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Supplier profile:

UltraFast Innovations

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UltraFast Innovations GmbH
Dieselstr. 5
85748 Garching (München)
Tel.:+49 89 36039 437
Fax:+49 89 36039 453
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Company Description

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) is a premium manufacturer of custom-made optics, broadband coherent sources, diagnostic devices and engineering solutions in ultrafast science.

Our products cover the spectrum from the UV-VIS-IR range all the way down to the XUV/soft X-ray-range. We are specialized in the design and manufacture (from standard to tailor-made) of optical elements and devices for ultrafast laser applications. Combining broadband coherent sources with unique dispersive technology, we offer the generation and diagnostics of the shortest pulses in the market in the femto- (UV-VIS-IR) and attosecond (XUV/soft X-ray) range, ideal for applications in spectroscopy and pump–probe experiments.

UltraFast Innovations


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Product categoryDescription
anti-reflection coatings
suppliers for anti-reflection coatings encyclopedia article

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) offers broadband anti-reflection coatings suitable for ultrafast laser devices, with numerous options for different wavelength ranges and angles of incidence.

suppliers for autocorrelators encyclopedia article
autocorrelators from UltraFast Innovations

TUNDRA®, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a third-order autocorrelator, which serves as a highly sensitive diagnostic tool for laser pulse contrast measurements. Using third-harmonic generation, TUNDRA can distinguish between pre- and post-pulses. Its dynamic range reaches up to 14 orders of magnitude, sufficient for detecting even the tiniest parasitic pre- and post-pulses. The scan range is up to 3.8 ns, and pulse durations from <20 fs to 3 ps can be measured. It is available for 800 nm and 1030 nm but other wavelengths can be provided upon request.

TUNDRA is a fully automated device, serving as an invaluable tool for state-of-the-art characterization of ultrashort laser pulses. Its designed ensures that ghost pre/post pulses are avoided.

beam splitters
suppliers for beam splitters encyclopedia article
beam splitters from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) manufactures various beamsplitters suitable for broadband ultrashort pulses: they provide consistent performance over a broad bandwidth and low group delay dispersion (GDD). Versions for different wavelengths, splitting ratios, and angles of incidence are available.

chirped mirrors
suppliers for chirped mirrors encyclopedia article
chirped mirrors from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) provides a variety of ultra-broadband compression mirror sets in several configurations. For example, mirror sets for pulse compression in chirped-pulse titanium:sapphire amplifier systems, broadband oscillators, and other applications cover the wavelength range of 400–1200 nm, i.e., up to 1.5 octaves. Our customers have reached pulse durations around 3 fs after spectral broadening in hollow-core fibers and gas cells in combination with our mirrors.

Such mirrors are not only optimized for a broad reflection bandwidth, but also for a precise chromatic dispersion profile with low group delay dispersion (GDD) fluctuations. In some cases, we use two mirrors with different angles of incidence to further reduce the oscillations (double-angle technology).

custom optics
suppliers for custom optics encyclopedia article
custom optics from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) offers numerous types of optical elements in customized forms – for example, ultrafast low-dispersion or dispersive mirrors, ultrahigh reflection mirrors, input and output coupler mirrors, spectral filters, and mirrors for the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-rays.

dichroic mirrors
suppliers for dichroic mirrors encyclopedia article
dichroic mirrors from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) provides a wide range of laser mirrors, including dichroic mirrors e.g., for input and output coupling in ultrafast laser systems. In addition, these dichroic mirrors can be used for building a so-called wave synthesizer. Based on that technology, we have developed the first commercial light field synthesizer.

dielectric coatings
suppliers for dielectric coatings encyclopedia article
dielectric coatings from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) can design and fabricate various types of dielectric coatings, in particular those featuring a broad reflection bandwidth and controlled chromatic dispersion properties. Such coatings are applied to various optical components and can also be applied to components sent to us.

dielectric mirrors
suppliers for dielectric mirrors encyclopedia article
dielectric mirrors from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) specializes in producing ultrahigh reflectivity (>99.99%) dielectric mirrors, made at our magnetron sputtering facility. More than 99.997% reflectivity over a bandwidth of more than 200 nm is achievable.

dispersive mirrors
suppliers for dispersive mirrors encyclopedia article
dispersive mirrors from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) provides a wide range of ultra-broadband compression mirror sets in various configurations. For example, mirror sets for pulse compression in chirped-pulse titanium:sapphire amplifier systems, broadband oscillators and other applications cover the wavelength range between 400–1200 nm, i.e., up to 1.5 octaves. Our customers have reached pulse durations around 3 fs after spectral broadening in hollow-core fibers and gas cells in combination with mirrors designed and manufactured by UFI. In addition, we also offer large dispersive optics with up to 200 mm diameter.

Such mirrors are not only optimized for a broad reflection bandwidth, but also for a precise chromatic dispersion profile with low group delay dispersion (GDD) fluctuations.

enhancement cavities
suppliers for enhancement cavities encyclopedia article
enhancement cavities from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) offers passive enhancement cavities to achieve effective nonlinear conversion even in extreme spectral regions. Typical applications include XUV generation via higher harmonic generation in a gas at megahertz pulse repetition rates and hard X-ray generation via Thomson (inverse Compton) scattering of relativistic electrons. The cavities also provide longitudinal and transverse mode filtering and can be used for the highly precise characterization of laser optics concerning amplitude and phase.

first surface mirrors
suppliers for first surface mirrors encyclopedia article
first surface mirrors from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) offers a range of first surface mirrors, including both dielectric and metal-coated versions. We particularly emphasize mirrors with broad bandwidth and well controlled chromatic dispersion.

high harmonic generation equipment
suppliers for high harmonic generation equipment encyclopedia article
high harmonic generation equipment from UltraFast Innovations

NEPAL, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a high-harmonic-generation (HHG) chamber vacuum setup which contains all required vacuum components (including the vacuum pump) and a fully motorized gas jet target for extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray generation. One can generate isolated attosecond pulses through HHG by injecting suitable femtosecond laser pulses.

The optical breadboard inside the chamber is isolated from environmental vibrations for optimum temporal and pointing stability. A feedthrough with a noble gas inlet is included to supply e.g., argon, neon or helium for HHG in the spectral region of interest.

hollow-core fibers
suppliers for hollow-core fibers encyclopedia article
hollow-core fibers from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) manufactures complete hollow-core fiber compressors to compress high-energy ultrashort pulses by nonlinear spectral broadening in a gas within the hollow-core fiber and subsequent compression with chirped mirrors.

infrared optics
suppliers for infrared optics encyclopedia article
infrared optics from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) offers a varied selection of broadband infrared mirrors designed for ultrafast laser systems. For example, we provide mirrors for thulium- and holmium-based systems operating in the 2-μm spectral region, Cr:ZnS systems around 2.4 μm and Cr:ZnSe for 3.2 μm. Such mirrors can be provided with precise control of chromatic dispersion.

large diameter optics
suppliers for large diameter optics encyclopedia article
large diameter optics from UltraFast Innovations

A typical application of large aperture optics is in high-power/high-energy hertz (Hz) repetition rates systems for electron acceleration and high-field science. Here, the ability of the optics to withstand high average powers/energies is a pivotal requirement.

UFI’s optics have been tested to withstand up to 90 J/cm² energy density.

laser mirrors
suppliers for laser mirrors encyclopedia article
laser mirrors from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) offers a range of laser mirrors mostly for ultrafast lasers. We particularly emphasize mirrors with broad bandwidth and well controlled chromatic dispersion.

metal-coated mirrors
suppliers for metal-coated mirrors encyclopedia article
metal-coated mirrors from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) offers a range of metal-coated mirrors, including so-called hybrid or enhanced metal coatings with additional dielectric layers for higher reflectance and to protect the metal against oxidation.

suppliers for mirrors encyclopedia article
mirrors from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) provides a range of mirrors mostly for ultrafast lasers. We particularly emphasize mirrors with broad bandwidth and well controlled chromatic dispersion.

optical delay lines
suppliers for optical delay lines encyclopedia article
optical delay lines from UltraFast Innovations

K2, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a pulse delay unit specially designed for the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray region, where particularly high precision and stability are required. A two-segment mirror sends IR pulses and lower divergent XUV/soft X-ray pulses to a common focus with an interferometrically adjustable precise time delay. This allows temporally resolved experiments with pumping systems of interest either with the XUV/soft X-ray pulse and probe it with the IR or vice-versa. Based on the nature of e.g., attosecond pulses generated in the XUV/soft X-ray range by high harmonic generation (HHG), this offers state-of-the-art highest temporal resolution for your experiments.

optical design services
suppliers for optical design services

For all optical components and optical devices, we ensure a high degree of customized solutions. If you do not find your specifications of interest, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: We will find a way to adapt our optics and devices to fulfill your needs.

optical filters
suppliers for optical filters encyclopedia article

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) provides spectral filters for ultrashort pulse applications – for example, for preserving the pulse duration of reflected or transmitted pulses.

By using such spectral filters, researchers from Prof. Krausz’s group were able to build a so-called wave synthesizer. We were able to split or combine radiation from 250 to 1100 nm in four channels: 250–290, 290–350, 350–500, and 500–1100 nm. The phases of reflection and transmission are controlled. This allows one to precisely combine radiation from four channels, both spatially and temporally, resulting in the generation of sub-optical-cycle pulses. Based on that technology, we have developed the first commercial light field synthesizer.

pulse compressors
suppliers for pulse compressors encyclopedia article
pulse compressors from UltraFast Innovations

SAVANNA-HP, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a pulse compressor based on a stretched-flexible hollow-core fiber (SF-HCF). It has been developed in collaboration with the Institute for Nanophotonics in Göttingen. It spectrally broadens high-energy femtosecond input pulses by nonlinear interaction with a noble gas of adjustable gas pressure inside a hollow fiber and subsequently compresses the pulse using chirped mirror technology from UltraFast Innovations (UFI).

The state-of-the-art SF-HCF technique allows nearly ideal waveguiding, reducing the losses to a minimum and allowing the application of self-phase modulation over an interaction length of up to 8 m. It can handle extremely intense input pulses with a few tens of mJ pulses and an average power of up to 20 W – with active cooling, even up to several hundred watts. With this, we provide an unmatched compression unit for today's state-of-the-art lasers.

suppliers for reflectometers encyclopedia article
reflectometers from UltraFast Innovations

GLACIER®, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a reflectometer that utilizes the extreme sensitivity of cavity ring-down spectroscopy to quantify the losses of advanced optical coatings down to 5 ppm. As a typical application, the device can be used for characterizing supermirrors with up to 99.9995% reflectivity. It is delivered with a computer and a user-friendly software interface for acquisition and real-time analysis.

GLACIER-C is another cavity-ringdown reflectometer, based on a supercontinuum light source and a tunable monochromator. This allows to select any wavelength between 450 nm and 2000 nm, offering unprecedented flexibility as it is not limited to available diode laser wavelengths.

suppliers for spectrographs encyclopedia article
spectrographs from UltraFast Innovations

EVEREST, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a soft X-ray/XUV/VUV spectrograph that features aberration-corrected flat-field imaging and is available with three gratings covering the spectral ranges 1–17 nm (1240–73 eV), 5–80 nm (248–15.5 eV) and 24–200 nm (51.7–6.2 eV). To maximize light collection, the spectrometer can be used without an entrance slit over a variety of source distances, with 3–17 nm, 10–80 nm and 24–200 nm spectral coverage. Its modular design is able to match different experimental geometries and configurations. It features an integrated slit holder, gate valve, and filter insertion unit, as well as a 3-axis motorized grating positioning.

suppliers for spectrometers encyclopedia article
spectrometers from UltraFast Innovations

EVEREST, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a soft X-ray/XUV/VUV spectrograph that features aberration-corrected flat-field imaging and is available with three gratings covering the spectral ranges 1–17 nm (1240–73 eV), 5–80 nm (248–15.5 eV) and 24–200 nm (51.7–6.2 eV). In order to maximize light collection, the spectrometer can be used without an entrance slit over a variety of source distances, with 3–17 nm, 10–80 nm and 24–200 nm spectral coverage. Its modular design is able to match different experimental geometries and configurations. It features an integrated slit holder, gate valve, and filter insertion unit, as well as a 3-axis motorized grating positioning.

suppliers for supermirrors encyclopedia article

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) manufactures supermirrors with a reflectivity exceeding 99.99%. Our magnetron sputtering facility offers the best technology for ultra-high reflection mirrors due to the extremely dense layers. More than 99.997% reflection over a bandwidth of 200 nm or more is available.

Characterization of these mirrors is performed in a cavity ring-down measurement device with ppm-level precision.

ultrafast optics
suppliers for ultrafast optics encyclopedia article
ultrafast optics from UltraFast Innovations

CAPELLA, the light field synthesizer from UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is the first of its kind offered commercially. It enables the synthesis and sub-femtosecond control of super-octave light transients.

Moreover, UFI offers a wide range of optical components suitable for ultrafast optics, e.g., mirrors and spectral filters.

ultraviolet light sources
suppliers for ultraviolet light sources encyclopedia article
ultraviolet light sources from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) has developed a high-harmonic-generation (HHG) vacuum setup called NEPAL. It contains all required vacuum components (including the vacuum pump) and a fully motorized gas jet target for extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray generation. One can generate isolated attosecond pulses through HHG by injecting suitable femtosecond laser pulses.

The optical breadboard inside the chamber is isolated from environmental vibrations for optimum temporal and pointing stability. A feedthrough with a noble gas inlet is included to supply e.g., argon, neon or helium for HHG in the spectral region of interest.

ultraviolet optics
suppliers for ultraviolet optics encyclopedia article
ultraviolet optics from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) has a range of dielectric mirrors, some of which cover parts of the ultraviolet region. For example, we have extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray multilayer mirrors that are suitable e.g., for pulse shaping based on high harmonic generation (HHG). Our design know-how and application experience gained through a strong collaboration with numerous scientists within these fields allows us to provide custom support for the planning of your setup and the realization of advanced unique experiments.

suppliers for waveplates encyclopedia article
waveplates from UltraFast Innovations

AURORA, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a phase retarder (quarter waveplate) with a four-mirror grazing incidence reflection geometry for the extreme ultraviolet (XUV). It covers the range from 10 to 35 eV or 40 to 85 eV photon energy and reaches >25% transmittivity around 66 eV. A clear aperture of 3 mm allows the low divergent XUV from a high-harmonic-generation HHG cell to pass through without clipping.

white light interferometers
suppliers for white light interferometers encyclopedia article
white light interferometers from UltraFast Innovations

GOBI, the white light interferometer from UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), implements spectrally resolved interferometry to accurately measure the group delay dispersion (GDD) of multi-layered ultrafast optics. The device has been developed to characterize and refine some of the most advanced coatings to date. GOBI offers unique spectral coverage of up to 250–1100 nm (UV/VIS/NIR version) and 900–2400 nm (IR version). Spectrally resolved detection makes reference lasers obsolete and removes restrictions concerning any related test samples. This opens the full spectral range for characterizing even ultra-broadband or advanced narrowband coatings. The flexible optical setup can be used for mirrors and transparent samples under angles of incidence between 0° and 70°.

X-ray lasers
suppliers for X-ray lasers encyclopedia article
X-ray lasers from UltraFast Innovations

UltraFast Innovations (UFI®) offers systems that can be used for building X-ray lasers. In particular, we offer customized vacuum beam line setups – complete vacuum systems including pumps, various chambers with feedthroughs, optical breadboards, etc. We offer thorough consultation in the design phase and reliable and expedient construction according to our customer requirements.

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Information of UltraFast Innovations Appears on the Following Pages

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Pages with Suppliers for Products

anti-reflection coatings, autocorrelators, beam splitters, chirped mirrors, custom optics, dichroic mirrors, dielectric coatings, dielectric mirrors, dispersive mirrors, enhancement cavities, first surface mirrors, high harmonic generation equipment, hollow-core fibers, infrared optics, large diameter optics, laser mirrors, metal-coated mirrors, mirrors, optical delay lines, optical design services, optical filters, pulse compressors, reflectometers, spectrographs, spectrometers, supermirrors, ultrafast optics, ultraviolet light sources, ultraviolet optics, waveplates, white light interferometers, X-ray lasers

Encyclopedia Articles

anti-reflection coatings, autocorrelators, beam splitters, chirped mirrors, custom optics, dichroic mirrors, dielectric coatings, dielectric mirrors, dispersive mirrors, enhancement cavities, resonant frequency doubling, first surface mirrors, high harmonic generation, hollow-core fibers, infrared optics, infrared light, large diameter optics, laser mirrors, metal-coated mirrors, mirrors, quarter-wave mirrors, optical delay lines, optical filters, pulse compression, self-phase modulation, adiabatic soliton compression, reflectometers, spectrographs, spectrometers, supermirrors, ultrafast optics, ultraviolet light, ultraviolet optics, waveplates, white light interferometers, X-ray lasers

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