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MPB Communications

Helping our customers reach their research @ commercial goals for over 45 years

MPB Communications
Head Office
147 Hymus Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec H9R 1E9
Tel.:+1 514 694 8751
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Quality certificate:ISO 9001:2015

Company Description

MPB Communications Inc. is a leading supplier of innovative, high-performance fiber laser and fiber amplifier systems. MPBC’s telecommunication products include booster amplifiers, low noise preamplifiers and patented Raman amplification solutions adopted by system integrators world-wide to increase the reach and performance of their optical networks.

MPBC’s visible fiber lasers, modelocked and pulsed fiber lasers, and high-power single frequency Raman fiber amplifiers are based on our telecom Raman fiber amplifier technology offering our customers unsurpassed flexibility, stability and reliability.

MPBC maintains its technological leadership through an on-going R&D commitment investing ≈20% of revenues into research and development. The company has been recognized with numerous awards including the Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award, Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis Award, and three Canada Awards for Business Excellence. Incorporated in 1976, all of MPBCs R&D and manufacturing are conducted in Canada.


NEW! Visible 532 nm visible mode-locked picosecond fiber laser for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)

NEW! Tunable 633 nm single-frequency fiber laser for metrology and semiconductor applications

NEW! 1 W 695 nm sub-nanosecond pulsed fiber laser for STED

Video: An overview of the MPBC fiber laser and fiber amplifier product line Play video


Product categoryDescription
blue lasers
suppliers for blue lasers encyclopedia article
blue lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC offers continuous wave fiber lasers in the blue wavelength regime at up to 500 mW of output power in OEM or 2RU rack-mountable packages, allowing for easy integration or tabletop use. Fiber coupling options are also available. Exceptional performance is achieved based on the all-fiber architecture, which inherently ensures a narrow linewidth, diffraction-limited linearly polarized output with unprecedented wavelength stability.

MPBC is at the forefront of CW visible fiber lasers, having established collaborative relationships with researchers in the development of lasers for novel emerging applications.

erbium-doped fiber amplifiers
suppliers for erbium-doped fiber amplifiers encyclopedia article
erbium-doped fiber amplifiers from MPB Communications

Leveraging a rich legacy in fiber optic technologies, MPBC has positioned itself as a leading provider of optical amplification solutions. Our network-ready subsystems feature high-power EDFAs and Raman amplifiers, providing extended repeaterless reach for both new and existing OPGW, terrestrial, and submarine networks.

Our erbium-doped fiber amplifier and preamplifier gain modules are compact, energy-efficient, and designed for superior performance across a wide range of applications. Available in single and multi-channel configurations, they deliver low noise and high gain, making them ideal for the telecom, military, test & measurement, and aerospace industries.

femtosecond lasers
suppliers for femtosecond lasers encyclopedia article
femtosecond lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC offers all-fiber mode-locked femtosecond lasers (AFML) which use our patented Figure-8 technology ensuring reliable and consistent mode-locking, ideal for long-term stable operation in challenging environments. This solution is offered in various wavelengths such as 920 nm, 1030 nm and more.

Additionally, MPBC provides high-power mode-locked femtosecond fiber lasers (MLFL) which operate at various wavelengths between the range of 920 nm and 1560 nm – traditionally covered by ultrafast Ti:sapphire lasers and optical parametric oscillators. They generate linearly polarized nearly transformed-limited pulses with a pulse duration of 80 fs to 800 fs at a repetition rate of 10-80 MHz, and an average power greater than 1.5 W.

Compact and maintenance-free, MPBC’s femtosecond fiber lasers have an exceptional beam profile and do not require optical alignment.

fiber amplifiers
suppliers for fiber amplifiers encyclopedia article
fiber amplifiers from MPB Communications

Drawing from a rich heritage in fiber optic technologies, MPBC has established itself as a leading provider of optical amplification solutions including:

fiber lasers
suppliers for fiber lasers encyclopedia article
fiber lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC’s fiber laser product line has grown out of its highly reliable telecom Raman fiber lasers, which have been deployed for 25+ years in telecom fiber optic systems.

Exceptional performance is achieved based on an all-fiber architecture, which draws on MPBC’s telecom design practices. The all-fiber laser design eliminates the need for alignment, as no bulk components are used. It provides unprecedented wavelength and output power stability and ensures a diffraction-limited linearly polarized output.

With wavelengths ranging from 465 nm to 2000 nm, MPBC's fiber laser product line includes CW visible to near-IR lasers, sub-nanosecond pulsed fiber lasers, ultrafast lasers, and single-frequency fiber lasers and amplifiers.

free-space optical communication systems
suppliers for free-space optical communication systems encyclopedia article
free-space optical communication systems from MPB Communications

MPBC is a leading provider of optical space amplifier solutions, ideally suited for free-space optical (FSO) communication systems. By leveraging their TRL-9 amplification technology, and expertise in high-power, highly efficient, and reliable laser platforms, MPBC delivers optical amplifiers with the precision and performance required for FSO communication. These amplifiers provide high beam quality and stable output, essential for maintaining robust and high-speed data transmission over long distances. MPBC’s customizable optical amplifiers also ensure seamless integration into diverse FSO applications, from satellite-to-ground and ground-to-space links to terrestrial communication networks.

frequency-stabilized lasers
suppliers for frequency-stabilized lasers encyclopedia article
frequency-stabilized lasers from MPB Communications

Single frequency fiber lasers exhibit reduced frequency noise, excellent stability and long coherence length due to their short cavity design.

MPBC has a line of short cavity single frequency lasers available at wavelengths ranging from 910 nm to 1300 nm. With an all-fiber optical cavity architecture and a mechanical package that is thermally and acoustically isolated, these lasers are known for their quality and robustness. Active stabilisation implementing Pound–Drever–Hall (PDH) locking is used to stabilise frequency. Wavelength tunability is achieved by temperature and piezo.

These seed lasers can be used in conjunction with MPBC's single frequency amplifiers to increase the output power while maintaining the critical seed parameters, such as narrow linewidth, reduced frequency noise and long coherence lengths.

high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers
suppliers for high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers encyclopedia article
high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers from MPB Communications

MPBC specializes in high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, offering solutions tailored for single-frequency and high-power applications across their telecommunications, space and laser product lines. In their telecommunications lineup, MPBC's 2RU Boosters deliver up to 30 dBm of output power, ideal for demanding telecom and utility network applications in the terrestrial or submarine fields.

With TRL-9 optical amplification technology and 30 years of experience in providing optical amplifiers for submarine and terrestrial communications, MPBC is now a leading supplier of optical amplifiers for space applications. Some product offerings include:

In the fiber laser product line, MPBC's continuous wave near-IR lasers provide exceptional high-power performance, with air-cooled packages reaching up to 50 W and water-cooled options ranging from 50 W to over 100 W. Their single-frequency Raman fiber amplifiers and lasers are designed for precision and stability, delivering low phase and intensity noise, narrow spectral linewidths, and long coherence lengths. These systems amplify single-frequency seed sources from milliwatts to several watts in the NIR, enabling frequency doubling for stable, narrow-linewidth, low-noise visible output.

laser cooling and trapping systems
suppliers for laser cooling and trapping systems encyclopedia article
laser cooling and trapping systems from MPB Communications

MPBC has been a leading innovator in the design and development of single frequency lasers with novel atomic transition frequencies for applications in atomic physics, quantum mechanics and metrology. These lasers adhere to stringent requirements including narrow linewidth, low Intensity and phase noise, and the excellent wavelength stability necessary for these applications.

Novel wavelengths and unsurpassed output powers have been developed for world-renowned research centers and universities, which require innovative and leading-edge solutions.

laser guide stars
suppliers for laser guide stars encyclopedia article
laser guide stars from MPB Communications

MPBC is part of the “GuideStar Alliance,” contributing the Raman fiber amplifier and fiber laser pumps to the most powerful fiber laser guide star systems used in astronomy. The Raman fiber amplifier technology was first developed and patented by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). MPBC licensed the technology, and have collaborated to develop reliable, maintenance-free, ruggedized systems installed at:

  • ESO’s 4 Laser Guide Star Facility (4LGSF) in Paranal, Chile;
  • KECK, Gemini North, and Subaru Observatories in Mauna Kea, Hawai’i;
  • Gemini South in Cerro Pachón, Chile;
  • Wendelstein I & II, Brannerburg, Germany;
  • GTC, Canary Islands, Spain;
  • ALASCA Program, Tenerife, Spain.

Since joining the GuideStar Alliance, MPBC has developed a narrow band diffraction-limited Raman fiber amplifier (RFA) at 1178 nm providing 130 W of output power. These RFA units also have the advantage of a remote pumping scheme, allowing the user to integrate the RFA up to 50 m away from the electronics cabinet, ideal where available space is a factor.

MPBC has an expanded single-frequency amplification portfolio, and are able to offer virtually any wavelength where silica-based fibers are transparent, supporting novel applications for the scientific and commercial research community.

lasers for microscopy
suppliers for lasers for microscopy
lasers for microscopy from MPB Communications

MPBC has been a pioneer in developing fiber lasers for Super Resolution Microscopy, including the following techniques: Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED), Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM), Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy (LLSM) – with developments for Dr. Stefan W. Hell at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Dr. Eric Betzig at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Hazen Babcock at Harvard University.

MPBC’s laser portfolio includes an extensive range of commercially available wavelengths and output powers in the visible and NIR range, single-frequency, pulsed and ultrafast variants. All of our lasers have a reputation for unsurpassed beam quality, reliability and stability.

lasers for quantum photonics
suppliers for lasers for quantum photonics encyclopedia article
lasers for quantum photonics from MPB Communications

MPBC has been a leading innovator in the design and development of single frequency lasers with novel atomic transition frequencies for applications in atomic physics, quantum mechanics and metrology. These lasers adhere to stringent requirements including narrow linewidth, low Intensity and phase noise, and the excellent wavelength stability necessary for these applications.

Novel wavelengths and unsurpassed output powers have been developed for world-renowned research centers and universities, which require innovative and leading-edge solutions.

mode-locked lasers
suppliers for mode-locked lasers encyclopedia article
mode-locked lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC offers compact ultrafast fiber lasers that operate in femtosecond or picosecond pulsed modes. With a wide range of repetition rates, wavelengths, and output powers, they are ideal for various applications, including medical research, semiconductor inspection, micromachining, optical microscopy, neuroscience, and spectroscopy. These lasers deliver exceptional performance, producing linearly polarized, near-transform-limited pulses with superior beam quality. They are compact, reliable, and low-maintenance, available as either seeders for high-power systems or complete laser systems.

nanosecond lasers
suppliers for nanosecond lasers encyclopedia article
nanosecond lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC’s line of nanosecond pulsed fiber lasers have been designed to give users flexibility in their application refinement. With wavelengths from 514 nm to 1700 nm, and user-selectable pulse widths and repetition rates, these lasers put more options into the hands of the users than traditional lasers with fixed parameters. Externally triggerable models offer advanced controls.

Based on an all-fiber laser cavity, these lasers offer excellent beam quality and wall plug efficiency in a compact air-cooled laser package.

narrow-linewidth lasers
suppliers for narrow-linewidth lasers encyclopedia article
narrow-linewidth lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC’s narrow linewidth lasers provide precise and stable output in the visible and NIR wavelength ranges for applications in medical diagnostics, imaging and advanced technologies.

Visible and NIR CW lasers are offered with 100 pm linewidth and a diffraction-limited beam.

  • The visible wavelength range covers 465 to 775 nm and provides up to 5 W of output power at selected wavelengths.
  • The NIR wavelength range covers 930 to 2000 nm with a fiber-coupled output power up to 100 W.

MPBC also provides single-frequency (SF) Seed fiber lasers with a linewidth < 50 kHz, and SF lasers with a linewidth < 100 kHz.

  • The SF Seed wavelength range covers 910 to 1950 nm and provides up to 50 mW of output power at selected wavelengths.
  • The SF Visible wavelength range covers 460 to 790 nm and provides up to 5 W of output power at selected wavelengths. Higher powers up to 10 W are available from 532 to 671 nm.
  • The NIR SF wavelength range covers 920 to 1900 nm with a fiber-coupled output power up to 30 W.
OEM laser modules
suppliers for OEM laser modules encyclopedia article
OEM laser modules from MPB Communications

MPBC’s OEM fiber laser modules were designed for integrators aiming to develop state-of-the-art end user laser systems. They come in a variety of visible wavelengths from 465 – 775 nm, and NIR wavelengths from 930 – 2000 nm. These lasers contain an all-fiber design, which ensure diffraction-limited output, and high wavelength stability. They are easy-to-use, reliable solutions for a wide variety of industrial and medical applications.

optical amplifiers
suppliers for optical amplifiers encyclopedia article
optical amplifiers from MPB Communications

Drawing from a rich heritage in fiber optic technologies, MPBC has established itself as a leading provider of optical amplification solutions including:

picosecond lasers
suppliers for picosecond lasers encyclopedia article
picosecond lasers from MPB Communications

Based on an all-fiber design, MPBC’s all-fiber mode-locked picosecond laser (AFML) is highly reliable and maintenance-free. It delivers pulses through polarization-maintaining fiber, with a very broad spectral bandwidth exceeding 15 nm at FWHM. Our patented Figure-8 technology ensures reliable and consistent mode-locking, ideal for long-term stable operation in challenging environments.

Additionally, we have picosecond mode-locked fiber lasers which operate at 515 nm, 532 nm, and anywhere between 920-1080 nm. These lasers are ideal if a fast repetition rate (≤100 MHz) and a nearly transform-limited spectral bandwidth is required. Average output power varies from 2 to 3000 mW, depending on the configuration.

These lasers are designed to address a range of market applications including semiconductor inspection, micro-machining, metrology, bio-medical imaging, and can be used as a seed source for optical amplifiers, and second harmonic generation.

pulsed lasers
suppliers for pulsed lasers encyclopedia article
pulsed lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC’s line of pulsed fiber lasers are designed to address a range of market applications including medical and bio-medical research, semiconductor inspection, micro-machining, metrology, and multi-photon microscopy.

Products include:

  • Mode-locked ultrafast fiber lasers which operate at 515 nm, 532 nm, and anywhere from 920 nm to 1570 nm. They generate linearly polarized nearly transformed-limited pulses with pulse durations in the femtosecond or picosecond regime. With repetition rates in the range 10–100 MHz, and an average power of greater than 1.5 W, our ultrafast lasers are designed for a wide range of applications.
  • Sub-nanosecond pulsed fiber lasers, available from 514 nm to 1700 nm and with user-selectable repetition rates, are based on an all-fiber laser cavity, offering excellent beam quality and wall plug efficiency.
Raman amplifiers
suppliers for Raman amplifiers encyclopedia article
Raman amplifiers from MPB Communications

MPBC’s Network-ready subsystems feature a variety of distributed Raman and patented super Raman amplifiers, delivering the highest level of sensitivity improvement in the industry for OPGW, terrestrial, and submarine networks.

Custom Raman fiber amplifiers (RFA) are also available for sodium Laser Guide Stars (LGS).

MPBC’s Single-frequency Raman fiber amplifiers are designed to provide optical gain in spectral bands not covered by rare-earth amplifiers for amplification of narrowband single-frequency sources.

Raman spectroscopy equipment
suppliers for Raman spectroscopy equipment encyclopedia article
Raman spectroscopy equipment from MPB Communications

Fiber lasers are highly effective in Raman spectroscopy applications due to their ability to produce stable, coherent, and unique wavelengths.

MPBC’s Single-frequency fiber lasers are an ideal solution for Raman spectroscopy due to their narrow linewidth and long coherence length.

red lasers
suppliers for red lasers encyclopedia article
red lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC provides continuous-wave, single frequency, high-power single frequency, and pulsed fiber lasers in the red region.

Wavelengths from 620 nm to 775 nm are available in either an OEM compact package, or a 2RU rack mountable package with integrated power supply and are equipped with a user-friendly graphical user interface for ease of setup and operation. MPBC also offers optional fiber coupling.

Additionally, MPBC offers a cost effective 633 nm single frequency fiber laser with low to medium power range (50 mW ~ 200 mW). These new models provide tunability in wavelength and excellent stability for applications such as semiconductor lithography systems.

MPBC also offers a complete high-power single-frequency visible fiber laser system that is capable of reaching up to 10 W of output power for applications in atomic physics and semiconductor inspection.

seed lasers
suppliers for seed lasers encyclopedia article
seed lasers from MPB Communications

Single frequency fiber lasers exhibit reduced frequency noise, excellent stability and long coherence length due to their short cavity design.

MPBC has a line of short cavity single frequency lasers available at wavelengths ranging from 910 nm to 1300 nm. With an all-fiber optical cavity architecture and a mechanical package that is thermally and acoustically isolated, these lasers are known for their quality and robustness. Active stabilisation implementing Pound–Drever–Hall (PDH) locking is used to stabilise frequency. Wavelength tunability is achieved by temperature and piezo.

These seed lasers can be used in conjunction with MPBC's single frequency amplifiers to increase the output power while maintaining the critical seed parameters, such as narrow linewidth, reduced frequency noise and long coherence lengths.

single-frequency lasers
suppliers for single-frequency lasers encyclopedia article
single-frequency lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC line of single frequency lasers provide low phase and intensity noise, long coherence length and high reliability for applications in metrology, quantum technologies and atomic clocks.

MPBC provides single-frequency (SF) Seed fiber lasers with a linewidth < 50 kHz,and SF lasers with a linewidth < 100 kHz.

● The SF Seed wavelength range covers 910 to 1950 nm and provides up to 50 mW of output power at selected wavelengths.

● The SF Visible wavelength range covers 460 to 790 nm and provides up to 5 W of output power at selected wavelengths. Higher powers up to 10 W are available from 532 to 671 nm.

● The NIR SF wavelength range covers 920 to 1900 nm with a fiber-coupled output power up to 30 W.

ultrafast lasers
suppliers for ultrafast lasers encyclopedia article
ultrafast lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC offers two distinct product lines in the ultrafast regime, our femtosecond fiber lasers and our picosecond fiber lasers.

These lasers provide outstanding performance, offering linearly polarized, near-transform-limited pulses with excellent beam quality. They are compact, reliable, and require low maintenance, available either as seeders for high-power laser systems or complete laser systems. Our ultrafast fiber lasers come with a wide range of repetition rates, wavelengths, and output powers, making them suitable for a variety of advanced applications.

yellow and orange lasers
suppliers for yellow and orange lasers encyclopedia article
yellow and orange lasers from MPB Communications

MPBC is a pioneer in providing fiber lasers in the yellow and orange region, opening up applications for yellow and red fluorescent dyes.

Our design flexibility is such that we can offer any wavelength in this region, with output powers from 200 mW to 5 W. The lasers are air-cooled, available in either an OEM compact package, or a 2RU rack-mountable package with integrated power supply and are shipped with a user-friendly graphical user interface for ease of set up and operation. MPBC also offers optional fiber coupling.

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blue lasers, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, femtosecond lasers, fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, free-space optical communication systems, frequency-stabilized lasers, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, laser cooling and trapping systems, laser guide stars, lasers for microscopy, lasers for quantum photonics, mode-locked lasers, nanosecond lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, optical amplifiers, picosecond lasers, pulsed lasers, Raman amplifiers, Raman spectroscopy equipment, red lasers, seed lasers, single-frequency lasers, ultrafast lasers, yellow and orange lasers

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blue lasers, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, femtosecond lasers, fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, fiber lasers versus bulk lasers, free-space optical communications, frequency-stabilized lasers, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, master oscillator fiber amplifier, laser cooling, laser guide stars, lasers for quantum photonics, mode-locked lasers, nanosecond lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, optical amplifiers, picosecond lasers, pulsed lasers, Raman amplifiers, Raman scattering, Raman gain, distributed amplifiers, Raman spectroscopy, red lasers, seed lasers, master oscillator power amplifier, single-frequency lasers, ultrafast lasers, yellow and orange lasers

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