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Packaging foundry for PIC-based optoelectronic modules

PHIX Photonics Assembly
Hengelosestraat 525
7521 AG Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel.:+31 88 7449 000
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Company Description

PHIX is an independent packaging and assembly OSAT for photonic integrated circuits (PICs) located in Enschede, The Netherlands. We support all major PIC technology platforms (like indium phosphide, silicon photonics, silicon nitride, and planar lightwave circuit) and are specialized in hybrid integration of chip-to-chip and fiber-to-chip modules. PHIX provides a one-stop-shop for PIC assembly, from design to manufacturing, in scalable production volumes.



See us at SPIE Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, January 25–30 (booth 5304)!


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Star product: Large area goldbox package.

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Product categoryDescription
contract manufacturing
suppliers for contract manufacturing
contract manufacturing from PhiX

If you want to outsource your assembly process or you’re looking for a secondary supplier of your own manufacturing, we're your trusted partner and scale with your growth. Our engineering team can validate what is required for a safe launch transfer and decide together how to release our packaging foundry for your product. We're happy to support you by performing dedicated steps of your production on our equipment. Here we offer services for die bonding, wire bonding, hybrid assembly, fiber attach, testing etc.

fiber arrays
suppliers for fiber arrays encyclopedia article
fiber arrays from PhiX

PHIX Photonics Assembly offers a broad range of V-groove fiber arrays for photonic integrated circuit (PIC) connections which are used in telecommunication networks, medical equipment, space and military applications, as well as test and measurement equipment. With our extensive experience in connecting fiber arrays to PICs for various platforms like Silicon Nitride, Silicon Photonics, and Indium Phosphide, we are your partner in the selection and supply of high-quality V-groove fiber arrays.

fiber mode field adapters
suppliers for fiber mode field adapters encyclopedia article
fiber mode field adapters from PhiX

Spot size converters (SSCs) provide an efficient coupling from arrays of optical fibers to photonic integrated circuits (PICs). They reduce the mode field using lithographically defined waveguides. PHIX offers V-groove fiber arrays with a pre-attached spot size converter.

See also our white paper on PHIX Spot Size Converters (SSCs)!

microlens arrays
suppliers for microlens arrays encyclopedia article
microlens arrays from PhiX

Using our Nanoscribe Quantum X align tool, we can 3D print optical and mechanical microstructures directly onto surfaces such as fiber cores or photonic integrated circuits (PICs). This high-precision additive manufacturing process for microstructures is based on two-photon polymerization (2PP), in combination with state-of-the-art alignment technology. It enables a feature size down to 100 nanometers, with optical grade surface quality free from slicing steps. This allows full control over the optical properties of the printed optics. Not only can lenses be designed to focus or collimate light, but they can even take on aspherical shapes in order to correct for optical aberrations.

Some example applications of our 3D microfabrication process are:

  • Microlens arrays on PIC surfaces or edges
  • Lensed fiber arrays
  • Prisms or other freeform optical structures
  • Microfluidic or micromechanical structures
packaging of optoelectronic modules
suppliers for packaging of optoelectronic modules
packaging of optoelectronic modules from PhiX

Assembling your PICs into functional modules in scalable volumes is PHIX’s core expertise. We have a broad experience in designing and assembling modules for telecommunications, industrial, automotive, medical, space and defense applications. We support all major material platforms, such as silicon photonics, SiN, InP and PLC, and can even co-package multiple PIC technologies into one product. We can also provide hermetic sealing for your module.

photonic integrated circuits
suppliers for photonic integrated circuits encyclopedia article
photonic integrated circuits from PhiX

PHIX has developed several packaging solutions that allow for convenient, quick and affordable prototyping of your first photonic integrated circuits (PICs). They provide a housing with electrical connections, optical interfaces, and thermal management. Hybrid assembly of auxiliary chips is also supported. Each of our standard housings have characteristics that favor certain chip dimensions and system configurations. However, if you have special requirements, we are happy to design a customized prototype package for you.

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contract manufacturing, fiber arrays, fiber mode field adapters, microlens arrays, packaging of optoelectronic modules, photonic integrated circuits

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fiber arrays, mode field converters, mode radius, effective mode area, microlens arrays, photonic integrated circuits, integrated optics

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