability. The mode-locked lasers are included in the PICOPOWER-series lasers, together with gain-switched and regeneratively amplified lasers.

nanosecond lasers
suppliers for nanosecond lasers encyclopedia article
nanosecond lasers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers actively and passively Q-switched DPSS lasers (IR, VIS & UV) with pulse widths < 1 ns, which are suitable for applications requiring high peak power and precise synchronization. Both types of lasers feature TEM00 beam profile and compact design.

Microchip passively Q-switched lasers are mechanically extremely stable with very high pulse-to-pulse stability, pulse energies up to 1.5 mJ and > 2 MW peak power with pulse duration down to 500 ps.

The actively Q-switched lasers feature a timing jitter < 500 ps, optionally down to 300 ps. Repetition rates from single shot up to 100 kHz and average power up to 5 W are available.

Higher energy and power is possible using MOPA arrangement.

Applications: micromachining, marking & cutting (e.g. diamonds), nonlinear optics, supercontinuum generation, time-resolved fluorescence measurements, pollution monitoring, LIBS, ignition of explosives & combustion engines.

narrow-linewidth lasers
suppliers for narrow-linewidth lasers encyclopedia article
narrow-linewidth lasers from ALPHALAS

Lasers with intracavity spectral selecting components which generate narrow linewidth laser radiation are offered by ALPHALAS. Special configurations deliver a single longitudinal mode (single frequency) at the standard laser wavelengths like 1030 nm, 1053 nm, 1064 nm as well as customer-specific wavelengths. In addition, nonplanar ring oscillators (NPRO) generate single-frequency laser radiation at 1064 nm with powers up to 100 mW that can be boosted up to 10 W in a MOPA configuration.

Injection-seeded high-power Q-switched lasers of the series PULSELAS-A-SF deliver single-frequency, 10 ns long pulses with up to 10 W average power at 10 kHz repetition rate.

nonlinear crystal materials
suppliers for nonlinear crystal materials encyclopedia article
nonlinear crystal materials from ALPHALAS

Most of the standard nonlinear crystals like BBO, LBO, BiBO or KTP for frequency doubling, tripling and quadrupling of the fundamental laser radiation are available from stock. Customer-specific dimensions and AR coatings are also offered at competitive prices.

nonplanar ring oscillators
suppliers for nonplanar ring oscillators encyclopedia article
nonplanar ring oscillators from ALPHALAS

Nd:YAG monolithic crystals designed as nonplanar ring oscillator with unidirectional traveling wave for generation of single-frequency laser radiation are available from stock. Unidirectional operation is achieved by means of an external magnetic field. These lasers are offered as components, but can also be delivered as complete lasers with a driver.

optical modulators
suppliers for optical modulators encyclopedia article
optical modulators from ALPHALAS

Phase and amplitude electro-optical as well as acousto-optical modulators in a standard and customer-specific configuration, including the drivers are available on order from ALPHALAS. Standard wavelengths are 1030 nm and 1064 nm, but customized wavelengths can also be supplied.

periodically poled nonlinear crystals
suppliers for periodically poled nonlinear crystals encyclopedia article
periodically poled nonlinear crystals from ALPHALAS

Periodically poled nonlinear crystals PPKT and PPLN for specific wavelengths in the infrared for frequency doubling are available from stock. The lower wavelength limit of our PPKTP for frequency doubling is 976 nm.

phase modulators
suppliers for phase modulators encyclopedia article
phase modulators from ALPHALAS

Using KTP, RTP and LiNbO3 crystals, ALPHALAS offers phase modulators for various applications like active mode locking, side-frequency generation and laser resonator cavity control. In addition to the standard products designed for 1064 nm, other customer-specific wavelengths can be offered as well.

suppliers for photodetectors encyclopedia article
photodetectors from ALPHALAS

Ultrafast photodetectors from ALPHALAS for measurement of optical waveforms with rise times starting from 10 ps and total spectral coverage from 170 to 2600 nm (VUV to IR) have bandwidths from DC up to 30 GHz. Configurations include free-space, fiber receptacle or SM-fiber-pigtailed options and have compact metal housings for noise immunity. The UV-extended versions of the Si photodiodes are the only commercial products that cover the spectral range from 170 to 1100 nm with a rise time < 50 ps. For maximum flexibility, most models are not internally terminated. A 50 Ohm external termination supports the highest speed operation, while a high impedance load generates large amplitude signals. Applications include pulse form and duration measurement, mode beating monitoring and heterodyne measurements. Balanced photodiodes complement the large selection of more than 70 unique models.

suppliers for photodiodes encyclopedia article
photodiodes from ALPHALAS

Ultrafast photodetectors from ALPHALAS for measurement of optical waveforms with rise times starting from 10 ps and total spectral coverage from 170 to 2600 nm (VUV to IR) have bandwidths from DC up to 30 GHz. Configurations include free-space, fiber receptacle or SM-fiber-pigtailed options and have compact metal housings for noise immunity. The UV-extended versions of the Si photodiodes are the only commercial products that cover the spectral range from 170 to 1100 nm with a rise time < 50 ps. For maximum flexibility, most models are not internally terminated. A 50 Ohm external termination supports the highest speed operation, while a high impedance load generates large amplitude signals. Applications include pulse form and duration measurement, mode beating monitoring and heterodyne measurements. Balanced photodiodes complement the large selection of more than 70 unique models.

picosecond diode lasers
suppliers for picosecond diode lasers encyclopedia article
picosecond diode lasers from ALPHALAS

Picosecond diode lasers from ALPHALAS with pulses < 12 ps and peak power > 2 W at specific wavelengths offer a cost-effective alternative to the mode-locked DPSS lasers. Exchangeable laser heads with wavelengths from 375 to 1550 nm offer great flexibility. Simultaneous multichannel operation at numerous wavelengths is also available. External TTL trigger capability and synchronized TTL output are standard features. Picosecond pulses are generated with repetition rates from single shot to 100 MHz with a frequency step of 1 Hz. Options like fiber coupling, variable amplitude, CW mode, temperature tuning of the wavelength and single-frequency are available on request for most wavelengths. All models feature single transverse mode laser beam. Applications include fluorescence lifetime measurements, pump–probe experiments, laser seeding, time-correlated single photon counting and more.

picosecond lasers
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picosecond lasers from ALPHALAS

The ALPHALAS product line of PICOPOWER series ultrafast lasers implements advanced methods for generating picosecond pulses, including active, passive or combined mode-locking. ALPHALAS is the only manufacturer that uses the patented and most advanced “Nonlinear Mirror” or “Stankov Mirror” mode-locking method based on second harmonic generation with practically unlimited power scaling.

The product line includes cavity-dumped mode-locked lasers, regeneratively amplified picosecond pulses with unsurpassed low jitter < 3.5 ps for pulses “on demand” and MW peak power. Optional harmonic wavelengths are also available.

The PICOPOWER-LD series of the proprietary picosecond diode lasers covers the range 375 nm to 2300 nm with picosecond pulses as short as 12 ps and high peak power more than 2 W for specific wavelengths. Numerous applications cover optical parametric generator pumping, nonlinear optics, spectroscopy time-resolved spectroscopy, remote sensing and material processing.

p–i–n photodiodes
suppliers for p–i–n photodiodes encyclopedia article
p–i–n photodiodes from ALPHALAS

Very fast rise time p–i–n photodiodes for measurement of optical waveforms with rise times starting from 10 ps and spectral coverage from 170 to 2600 nm (VUV to IR) have bandwidths from DC up to 30 GHz. Configurations include free-space, fiber receptacle or SM-fiber-pigtailed options and have compact metal housings for noise immunity. The UV-extended versions of the Si photodiodes are the only commercial products that cover the spectral range from 170 to 1100 nm with a rise time < 50 ps. For maximum flexibility, most models are not internally terminated. A 50 Ohm external termination supports the highest speed operation and a high impedance load generates large amplitude signals. Applications include pulse form and duration measurement, laser synchronization, mode beating monitoring and heterodyne measurements. Balanced photodiodes complement the large selection of models.

Pockels cell drivers
suppliers for Pockels cell drivers encyclopedia article
Pockels cell drivers from ALPHALAS

Using a variety of techniques for generating high-voltage pulses with nanosecond and subnanosecond rise/fall times, ALPHALAS provides advanced Pockels cell drivers, pulse pickers, nanosecond and subnanosecond high-voltage generators. The applications include but are not limited to: active Q-switching, cavity dumping, amplitude and phase modulation, pulse slicing, time-of-flight measurements and others. The HVS series high-voltage switches can operate at up-to 10 kV and at frequencies up to the 100-kHz range. Customer-specific devices for higher voltages or special applications can also be provided. Single-switch and push-pull configurations are available as standard devices or customized designs. Complete setups of high-voltage switches with Pockels cells and high-voltage power supplies can be delivered either from stock or with short lead times.

Pockels cells
suppliers for Pockels cells encyclopedia article
Pockels cells from ALPHALAS

Pockels cells with BBO, DKDP, RTP and KTP electro-optic crystals are available from stock or can be customized according to the customer’s specifications. Apertures starting from 2×2 mm² and up to 15×15 mm² are offered with standard AR-coatings at 1030 nm, 1047 nm, 1053 nm, 1064 nm and 1320 nm. A variety of nanosecond high-voltage drivers are also provided to complement the customer’s application.

polarization controllers
suppliers for polarization controllers
polarization controllers from ALPHALAS

Various polarization controlling components like standard and tunable waveplates, polarization rotators, polarizers, birefringent crystals are available from stock. Variable phase retardation is offered by using an electro-optic crystal and a suitable driver.

suppliers for polarizers encyclopedia article
polarizers from ALPHALAS

Most types for crystal polarizers like Glan–Taylor, Rochon, crystal wedge etc. covering the spectral range from 170 nm to 6 µm are available from stock. Thin-film polarizers used at Brewster or 45° angle of incidence feature high damage threshold and can be used for demanding applications. ALPHALAS also offers customer-specific polarizers.

pulse characterization instruments
suppliers for pulse characterization instruments encyclopedia article
pulse characterization instruments from ALPHALAS

Ultrafast photodetectors from ALPHALAS in combination with high-speed oscilloscopes are the best alternative for measurement of optical waveforms with spectral coverage from 170 to 2600 nm (VUV to IR). For example, photodetectors with rise time 10 ps and bandwidth 30 GHz in combination with 50 GHz sampling oscilloscope can be successfully used to measure optical pulse widths down to 10 ps using deconvolution. Configurations of the photodetectors include free-space, fiber receptacle or SM-fiber-pigtailed options and have compact metal housings for noise immunity. The UV-extended versions of the Si photodiodes are the only commercial products that cover the spectral range from 170 to 1100 nm with a rise time < 50 ps. For maximum flexibility, most models are not internally terminated. A 50 Ohm external termination supports the specified highest speed operation.

pulse duration measurement devices
suppliers for pulse duration measurement devices encyclopedia article
pulse duration measurement devices from ALPHALAS

Ultrafast photodetectors from ALPHALAS in combination with high-speed oscilloscopes are the best alternative for measurement of optical waveforms with spectral coverage from 170 to 2600 nm (VUV to IR) and picosecond pulse duration. For example, photodetectors with rise time 10 ps and bandwidth 30 GHz, combined with a 50-GHz sampling oscilloscope, can be used to measure optical pulse widths down to 10 ps using deconvolution.

Configurations of the photodetectors include free-space, fiber receptacle or SM-fiber-pigtailed options and have compact metal housings for noise immunity. The UV-extended versions of the Si photodiodes are the only commercial products that cover the spectral range from 170 to 1100 nm with a rise time < 50 ps. For maximum flexibility, most models are not internally terminated. A 50 Ohm external termination supports the specified highest speed operation.

pulse pickers
suppliers for pulse pickers encyclopedia article
pulse pickers from ALPHALAS

Based on proprietary technology, ALPHALAS offers most advanced pulse pickers for selecting single pulses from a train of picosecond or femtosecond optical trains. Large amplitudes of > 10 kV, pulse widths FWHM of 7 … 10 ns and repetition rates up to 10 kHz in combination with a specially designed short-crystal Pockels cell are best suited for selecting individual pulses from various mode-locked lasers. Low jitter of < 40 ps and short delay of typically 30 ns guarantee a precise synchronization for perfect pulse selection.

pulsed lasers
suppliers for pulsed lasers encyclopedia article
pulsed lasers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS manufactures pulsed lasers with picosecond and nanosecond pulse durations that are targeted at material processing, micromachining, nonlinear optics, scientific research and various other applications which require high peak power or time resolved measurements. Advanced mode-locking and Q-switching techniques provide a huge variety of parameters for the laser pulses. Regeneratively amplified lasers with extremely high peak power in the megawatt range, picosecond pulse durations and up to mJ pulse energy are offered with various wavelengths, e.g. 914, 946, 1030, 1047, 1053, 1064, 1320 or 1342 nm and their second, third and fourth harmonics.

Educational laser kits with various modes of operation offer nanosecond or picosecond pulse durations.

Customer-specific designs for pulses larger than 100 ns or variable pulse durations are also available.

Q switches
suppliers for Q switches encyclopedia article
Q switches from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers a combination of high-speed, high voltage Pockels cell drivers with a Pockels cell for active Q-switching, designed for all standard laser wavelengths. Rise times below 1 ns and amplitudes > 10 kV cover even the most demanding applications. Repetition rate can be as high as 100 kHz.

The acousto-optic Q-switches from ALPHALAS have the advantage to operate in the MHz repetition rate range where the electro-optical Q-switches can operate only at the cost of considerable technical efforts and complex water-cooled design.

The passive Q-switch alternative has the advantage of simplicity, durability and low cost when compared with the active Q-switching alternative. Cr4+:YAG, V3+:YAG and Co-spinel (Co2+:MgAl2O4) cover the spectral range from 900 nm to 1600 nm. Most Q-switching crystals are available from stock.

Q-switched lasers
suppliers for Q-switched lasers encyclopedia article
Q-switched lasers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers actively and passively Q-switched DPSS lasers (IR, VIS & UV) with pulse durations < 1 ns, suitable for applications requiring high peak power and precise synchronization. Both types of lasers feature TEM00 beam profile and compact design.

Passively Q-switched microchip lasers are mechanically extremely stable with very high pulse-to-pulse stability, pulse energies up to 1.5 mJ and > 2 MW peak power and pulse duration down to 500 ps.

The actively Q-switched lasers feature jitter < 500 ps with an option down to 200 ps. Repetition rates from single shot up to 100 kHz and average power up to 5 W are available.

Higher energies and powers can be reached using MOPA configurations.

Applications: micromachining, marking & cutting (e.g. diamonds), nonlinear optics, supercontinuum generation, time-resolved fluorescence measurements, DNA-analysis, pollution monitoring, LIBS, ignition of combustion engines.

regenerative amplifiers
suppliers for regenerative amplifiers encyclopedia article
regenerative amplifiers from ALPHALAS

Regeneratively amplified picosecond lasers deliver high-energy pulses with durations < 30 ps and > 2 MW peak power at 1064 nm with variable repetition rates from single shot to 10 kHz. They feature a unique synchronization capability with unsurpassed 3.5 ps timing jitter for pulses on demand. Optional wavelengths at 532 nm, 355 nm and 266 nm are available collinearly or as multiple output beams. The power consumption is < 30 W. The air-cooling and compact design attribute to the competitive advantages. Numerous applications include micromachining of metal and non-metal materials, semiconductor wafer inspection, carving, nonlinear optics and ultrafast spectroscopy.

saturable absorbers
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saturable absorbers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers Cr4+:YAG, V3+:YAG and Co-spinel (Co2+:MgAl2O4) saturable absorber crystals for passive Q-switching of lasers with wavelengths in the range of 900 … 1100 nm and 1200 … 1600 nm. Different apertures and thicknesses as well as AR-coatings are available from stock and upon request. A special product group is our Brewster-cut Cr4+:YAG crystals for very high peak power applications and serving as a polarizer inside the laser cavity.

scientific lasers
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scientific lasers from ALPHALAS

Scientific lasers are offered for many research areas and represent one of the main product categories of ALPHALAS. In addition, solutions for customer-specific designs with individual non-standard features and parameters are offered.

seed lasers
suppliers for seed lasers encyclopedia article

Single-frequency microchip, NPRO and DFB diode CW lasers are available for seeding bulk amplifier chains or fiber amplifiers for generating high power laser radiation at 1030, 1047, 1053, 1064 and 1342 nm wavelengths. Another application is seeding of high-power single-frequency pulsed Q-switched lasers for holographic and interferometric applications.

Picosecond pulse diode lasers from ALPHALAS can be applied for seeding of fiber and regenerative amplifiers.

single-frequency lasers
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single-frequency lasers from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers CW or pulsed single-frequency lasers (single longitudinal mode) with TEM00 beam profile at most of the standard laser wavelengths. Various proprietary and standard technologies including monolithic non-planar ring oscillators (NPRO), DFB and unidirectional ring laser designs are used to achieve stable single-frequency operation with a very low intensity noise. The output power in CW mode ranges from several tens of mW to > 10 W at 1030 nm and 1064 nm. The single-frequency Q-switched lasers offer the unique combination of very narrow spectrum (transform-limited pulses) with very low amplitude noise due to the absence of mode beating.

Applications include high-resolution spectroscopy, interferometry, holography, optical metrology, meteorology, efficient Brillouin- and Raman-shifted generation, Raman spectroscopy and optical trapping, to mention just a few of them.

ultrafast lasers
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ultrafast lasers from ALPHALAS

The ALPHALAS product line of PICOPOWER series ultrafast lasers implements advanced methods for generating picosecond pulses, including active, passive or combined mode-locking. ALPHALAS is the only manufacturer that uses the patented and most advanced “Nonlinear Mirror” or “Stankov Mirror” mode-locking method based on second harmonic generation with practically unlimited power scaling.

The product line includes cavity-dumped mode-locked lasers, regeneratively amplified picosecond pulses with unsurpassed low jitter < 3.5 ps for pulses “on demand” and MW peak power. Optional harmonic wavelengths are also available.

The PICOPOWER-LD series of the proprietary picosecond diode lasers covers the range 375 nm to 2300 nm with picosecond pulses as short as 12 ps and high peak power more than 2 W for specific wavelengths. Numerous applications cover optical parametric generator pumping, nonlinear optics, spectroscopy time-resolved spectroscopy, remote sensing and material processing.

ultraviolet lasers
suppliers for ultraviolet lasers encyclopedia article
ultraviolet lasers from ALPHALAS

Most of the pulsed lasers offered by ALPHALAS are optionally available with harmonics in the UV range:

  • third harmonic (315, 343, 349, 351, 355 nm)
  • fourth harmonic (236, 257, 262, 263, 266 nm)

with pulse durations from picoseconds (PICOPOWER series) to sub-nanoseconds and nanosecond (PULSELAS-A/P series). While the passively Q-switched sub-nanosecond microchip UV lasers are the best alternative for low-cost and maintenance-free operation, the harmonically tripled and quadrupled regeneratively amplified picosecond lasers offer very high peak powers for material processing and nonlinear optical applications.

vanadate lasers
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vanadate lasers from ALPHALAS

The unique properties of Nd3+-doped vanadate laser crystals (GdVO4 and YVO4) provide very high gain, highly polarized laser emission and thermally birefringence-free laser media. ALPHALAS intensively uses these laser crystals for the production of PICOPOWER, PULSELAS and MONOPOWER diode-pumped lasers as standard or customer-specific components.

wavelength tuning devices
suppliers for wavelength tuning devices encyclopedia article
wavelength tuning devices from ALPHALAS

Efficient tuning of the emission wavelength of various wideband laser crystals like Ti:sapphire, Yb:YAG, Yb:KGW as well as dye lasers and optical parametric generators is achieved by means of wavelength tuning devices offered by ALPHALAS. These include reflection and transmission diffraction gratings, intracavity etalons, dispersive prisms and Lyot filters. Especially efficient are Brewster-oriented birefringent plates due to the very low losses and wide tuning ranges. These are available from stock with standard thicknesses from 1 mm to 10 mm, but also as customer-specific designs. The offered birefringent materials are crystal quartz for the spectral range 200 … 2600 nm and MgF2 for the extremely wide spectral range from 150 nm to 6500 nm. For far-infrared wavelengths and lasers up to 19 µm, ALPHALAS offers unique IR birefringent Lyot filters.

suppliers for waveplates encyclopedia article
waveplates from ALPHALAS

ALPHALAS offers unique tunable and standard phase retardation plates (waveplates). A single UVIR type quarter-wave or half-wave plate can be adjusted to the desired phase retardation for an arbitrary wavelength from 150 nm (vacuum-UV) to 6500 nm (far infrared) and the FIR type waveplate from 1 μm to 21 μm. The bandwidth is up-to 200 nm. They replace hundreds of ordinary phase retardation plates required to cover these ultrawide spectral ranges. The tunable waveplates are by design zero-order and can be used for polarization control of broad-spectrum laser sources like femtosecond lasers and OPOs.

Conventional zero-order, low-order and high-order waveplates for all standard wavelengths as well as customized designs and Fresnel rhombs are also available.

Applications span from polarization measurement and control, polarimetry, laser research, spectroscopy up to nonlinear optics.

ytterbium-doped laser gain media
suppliers for ytterbium-doped laser gain media encyclopedia article
ytterbium-doped laser gain media from ALPHALAS

Yb3+:YAG, Yb3+:CaF2 and other Yb3+-doped laser crystals are lately gaining more attention due to some unique lasing properties like very wide emission spectral range from 1020 nm to 1100 nm and the absence of excited-state absorption. Both the wide tuning range and generation of femtosecond laser pulses makes these laser gain media as the first choice for many applications.

Standard pre-configured Yb3+:YAG laser crystals with various doping levels from 0.5% to 10% and AR- or HR-coatings are available from stock. Customized designs are also available.

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Information of ALPHALAS Appears on the Following Pages

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Pages with Suppliers for Products

balanced photodetectors, birefringent tuners, blue lasers, cavity-dumped lasers, composite laser crystals, design and development services, diode-pumped lasers, distributed feedback lasers, educational laser kits, electro-optic modulators, etalons, Fabry–Pérot interferometers, gain-switched lasers, infrared detectors, infrared-to-visible converters, injection-seeded lasers, intensity modulators, laser crystals, laser design services, laser development services, laser diode drivers, laser mirrors, laser power supplies, line scan cameras, Lyot filters, microchip lasers, mode locking devices, mode-locked lasers, nanosecond lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, nonlinear crystal materials, nonplanar ring oscillators, optical modulators, periodically poled nonlinear crystals, phase modulators, photodetectors, photodiodes, picosecond diode lasers, picosecond lasers, p–i–n photodiodes, Pockels cell drivers, Pockels cells, polarization controllers, polarizers, pulse characterization instruments, pulse duration measurement devices, pulse pickers, pulsed lasers, Q switches, Q-switched lasers, regenerative amplifiers, saturable absorbers, scientific lasers, seed lasers, single-frequency lasers, ultrafast lasers, ultraviolet lasers, vanadate lasers, wavelength tuning devices, waveplates, ytterbium-doped laser gain media

Encyclopedia Articles

balanced photodetection, birefringent tuners, blue lasers, cavity dumping, composite laser crystals, diode-pumped lasers, all-solid-state lasers, end pumping, side pumping, distributed feedback lasers, electro-optic modulators, electro-optic effect, etalons, free spectral range, finesse, Fabry–Pérot interferometers, resonator modes, mode matching, gain switching, infrared detectors, injection seeding, intensity modulators, laser crystals, doped insulator lasers, laser development, laser diode drivers, laser mirrors, Lyot filters, microchip lasers, monolithic solid-state lasers, mode locking devices, active mode locking, passive mode locking, soliton mode locking, harmonic mode locking, mode-locked lasers, nanosecond lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, nonlinear crystal materials, periodic poling, nonplanar ring oscillators, ring lasers, optical modulators, quasi-phase matching, phase modulators, photodetectors, noise-equivalent power, responsivity, photodiodes, picosecond diode lasers, picosecond lasers, p–i–n photodiodes, Pockels cell drivers, Pockels cells, polarizers, pulse characterization, light pulses, spectral phase, carrier-envelope offset, pulse duration, pulse pickers, pulse repetition rate, pulsed lasers, Q switches, Q-switched lasers, Q-switches, regenerative amplifiers, multipass amplifiers, saturable absorbers, scientific lasers, seed lasers, master oscillator power amplifier, single-frequency lasers, ultrafast lasers, ultraviolet lasers, vanadate lasers, wavelength tuning, waveplates, ytterbium-doped laser gain media

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