Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Supplier profile:

VLC Photonics

VLC Photonics S.L.
Camino de Vera s/n. Ed9B D2.
46022 Valencia
Website:web link

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ProductSeeAlternative Suppliers
having our ad package, publishing product information
arrayed waveguide gratingsS E
design and development servicesSALPHALAS, Eblana Photonics, NYFORS, PhiX, RP Photonics
feasibility studiesSRP Photonics
optical design servicesSAvantier, Ecoptik, Oplitec, Shanghai Optics, UltraFast Innovations
optics characterization equipmentS
photonic integrated circuitsS EPhiX, Teem Photonics
silicon photonicsS E
training on specialized topics in photonicsSRP Photonics
waveguidesS ECovesion, HC Photonics, Octave Photonics, Shalom EO, Teem Photonics

Column "To": S = list of suppliers for that product, E = encyclopedia article.

Third column: alternative suppliers are suppliers also offering such products while having an ad package. On their own company profile pages, the right column of the table contains their product descriptions instead of alternative suppliers.