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Lasers for the Molecular Age

Cycle GmbH
Luruper Hauptstr. 1
22547 Hamburg
Tel.:+49 40 298 486 10
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Company Description

Cycle GmbH produces world-leading solutions for precision timing and synchronization of RF and optical equipment with sub-femtosecond precision. Because many of the interesting molecular dynamics happens in the femtosecond to nanosecond regime, we help photon science facilities around the world study these dynamics by providing unprecedented temporal resolution. These technologies were first developed at MIT more than a decade ago and have been continuously improved at DESY and Cycle GmbH. With our newest product family, SOPRANO, we offer cost-efficient femtosecond fiber lasers for multiphoton microscopy, micro-machining, and semiconductor testing.



Video: Ultraprecise timing technology based on femtosecond lasers

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Product CategoryDescription
dispersion-shifted fibers
suppliers for dispersion-shifted fibers encyclopedia article
dispersion-shifted fibers from Cycle

Effective dispersion compensation is a key requirement for many applications involving ultrafast lasers and broadband optical signals. Cycle can offer a variety of dispersion compensating fibers to satisfy the needs of your application. Our products include:

  • single-mode dispersion compensating fibers (SM-DCF) and
  • polarization-maintaining dispersion compensating fibers (PM-DCF)

with different connector types and customized lengths. Please contact us for more information.

erbium-doped fiber amplifiers
suppliers for erbium-doped fiber amplifiers encyclopedia article

Based on Cycle's own femtosecond fiber lasers, the company also offers fiber-based amplifiers (EDFA) with a center wavelength of 1550 nm to 1700 nm. This variant of the SOPRANO-15 is a very attractive solution to amplify the output of beam arrival monitors in synchrotron or FEL facilities, for example. Other custom-made fiber amplifiers are available upon request.

femtosecond lasers
suppliers for femtosecond lasers encyclopedia article
femtosecond lasers from Cycle

Cycle supplies tailored laser systems with unique features and affordable prices:

The SOPRANO-15 is Cycle’s state-of-the art femtosecond fiber lasers, designed to fulfill tasks such as OPO/OPA pumping, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis and processing. The SOPRANO-15 operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm or 775 nm and pulse duration below 350 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments in 24/7 operation.

The SOPRANO-15 mini is designed to carry out tasks such as multiphoton microscopy, spectroscopy, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis. In addition to its dependable 24/7 operation, the SOPRANO-15 mini operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm and typical pulse duration below 130 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments.

fiber amplifiers
suppliers for fiber amplifiers encyclopedia article

Based on Cycle's own femtosecond fiber lasers, the company also offers fiber-based amplifiers (EDFA) with a center wavelength of 1550 nm to 1700 nm. This variant of the SOPRANO-15 is a very attractive solution to amplify the output of beam arrival monitors in synchrotron or FEL facilities, for example. Other custom-made fiber amplifiers are available upon request.

fiber lasers
suppliers for fiber lasers encyclopedia article
fiber lasers from Cycle

Cycle supplies tailored laser systems with unique features and affordable prices:

The SOPRANO-15 is Cycle’s state-of-the art femtosecond fiber lasers, designed to fulfill tasks such as OPO/OPA pumping, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis and processing. The SOPRANO-15 operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm or 775 nm and pulse duration below 350 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments in 24/7 operation.

The SOPRANO-15 mini is designed to carry out tasks such as multiphoton microscopy, spectroscopy, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis. In addition to its dependable 24/7 operation, the SOPRANO-15 mini operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm and typical pulse duration below 130 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments.

fiber-optic links
suppliers for fiber-optic links encyclopedia article

The PULSE Timing Distribution System (TDS) enables sub-femtosecond distribution of timing signals to remote locations.

PULSE takes advantage of inherently low noise optical pulse train generated by a mode-locked laser (i.e., optical master oscillator (OMO)) and uses it as its timing signal. The pristine OMO timing signal is transferred through fiber-optic links to multiple end stations where transmission delays are detected with attosecond resolution using Cycle’s patented balanced optical cross-correlators (BOC) and actively compensated. If desired, the OMO can be referenced to an optical clock or a microwave standard.

Cycle’s fully automated WAVE Timing Link precisely distributes and transfers high-quality RF clock signals to remote locations, which can be even tens of kilometers away. The WAVE Timing Link is actively stabilized and compensates any changes of optical path length caused by environmental fluctuations.

suppliers for fibers encyclopedia article
fibers from Cycle

Effective dispersion compensation is a key requirement for many applications involving ultrafast lasers and broadband optical signals. Cycle can offer a variety of dispersion compensating fibers to satisfy the needs of your application. Our products include:

  • single-mode dispersion compensating fibers (SM-DCF) and
  • polarization-maintaining dispersion compensating fibers (PM-DCF)

with different connector types and customized lengths. Please contact us for more information.

laser synchronization devices
suppliers for laser synchronization devices encyclopedia article
laser synchronization devices from Cycle

The primary element to realize a high precision synchronization device is the timing detector because it dictates the smallest timing error that can be detected. Cycle offers the lowest noise timing detectors in the market based on its patented balanced optical cross-correlator (BOC) technology. Due to a balanced optical detection scheme, the BOC provides exceptionally high timing sensitivity, attosecond timing resolution, amplitude invariance and robustness against environmental fluctuations. The output of the BOC is a baseband voltage signal that is proportional to the timing jitter between the two optical pulse trains. This output is used in a phase-locked loop to synchronize the two optical sources.

We offer BOCs to synchronize lasers operating on 800 nm, 1030 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths. Additionally, we also offer two color BOCs (TCBOC) to synchronize lasers operating different center wavelengths (e.g., locking a Ti:Sapphire laser to a Er fiber oscillator).

mode-locked fiber lasers
suppliers for mode-locked fiber lasers encyclopedia article
mode-locked fiber lasers from Cycle

Cycle supplies tailored laser systems with unique features and affordable prices:

The SOPRANO-15 is Cycle’s state-of-the art femtosecond fiber lasers, designed to fulfill tasks such as OPO/OPA pumping, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis and processing. The SOPRANO-15 operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm or 775 nm and pulse duration below 350 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments in 24/7 operation.

The SOPRANO-15 mini is designed to carry out tasks such as multiphoton microscopy, spectroscopy, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis. In addition to its dependable 24/7 operation, the SOPRANO-15 mini operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm and typical pulse duration below 130 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments.

mode-locked lasers
suppliers for mode-locked lasers encyclopedia article
mode-locked lasers from Cycle

Cycle supplies tailored laser systems with unique features and affordable prices:

The SOPRANO-15 is Cycle’s state-of-the art femtosecond fiber lasers, designed to fulfill tasks such as OPO/OPA pumping, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis and processing. The SOPRANO-15 operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm or 775 nm and pulse duration below 350 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments in 24/7 operation.

The SOPRANO-15 mini is designed to carry out tasks such as multiphoton microscopy, spectroscopy, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis. In addition to its dependable 24/7 operation, the SOPRANO-15 mini operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm and typical pulse duration below 130 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments.

polarization-maintaining fibers
suppliers for polarization-maintaining fibers encyclopedia article
polarization-maintaining fibers from Cycle

Effective dispersion compensation is a key requirement for many applications involving ultrafast lasers and broadband optical signals. Cycle can offer a variety of dispersion compensating fibers to satisfy the needs of your application. Our products include:

  • single-mode dispersion compensating fibers (SM-DCF) and
  • polarization-maintaining dispersion compensating fibers (PM-DCF)

with different connector types and customized lengths. Please contact us for more information.

RF over fiber systems
suppliers for RF over fiber systems encyclopedia article
RF over fiber systems from Cycle

Cycle’s fully automated WAVE Timing Link precisely distributes and transfers high-quality RF clock signals to remote locations, which can be even tens of kilometers away. The WAVE Timing Link is actively stabilized and compensates any changes of optical path length caused by environmental fluctuations.

single-mode fibers
suppliers for single-mode fibers encyclopedia article
single-mode fibers from Cycle

Effective dispersion compensation is a key requirement for many applications involving ultrafast lasers and broadband optical signals. Cycle can offer a variety of dispersion compensating fibers to satisfy the needs of your application. Our products include:

  • single-mode dispersion compensating fibers (SM-DCF) and
  • polarization-maintaining dispersion compensating fibers (PM-DCF)

with different connector types and customized lengths. Please contact us for more information.

testing equipment and services for optics and photonics
suppliers for testing equipment and services for optics and photonics
testing equipment and services for optics and photonics from Cycle

Cycle offers the lowest noise timing detectors in the market based on its patented balanced optical cross-correlator (BOC) and balanced optical microwave phase detector (BOMPD) technologies.

The BOC detects the relative timing jitter between two independent optical pulse trains with identical center wavelengths, whereas the BOMPD detects the timing jitter or phase noise between an optical pulse train and the zero-crossings of a microwave signal.

Cycle’s BOCs and BOMPDs provide exceptionally high timing sensitivity, attosecond timing resolution, and AM-PM conversion suppression against environmental fluctuations.

We offer BOCs operating on 800 nm, 1030 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths. We also offer two color BOCs (TCBOC) to measure the timing jitter of lasers at different center wavelengths.

Our BOMPDs operate with a wide range of microwave frequencies (10 MHz – 10 GHz) and optical wavelengths (800 nm, 1030 nm and 1550 nm).

timing electronics for photonics
suppliers for timing electronics for photonics
timing electronics for photonics from Cycle

Cycle’s fully automated Analog Synchronization Unit (ASU) is a versatile device which can measure the timing jitter or phase noise between any optical or microwave signal.

It generates a baseband signal that is proportional to the timing error between the two inputs, which in turn can be used in a phase-locked loop configuration to synchronize a laser to a microwave source or vice versa or two microwave sources.

timing jitter measurement devices
suppliers for timing jitter measurement devices encyclopedia article
timing jitter measurement devices from Cycle

Cycle offers the lowest noise timing detectors in the market based on its patented balanced optical cross-correlator (BOC) and balanced optical microwave phase detector (BOMPD) technologies.

The BOC detects the relative timing jitter between two independent optical pulse trains with identical center wavelengths, whereas the BOMPD detects the timing jitter or phase noise between an optical pulse train and the zero-crossings of a microwave signal.

Cycle’s BOCs and BOMPDs provide exceptionally high timing sensitivity, attosecond timing resolution, and AM-PM conversion suppression against environmental fluctuations.

We offer BOCs operating on 800 nm, 1030 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths. We also offer two color BOCs (TCBOC) to measure the timing jitter of lasers at different center wavelengths.

Our BOMPDs operate with a wide range of microwave frequencies (10 MHz – 10 GHz) and optical wavelengths (800 nm, 1030 nm and 1550 nm).

ultrafast amplifiers
suppliers for ultrafast amplifiers encyclopedia article
ultrafast amplifiers from Cycle

Based on Cycle's own femtosecond fiber lasers, the company also offers fiber-based amplifiers (EDFA) with a center wavelength of 1550 nm to 1700 nm. This variant of the SOPRANO-15 is a very attractive solution to amplify the output of beam arrival monitors in synchrotron or FEL facilities, for example. Other custom-made fiber amplifiers are available upon request.

ultrafast lasers
suppliers for ultrafast lasers encyclopedia article
ultrafast lasers from Cycle

Cycle supplies tailored laser systems with unique features and affordable prices:

The SOPRANO-15 is Cycle’s state-of-the art femtosecond fiber lasers, designed to fulfill tasks such as OPO/OPA pumping, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis and processing. The SOPRANO-15 operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm or 775 nm and pulse duration below 350 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments in 24/7 operation.

The SOPRANO-15 mini is designed to carry out tasks such as multiphoton microscopy, spectroscopy, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis. In addition to its dependable 24/7 operation, the SOPRANO-15 mini operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm and typical pulse duration below 130 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments.

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Information of Cycle Appears on the Following Pages

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Pages with Suppliers for Products

dispersion-shifted fibers, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, femtosecond lasers, fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, fiber-optic links, fibers, laser synchronization devices, mode-locked fiber lasers, mode-locked lasers, polarization-maintaining fibers, RF over fiber systems, single-mode fibers, testing equipment and services for optics and photonics, timing electronics for photonics, timing jitter measurement devices, ultrafast amplifiers, ultrafast lasers

Encyclopedia Articles

dispersion-shifted fibers, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, femtosecond lasers, fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, fiber lasers versus bulk lasers, fiber-optic links, fibers, synchronization of lasers, mode-locked fiber lasers, mode-locked lasers, polarization-maintaining fibers, radio and microwave over fiber, single-mode fibers, cut-off wavelength, timing jitter, ultrafast amplifiers, divided-pulse amplification, ultrafast lasers

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