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Supplier profile:

Artifex Engineering

Your problem is our challenge – flexibility is our standard!

Artifex Engineering GmbH & Co KG
Dortmunder Str. 16–18
26723 Emden
Tel.:+49 4921 58 90 80
Fax:+49 4921 5 89 08 29
Website:web link
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Quality certificate:ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015

Company Description

Artifex Engineering is specialized in the design and manufacture of systems and subsystems for industrial and R&D metrological applications.

Furthermore, we are an independent optics supplier with close relationships to several optical manufacturers, more than 20 years experience in precision optics applications and a solid understanding of the optical manufacturing process.

We supply high quality industrial and medical optical components at extremely competitive B2B pricing, standard or customized.

Particularly with regard to customized optics, at Artifex Engineering you will find the experience and competence necessary to optimize the quality for each application at an unrivaled price.

We will gladly provide support during the design stage. We are not only capable of serving high volume orders but also in a position to provide as few as single pieces of custom made parts. Please contact us to discuss your application requirements.

Artifex Engineering


Fast optical power measurement up to 12kW!

Video: The OPM series of optical power monitors employs photodiodes for the measurement and monitoring of optical power from the UV to the near IR.

video of Artifex Engineering

Star product: We offer integrating spheres made from a special polymer suitable for the wavelength range 250nm – 2.5 µm. For longer wavelengths in the range 700nm – 20 µm, a gold coating on a rough, metallic surface is used.

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Product CategoryDescription
beam splitters
suppliers for beam splitters encyclopedia article
beam splitters from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers high quality custom beamsplitters tailored to your requirements. Coatings for single wavelengths or broadband are possible in the UV-NIR range. We offer beam splitters as plates, cubes and pentaprisms. Artifex offers unpolarized, non polarizing and polarizing versions for the three types. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

birefringent materials
suppliers for birefringent materials encyclopedia article
birefringent materials from Artifex Engineering

We offer a wide range of polarizers and polarization optics for many different uses. Choosing the right polarization optic for your application can be a bewildering task, as we offer a wide range for many different uses.

A brief tutorial is available on our website.

Feel free to contact us for assistance. Our experienced staff is only too pleased to help you with the decision process.

corner cube prisms
suppliers for corner cube prisms encyclopedia article
corner cube prisms from Artifex Engineering

Artifex offers custom corner cube prisms tailored to your requirements, which can be either solid or hollow. Our retroreflectors are available in a range of substrates and coatings and can be mounted on request. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

custom optics
suppliers for custom optics encyclopedia article
custom optics from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering is an independent optics supplier with close relationships to several optical manufacturers. We have more than 20 years experience in precision optics applications and a solid understanding of the optical manufacturing process. We supply high quality industrial and medical optical components at extremely competitive B2B pricing, standard or customized. Please contact us to discuss your applications requirements. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

cylindrical lenses
suppliers for cylindrical lenses encyclopedia article
cylindrical lenses from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom plano-convex, plano-concave or achromatic cylindrical lenses. Achromatic cylindrical lenses significantly reduce chromatic, spherical and coma aberrations. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

dichroic mirrors
suppliers for dichroic mirrors encyclopedia article
dichroic mirrors from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom dichroic mirrors tailored to your requirements. Dielectric coatings are particularly developed for the respective application and enable precise wavelength ranges, so that individual wavelengths or selected ranges can be specified. Our mirrors can be manufactured in almost any shape: round, rectangular, elliptical, or any other shape including cut-outs and drill holes. Holes may also be drilled at an angle to the surface normal. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

dielectric mirrors
suppliers for dielectric mirrors encyclopedia article
dielectric mirrors from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom dielectric mirrors tailored to your requirements. Dielectric coatings are particularly developed for the respective application and enable precise wavelength ranges, so that individual wavelengths or selected ranges can be specified. Our mirrors can be manufactured in almost any shape: round, rectangular, elliptical, or any other shape including cut-outs and drill holes. Holes may also be drilled at an angle to the surface normal. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

electro-optic Q switches
suppliers for electro-optic Q switches
electro-optic Q switches from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers customised Pockels cells, available as DKDP (KD*P), MgO:LiNbO₃ and BBO. Our Pockels cells feature low insertion loss, high damage threshold. These are cost effective units at OEM prices. We also offer a range of standard Pockels cells with an aperture of 6 mm to 12 mm diameter. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

hot mirrors
suppliers for hot mirrors encyclopedia article
hot mirrors from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom hot mirrors tailored to your requirements for shape, coating and other specifications. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

integrating spheres
suppliers for integrating spheres encyclopedia article
integrating spheres from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering manufactures high quality polymer and gold integrating spheres for laser applications. These spheres can be combined with our optical power meters to realize high power measurement units. High power measurements are often performed using thermopile detectors. Thermopiles however, have the disadvantage of reacting very slowly – typical risetimes leading to measurement periods of 1 second at best. The combination of an integrating sphere and a photodiode based power meter opens the possibility of measuring high power fluctuations on a microsecond time scale.

interference filters
suppliers for interference filters encyclopedia article
interference filters from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom interference filters for use in the UV, VIS and IR. Bandpass filters, notch filters, highpass or lowpass filters are available and can be cut to any shape. To reduce the number of layers, absorption filters (color filters) can be combined with a dielectric coating. Black anodized aluminium rings may be provided for ease of mounting. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

laser diode drivers
suppliers for laser diode drivers encyclopedia article
laser diode drivers from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering's LDD100 is a fast pulsed current source for driving laser diodes and high power LEDs. We offer this instrument with various end stages with current ranges from 1 A to 600 A. The graphical user interface is clear and intuitive to use. These drivers are ideal for testing laser diodes.

laser diode testing equipment and services
suppliers for laser diode testing equipment and services encyclopedia article
laser diode testing equipment and services from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering manufactures powerful short pulse test systems for the characterization of laser diodes and LEDs at the chip, bar or submount level. The fast rise time with essentially no overshoot allows testing thermally “naked” devices without undue thermal loading. These dedicated systems are designed for fast testing producing full LIV data sheets within 1 second. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

laser mirrors
suppliers for laser mirrors encyclopedia article
laser mirrors from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom laser mirrors tailored to your requirements. Laser mirrors mostly use dielectric coatings that are particularly developed for the respective application and enable precise wavelength ranges, so that individual wavelengths or selected ranges can be specified. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

laser optics
suppliers for laser optics encyclopedia article
laser optics from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering's laser optics portfolio includes Pockels cells, polarizers, laser mirrors, prisms, lenses, windows, and beamsplitters. Visit our product pages for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

laser testing equipment
suppliers for laser testing equipment
laser testing equipment from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering manufactures powerful short pulse test systems for the characterization of laser diodes and LEDs at the chip, bar or submount level. The fast rise time with essentially no overshoot allows testing thermally “naked” devices without undue thermal loading. These dedicated systems are designed for fast testing producing full LIV data sheets within 1 second. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

suppliers for lenses encyclopedia article
lenses from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers customised optical lenses such as achromatic or cylindrical lenses for almost any application in the UV to IR spectrum. Special requirements such as segmenting and black painted edges can be made on request. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

suppliers for micro-optics encyclopedia article
micro-optics from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers a broad range of micro-optics including beamsplitters, windows, achromats, cylindrical lenses, prisms and windows. Visit our product pages for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

suppliers for mirrors encyclopedia article
mirrors from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom mirrors tailored to your requirements. Our mirrors can be manufactured in almost any shape: round, rectangular, elliptical, or any other shape including cut-outs and drill holes. Holes may also be drilled at an angle to the surface normal. We offer dielectric coatings and metal coatings (aluminium, silver or gold) with protective overcoat. Dielectric coatings are particularly developed for the respective application and enable precise wavelength ranges, so that individual wavelengths or selected ranges can be specified. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

nonlinear crystal materials
suppliers for nonlinear crystal materials encyclopedia article
nonlinear crystal materials from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering provides finished crystal optics for non-linear applications. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

optical crystals
suppliers for optical crystals encyclopedia article
optical crystals from Artifex Engineering

Artifex offers a wide range of custom nonlinear, birefringent and laser crystals available in a variety of substrates.

optical domes
suppliers for optical domes encyclopedia article
optical domes from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineerings offers custom optical domes from glass, quartz and sapphire. These provide high resistance to temperature, shock and scratches. We offer low cost molded domes as well as high quality polished domes for distortion free vision applications. We look forward to your inquiry.

optical filters
suppliers for optical filters encyclopedia article
optical filters from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom absorption filters and dielectric filters in almost any design. Bandpass, long pass, short pass or ND filters can be tailored to your wavelength range. The filters can be cut to any shape. Black anodized aluminium rings may be provided for ease of mounting. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

optical flats
suppliers for optical flats encyclopedia article
optical flats from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers precisely flat reference plates for optical testing. Our optical flats are available as single surface and dual surface options. We will gladly customize to your requirements. Additionally we offer standard optical flats in N-BK7 and fused silica. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

optical power meters
suppliers for optical power meters encyclopedia article
optical power meters from Artifex Engineering

Artifex OPM Series optical power meters use photodiodes as well as integrating spheres to measure and monitor optical power from UV to near IR. Our optical power meters are designed for fast response with a high signal to noise ratio. We offer a wide range of wavelengths (400-1600nm) and powers (nW-kW) and a variety of options in photodiode material and optical input. Visit our product page for more information about our OPM series. We look forward to your inquiry.

See also our video on Introduction to our Optical Power Meter!

optical power monitors
suppliers for optical power monitors encyclopedia article
optical power monitors from Artifex Engineering

Artifex OPM Series optical power meters use photodiodes as well as integrating spheres to measure and monitor optical power from UV to near IR. Our optical power meters are designed for fast response with a high signal to noise ratio. We offer a wide range of wavelengths (400-1600nm) and powers (nW-kW) and a variety of options in photodiode material and optical input. Visit our product page for more information about our OPM series. We look forward to your inquiry.

optical windows
suppliers for optical windows encyclopedia article
optical windows from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom optical windows in almost any shape and design, including cut-outs and drillings. A wide range of optical substrates are available including N-BK7, fused silica, sapphire, Ge, ZnSe and more. AR coatings are generally applied to both surfaces of a window. In addition, Artifex offers custom coatings such as diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings for the infrared (germanium, silicon). Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

photodiode amplifiers
suppliers for photodiode amplifiers
photodiode amplifiers from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering's TZA Series of transimpedance amplifiers (tia) are designed for use with photodiodes, PMTs, pyroelectric detectors and STMs. Our transimpedance amplifiers enable precise measurement of current, from pA to mA. Our photodiode amplifiers feature polarity control, bandwidth control, gain control and auto-null function. Visit our product page for more information on our TZA series. We look forward to your inquiry.

Pockels cells
suppliers for Pockels cells encyclopedia article
Pockels cells from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers customised Pockels cells, available as DKDP (KD*P), MgO:LiNbO₃ and BBO. Our Pockels cells feature low insertion loss, high damage threshold. These are cost effective units at OEM prices. We also offer a range of standard Pockels cells with an aperture of 6 mm to 12 mm diameter. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

polarization beam combining optics
suppliers for polarization beam combining optics encyclopedia article

Polarizing beamsplitter cubes combine the “s” and “p” polarization components of a light beam. These two polarization components are reflected (“s”) and transmitted (“p”) respectively.

suppliers for polarizers encyclopedia article
polarizers from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers a wide range of polarizers including crystal polarizers (Glan–Taylor, Glan–Thompson, …), dielectric polarizers, dichroic polymer polarizer sheets and wire grid polarizers. In addition, we offer polarization rotators and depolarizers. As with all our products, we offer customization for our polarizers. Visit our product page for more detailed information for each polarizer. We look forward to your inquiry.

suppliers for prisms encyclopedia article
prisms from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers a wide variety of custom prisms, including all typical designs tailored to your requirements (right angle prism, dove prism, pentaprism, corner cube reflector, wedge prism). Prisms are used for reflection, deviation and image manipulation. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

Q switches
suppliers for Q switches encyclopedia article
Q switches from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers customised Pockels cells, available as DKDP (KD*P), MgO:LiNbO₃ and BBO. Our Pockels cells feature low insertion loss, high damage threshold. These are cost effective units at OEM prices. We also offer a range of standard Pockels cells with an aperture of 6 mm to 12 mm diameter. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

suppliers for retroreflectors encyclopedia article
retroreflectors from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom retroreflectors tailored to your requirements. These can be either solid or hollow. Our corner cube prisms are available in a range of substrates and coatings. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

rod lenses
suppliers for rod lenses encyclopedia article
rod lenses from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom rod lenses for various applications such as endoscopes. A wide range of substrates are available in custom sizes, specifications and coatings to suit your requirements. We look forward to your inquiry.

sum and difference frequency generators
suppliers for sum and difference frequency generators encyclopedia article
sum and difference frequency generators from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering provides finished sum and difference frequency generator crystals for laser applications. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

thin-film polarizers
suppliers for thin-film polarizers encyclopedia article
thin-film polarizers from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers custom dielectric thin-film polarizers with a high damage threshold. Our thin film polarizers are commonly used for Q-Switching and other high power applications. These components are dielectric coated glass substrates designed for use at the Brewster angle. Visit our product page for more information. We look forward to your inquiry.

suppliers for waveplates encyclopedia article
waveplates from Artifex Engineering

Artifex Engineering offers a wide range of custom waveplates for many applications. Waveplates, also known as retardation plates, are birefringent optical elements. Our portfolio covers achromatic, low order, zero and true zero order and MID-IR waveplates. Mounts are available for our waveplates on request. For example, we can provide true zero order plates mounted on an annular glass frame. In this manner, a robust optic is available with the full optical properties of a true zero order waveplate. In addition to single components, we will gladly provide functional subunits according to your needs. For example, we can supply isolators comprising a quarter-waveplate and polarizing beamsplitter cube mounted together in a single drop-in unit. Visit our product page for more information on each waveplate. We look forward to your inquiry.

wedge prisms
suppliers for wedge prisms encyclopedia article
wedge prisms from Artifex Engineering

Artifex offers custom wedge prisms tailored to your requirements. A wide range of substrates in custom sizes, specifications and coatings are available to suit your requirements. We look forward to your inquiry.

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Introduction to our Optical Power Meter

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Information of Artifex Engineering Appears on the Following Pages

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Pages with Suppliers for Products

beam splitters, birefringent materials, corner cube prisms, custom optics, cylindrical lenses, dichroic mirrors, dielectric mirrors, electro-optic Q switches, hot mirrors, integrating spheres, interference filters, laser diode drivers, laser diode testing equipment and services, laser mirrors, laser optics, laser testing equipment, lenses, micro-optics, mirrors, nonlinear crystal materials, optical crystals, optical domes, optical filters, optical flats, optical power meters, optical power monitors, optical windows, photodiode amplifiers, Pockels cells, polarization beam combining optics, polarizers, prisms, Q switches, retroreflectors, rod lenses, sum and difference frequency generators, thin-film polarizers, waveplates, wedge prisms

Encyclopedia Articles

beam splitters, birefringence, refraction, birefringent phase matching, corner cube prisms, custom optics, cylindrical lenses, dichroic mirrors, dielectric mirrors, hot mirrors, integrating spheres, interference filters, laser diode drivers, laser diode testing, laser mirrors, laser optics, lenses, focal length, micro-optics, mirrors, quarter-wave mirrors, nonlinear crystal materials, periodic poling, optical crystals, optical domes, optical filters, optical flats, optical power meters, optical power monitors, optical windows, Pockels cells, polarization beam combining, polarizers, prisms, prism pairs, Q switches, retroreflectors, rod lenses, sum and difference frequency generation, thin-film polarizers, waveplates, wedge prisms

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