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Supplier profile:

Lithium Lasers

Innovative laser solutions for high precision applications

Lithium Lasers Srl
via Borromei 2
Milan, 20123
Tel.:+393 89490 40 12
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Company Description

Lithium Lasers is a pioneering force in the realm of ultrashort pulse laser technology, specializing in the design and manufacture of cutting-edge lasers tailored for high precision applications. Our flagship product, FEMTOFLASH, stands at the forefront of innovation, featuring femtosecond GHz-burst technology that redefines industrial micromachining standards. With high burst energy, flexible burst shapes, and adjustable burst frequency, FEMTOFLASH empowers users to achieve unparalleled precision and speed. At the core of FEMTOFLASH is a patent-pending design that eliminates CPA and fiber pre-amplifier stages, resulting in a more compact and lightweight ultrashort pulse laser. Thanks to our extensive expertise, we stand as a trusted partner for micromachining solutions, offering unparalleled support for even the most demanding applications.

Lithium Lasers


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star product

Star product: FEMTOFLASH is a new femtosecond GHz-burst laser for industrial micromachining.

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Product categoryEncDescription
burst mode lasersS Eburst mode lasers from Lithium Lasers

FEMTOFLASH is an innovative laser that emits bursts of high frequency ultrashort-pulses for industrial micromachining. Unlike traditional single-pulse lasers, FEMTOFLASH emits bursts of high-frequency ultrashort pulses, clustering energy over multiple pulses at GHz level. This groundbreaking approach introduces a more efficient machining regime, ensuring unmatched speed and precision in micromachining processes. FEMTOFLASH's unique features include high burst energy, adjustable burst shapes and flexible number of pulses in the burst, providing users with unparalleled control over their applications.

At the heart of FEMTOFLASH lies a patent-pending design that eliminates CPA and fiber pre-amplifier stages. This not only streamlines the technology but also results in a more compact and lightweight ultrashort pulse laser.

femtosecond lasersS Efemtosecond lasers from Lithium Lasers

FEMTOFLASH is an innovative laser that emits bursts of high frequency femtosecond pulses for industrial micromachining. Unlike traditional single-pulse lasers, FEMTOFLASH emits bursts of high-frequency femtosecond pulses, clustering energy over multiple pulses at GHz level. This groundbreaking approach introduces a more efficient machining regime, ensuring unmatched speed and precision in micromachining processes. FEMTOFLASH's unique features include high burst energy, adjustable burst shapes and flexible number of pulses in the burst, providing users with unparalleled control over their applications. At the heart of FEMTOFLASH lies a patent-pending design that eliminates CPA and fiber pre-amplifier stages. This not only streamlines the technology but also results in a more compact and lightweight ultrashort pulse laser.

green lasersS Egreen lasers from Lithium Lasers

Lithium Lasers offers Lithium Six 525, a cost-effective and compact green laser with average powers up to 3.5 watts. Lithium Six 525 is a frequency-doubled green laser that emits femtosecond soliton pulses with unbeatable spatial and temporal quality. This laser is available with repetition rate from 220 to 80 MHz.

lasers for material processingS E

FEMTOFLASH is an innovative laser that emits bursts of high frequency ultrashort-pulses for industrial micromachining. Unlike traditional single-pulse lasers, FEMTOFLASH emits bursts of high-frequency ultrashort pulses, clustering energy over multiple pulses at GHz level. This groundbreaking approach introduces a more efficient machining regime, ensuring unmatched speed and precision in micromachining processes. FEMTOFLASH's unique features include high burst energy, adjustable burst shapes and flexible number of pulses in the burst, providing users with unparalleled control over their applications.

At the heart of FEMTOFLASH lies a patent-pending design that eliminates CPA and fiber pre-amplifier stages. This not only streamlines the technology but also results in a more compact and lightweight ultrashort pulse laser.

seed lasersS Eseed lasers from Lithium Lasers

The Lithium Six seed laser emits femtosecond pulses with the central wavelength of 1050 nm and average powers up to 7 W. The Lithium Six generates pedestal-free low-noise pulses that are ideal to reach an effective amplification. Moreover, this laser provides high pulse energies up to 87 nJ, allowing to simplify the amplification chain and reduce the number of amplifiers.

ultrafast lasersS Eultrafast lasers from Lithium Lasers

FEMTOFLASH is an innovative laser that emits bursts of high frequency ultrashort-pulses for industrial micromachining. Unlike traditional single-pulse lasers, FEMTOFLASH emits bursts of high-frequency ultrashort pulses, clustering energy over multiple pulses at GHz level. This groundbreaking approach introduces a more efficient machining regime, ensuring unmatched speed and precision in micromachining processes. FEMTOFLASH's unique features include high burst energy, adjustable burst shapes and flexible number of pulses in the burst, providing users with unparalleled control over their applications.

At the heart of FEMTOFLASH lies a patent-pending design that eliminates CPA and fiber pre-amplifier stages. This not only streamlines the technology but also results in a more compact and lightweight ultrashort pulse laser.

See also our video on Easy installation and the main features of Lithium Six!


Easy installation and the main features of Lithium Six

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burst mode lasers, femtosecond lasers, green lasers, lasers for material processing, seed lasers, ultrafast lasers

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burst mode lasers, femtosecond lasers, green lasers, lasers for material processing, seed lasers, ultrafast lasers

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