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2 rue Edouard Michaud
Beaublanc Bât. 3–4–5
87000 Limoges
Tel.:+33 5 87 20 00 25
Website:web link
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Company Description

Created in February 2006, LEUKOS is a start-up company born from XLIM research institute, a mixed research unit (UMR 7252) from the French CNRS and the University of Limoges, France. The company was founded by pioneers of supercontinuum generation to develop brand new compact supercontinuum lasers based on their expertise in nonlinear optics.



Video: Short video about LEUKOS products, supercontinuum lasers and microchip lasers.

video of Leukos

Star product: LEUKOS – Supercontinuum Laser – a brief introduction for INDUS PIANO, ROCK and ELECTRO-MIR.

More information on star product


Product CategoryDescription
microchip lasers
suppliers for microchip lasers encyclopedia article
microchip lasers from Leukos

LEUKOS offers the passively Q-switched laser HLX-I, a compact microchip laser generated sub-nanosecond pulsed at 1064 nm. Different versions are available, with up to 500 MW average output power. It is suitable for micromachining, a seed laser, for LIDAR, 3 D scanning and imaging, biophotonics, supercontinuum generation and in other fields.

See our data sheet.

mid-infrared laser sources
suppliers for mid-infrared laser sources encyclopedia article
mid-infrared laser sources from Leukos

The LEUKOS ELECTRO MIR is a new generation supercontinuum laser source optimized for the mid-IR up to ≈10 μm wavelength. It is based on LEUKOS' over 15 years experience in supercontinuum sources.

See our data sheet.

optical filters
suppliers for optical filters encyclopedia article
optical filters from Leukos

LEUKOS offers the widely tunable filter BEBOP. Combine this with our supercontinuum source Rock to obtain a broadband tunable light source.

The BEBOP can be tuned from 350 nm to 850 nm with a bandwidth between 7 nm and 100 nm. It reaches a transmittance of up to 90% and a blocking OD of >4. You can have a free-space output beam or a fiber-coupled output, and there is an additional infrared output.

See our data sheet.

pulsed lasers
suppliers for pulsed lasers encyclopedia article
pulsed lasers from Leukos

LEUKOS offers the passively Q-switched laser HLX-I, a compact microchip laser generated sub-nanosecond pulsed at 1064 nm. Different versions are available, with up to 500 MW average output power and 50 μJ pulse energy. It is suitable for micromachining, a seed laser, for LIDAR, 3 D scanning and imaging, biophotonics, supercontinuum generation and in other fields.

See our data sheet.

supercontinuum sources
suppliers for supercontinuum sources encyclopedia article
supercontinuum sources from Leukos

LEUKOS offers the Rock supercontinuum source. Based on a mode-locked laser, it produces picosecond pulses with up to 5 W average power and an optical spectrum spanning from 400 nm to beyond 2400 nm.

See our data sheet!

tunable lasers
suppliers for tunable lasers encyclopedia article
tunable lasers from Leukos

By combining the LEUKOS supercontinuum source Rock with the widely tunable filter BEBOP, you obtain a light source which can be tuned from the near UV to the infrared.

white light sources
suppliers for white light sources encyclopedia article
white light sources from Leukos

ELECTRO VIS is the latest LEUKOS development. Optimized for long lifetime, power in the visible and ease of use, ELECTROVIS is a high end, short-pulse high-tech device. Ideal for applications where reliability is essential while cost matters.

See our data sheet.

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Information of Leukos Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

microchip lasers, mid-infrared laser sources, optical filters, pulsed lasers, supercontinuum sources, tunable lasers, white light sources

Encyclopedia Articles

microchip lasers, monolithic solid-state lasers, mid-infrared laser sources, optical filters, pulsed lasers, supercontinuum generation, tunable lasers, white light sources

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