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Supplier profile:


The Hollow-Core PCF and Photonic MicroCell Company

GLOphotonics SAS
123 avenue Albert Thomas
87060 Limoges
Tel.:+33 6 40 42 22 73
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Company Description

GLOphotonics develops, manufactures and markets gas phased photonic components using Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fibers (HCPCF). The unique features of this innovative fiber technology provide a flexible and cost-effective way to shape and transport ultrashort pulses (USP) with extremely low attenuation and nearly-free temporal and spectral distortion. Based on the hollow core technologies, GLOphotonics has developed specific modules for beam delivery, pulse compression or frequency conversion.


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Star product: The hollow core fiber technology enables the ultra-short pulse beam delivery and the high energy/power beam delivery.

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Product categoryDescription
beam delivery systems
suppliers for beam delivery systems encyclopedia article
beam delivery systems from GLOphotonics

GLO hollow-core fiber technology for the ultra-fast laser (femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond) and high power laser. The beam delivery products cover a large parameter space in laser average power, pulse energy and wavelength (from UV to MIR). Beam delivery product family brings the exceptional hollow-core fiber technology performance in laser energy and power handling and in dispersion management to the widest range of applications and requirements.

fiber cables
suppliers for fiber cables encyclopedia article
fiber cables from GLOphotonics

GLO hollow-core fiber technology for the ultra-fast laser (femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond) and high power laser. The beam delivery products cover a large parameter space in laser average power, pulse energy and wavelength (from UV to MIR). Beam delivery product family brings the exceptional hollow-core fiber technology performance in laser energy and power handling and in dispersion management to the widest range of applications and requirements.

fiber optics
suppliers for fiber optics encyclopedia article
fiber optics from GLOphotonics

We offer a large range of fiber products from award winning fiber technology. Our HCPCF stands out by guiding light in a hollow channel surrounded by a microstructured cladding.

GLO is a pioneering industrial player in this field by offering its partners varied and bespoke HCPCF. A Photonic Micro-Cell (PMC) is a length of HCPCF filled with a gas in a controllable fashion and hermetically sealed. PMC offers strong gas–light interaction.

fiber patch cables
suppliers for fiber patch cables encyclopedia article
fiber patch cables from GLOphotonics

The Hollow Core Photonic Crystal fiber patch cable for ultra-short pulse from UV to mid-infrared.

Friendly and standard connectors are available: FC, SMA, ST, LC, D80.

We can offer end-capping, post-processed termination, cell termination for gas handling, and water cooling.

Ideal for micromachining, bio-imaging, biomedical, surgery, microscopy, OCT, spectroscopy, nonlinear imaging, and sensing.

suppliers for fibers encyclopedia article
fibers from GLOphotonics

We offer a large range of fiber products from award winning fiber technology.

HCPCF stands out by guiding light in a hollow channel surrounded by a microstructured cladding.

GLO is a pioneering industrial player in this field by offering its partners varied and bespoke HCPCF. A Photonic Micro-Cell (PMC) is a length of HCPCF filled with a gas in a controllable fashion and hermetically sealed. PMC offers strong gas–light interaction.

gas and vacuum cells
suppliers for gas and vacuum cells encyclopedia article
gas and vacuum cells from GLOphotonics

PowerLink brings together the unique optical performances of GLO hollow-Core fibers and the gas–light interactions.

The PowerLink product represents a standard tool, that functionalizes and gives access to our gas-fillable hollow-core photonic crystal fiber technology’s potential and high performance in the simplest way, with strong gas-light interaction. Thanks to it, we provide a gas-fillable HCPCF-based platform with a certain degree of freedom to the optics community and their applications (non-linear optics, gas spectroscopy…).

hollow-core fibers
suppliers for hollow-core fibers encyclopedia article
hollow-core fibers from GLOphotonics

Explore the distinctive hollow-core photonic crystal fiber technology, guiding light within a hollow channel and enveloped by a microstructured cladding. A unique approach that redefines precision and efficiency in the field of photonics.

As a trailblazing industrial leader, GLO takes the forefront in photonics with a diverse array of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber solutions, tailored to meet the unique needs of our valued partners. Our commitment lies in delivering bespoke HCPCF innovations, setting new standards in the industry.

nonlinear frequency conversion equipment
suppliers for nonlinear frequency conversion equipment encyclopedia article
nonlinear frequency conversion equipment from GLOphotonics

Hollow-core fiber technology has enabled gas–light interactions with an unprecedented efficiency. Our frequency conversion and laser products take direct advantage of this feature, offering ‘multiple lasers in a single device’ in the form of CombLas – a highly versatile and stable Raman laser source which spans the UV-VIS spectral range. Combined with the device’s compact footprint, we obtain a highly-potent light source which perfectly suits the fields of gas spectroscopy and bio-imaging.

photonic crystal fibers
suppliers for photonic crystal fibers encyclopedia article
photonic crystal fibers from GLOphotonics

Explore the distinctive hollow-core photonic crystal fiber technology, guiding light within a hollow channel and enveloped by a microstructured cladding. A unique approach that redefines precision and efficiency in the field of photonics.

As a trailblazing industrial leader, GLO takes the forefront in photonics with a diverse array of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber solutions, tailored to meet the unique needs of our valued partners. Our commitment lies in delivering bespoke HCPCF innovations, setting new standards in the industry.

pulse compressors
suppliers for pulse compressors encyclopedia article
pulse compressors from GLOphotonics

FastLas is an incredible tool to change your standard ultra-short pulse laser into an exceptional very Ultra-Short Pulse (USP) with a pulse duration at the output of the system less than 50 fs.

  • compatible with current USP lasers
  • nonlinearity, broadening and compression is managed thanks to a gas filled fiber
  • water cooling allows to shorten pulses at high energy
  • responsive and efficient technical support for installation

The FastLas is equipped with a pre-alignment system to facilitate the installation and the injection of the customer’s laser signal into the FastLas.

specialty fibers
suppliers for specialty fibers encyclopedia article
specialty fibers from GLOphotonics

Explore the distinctive hollow-core photonic crystal fiber technology, guiding light within a hollow channel and enveloped by a microstructured cladding. A unique approach that redefines precision and efficiency in the field of photonics.

As a trailblazing industrial leader, GLO takes the forefront in photonics with a diverse array of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber solutions, tailored to meet the unique needs of our valued partners. Our commitment lies in delivering bespoke HCPCF innovations, setting new standards in the industry.

ultraviolet optics
suppliers for ultraviolet optics encyclopedia article
ultraviolet optics from GLOphotonics

Explore the distinctive hollow-core photonic crystal fiber technology, guiding light within a hollow channel and enveloped by a microstructured cladding. A unique approach that redefines precision and efficiency in the field of photonics (from 213 nm to mid-infrared).

As a trailblazing industrial leader, GLO takes the forefront in photonics with a diverse array of hollow-core photonic crystal Fiber solutions, tailored to meet the unique needs of our valued partners. Our commitment lies in delivering bespoke HCPCF innovations, setting new standards in the industry.

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Information of GLOphotonics Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

beam delivery systems, fiber cables, fiber optics, fiber patch cables, fibers, gas and vacuum cells, hollow-core fibers, nonlinear frequency conversion equipment, photonic crystal fibers, pulse compressors, specialty fibers, ultraviolet optics

Encyclopedia Articles

beam delivery systems, fiber cables, fiber optics, fiber patch cables, fibers, gas and vacuum cells, hollow-core fibers, nonlinear frequency conversion, optical rectification, photonic crystal fibers, pulse compression, self-phase modulation, adiabatic soliton compression, specialty fibers, ultraviolet optics

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