Buyer's Guide Entries for Suppliers: Required Data
On this page, you can find out what details will be required for setting up your Advertising Package.
You will obtain diligent help from RP Photonics. We do our best to make the process simple, time-saving and efficient for you – and of course to make it work! Therefore, don't worry if any uncertainties remain presently; you will be fully supported to use the Advertising Package optimally.
How to Submit Data
If your company is not listed yet, initiate your free entry using the registration form for new suppliers.
To report changes, please make use of your specific convenient form:
- Navigate to your company profile page (e.g. found via the list of all suppliers).
- Once there, select the red “Edit profile data” button (right of the heading). The form will automatically display any previously entered data. Implement the necessary changes, then click the submit button situated near the bottom.
- Note that updates will not appear immediately; they are subject to our review. The form is pre-filled with the already entered data.
Alternatively, you can always notify us by e-mail.
Basic Company Information
The essential data includes:
- your company name, postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail address (contact information already displayed for free entries),
- a brief company description (a few sentences),
- if applicable, specific additional contact information for certain geographical regions,
- quality certificates (e.g. for ISO certification),
- social media pages, and
- distributor information (i.e., your distributors, or companies for which you act as a distributor).
Typically, your basic company profile is already established. It would be best if you just revisited to ensure the correctness and completeness of the details. This can be done by checking your company profile page (e.g. found via the list of all suppliers).
Company Logo
In most cases, we can retrieve your company logo from your website. In some cases, we need a better version from you, ideally with the following characteristics:
- PNG or SVG image with a transparent background
- preferably, made for a good appearance on a light (white) background
- width of approximately 300 px – it will be automatically resized as needed
Product Descriptions
The central benefit of the Advertising Package is that for each registered product category, you can publish your product description (ideally with a nice image); it will then appear
- on your company profile page,
- in our list of suppliers for that product, and
- in the related encyclopedia article, if we have one (which is the case for roughly 70% of the products).
This is the crucial instrument for generating leads.
You can most conveniently submit product descriptions through your form (see above), or send them by e-mail.
Purpose of the Product Descriptions
The product descriptions allow users to quickly identify potential suppliers with products fitting their needs. From a marketing standpoint, the purpose is to draw interested visitors to your website.
Users can then visit your website using the embedded links for more detailed information.
Recommendations for Product Descriptions:
- Tell readers in only a few sentences what (a) what type of products you are offering in that category, and (b) what sets your products apart. For example, if the product category is “laser diodes”, describe the specific type(s) of laser diodes you offer (say, single-frequency laser diodes, or multiple types of high-power laser diodes) – but not all details, for which they should use your website.
- Use a moderate, persuasive tone – avoid 'shouting' as it may cause reservations.
- Incorporate at least one HTML link, directing visitors to a product-specific page on your website. (They will appreciate not having to search for it starting with your homepage.) Example:
“We offer <a href="products/lasers/dye/cw.html">continuous-wave</a> and <a href="products/lasers/dye/pulsed.html">pulsed</a> dye lasers with emission wavelengths throughout the visible spectral region.”
(The base URL of your website will automatically be added for the links.) - Upload a nice image (photograph) for each product (JPG or PNG format). We will automatically scale down images to the needed size. We are happy to do some details for you, e.g. cutting off unnecessarily broad margins. We can equip images with an HTML link.
We give you diligent support:
- Obtain feedback on your descriptions and suggestions for improvements. We aim to make your ads as effective as possible!
- If you have difficulties, Dr. Paschotta offers to create your product descriptions based on the information on your website.
Announcing Exhibitions
If you are participating in any exhibitions (trade shows), inform us at least three months in advance. We will display this information on various pages – ideally with your booth number.
For a few of the biggest events (e.g. Photonics West), we scan the exhibitor list ourselves, registering all our Advertising Package customers – so here you don't have to do anything.
Special Promotions in Encyclopedia Articles
One special promotion is included: we can offer a white paper, application note, video etc. for download in the most appropriate Encyclopedia article related to your product.
It is usually sufficient if you send us your PDF document, video file or a link address (URL) of it. We will try to produce a suitable preview image from it (300 px wide) – e.g. taking the first page of your document. Ideally, your document has a title with a large font size so that it can be easily read even in the preview image.
Improved Virtual Booth in the Exhibition
With the Advertising Package, you automatically get a much enlarged and improved virtual booth in our exhibition. By default, we use your logo, your company profile image as shown on your profile page (if available) and one or several of your product images. Instead, we can also display a certain alternative image provided by you. Ideally, you deliver a square-shaped image covering the whole virtual booth, also containing your company logo.
You can also have special promotion buttons on the bottom of your virtual booth: for product news or for a company video. When somebody clicks on such a button, we display some additional information and a link, e.g. to a page on your website. For each such item, we need:
- a brief description (one sentence): e.g., what does the video show, or what is the promoted product
- an image (e.g. 400 px × 300 px, not critical) (optional)
- a URL (e.g. on your website) for further information
Image for Your Company Profile
Our advertisers can have a large image displayed on their company profile page to make it look more engaging. It might, for example, show your company's main building, an exhibition booth, your team, a selection of typical products, or some nice graphic.
The format can e.g. be 1000 px × 500 px (not critical). You can e-mail it to us.
You can showcase a banner graphic with a width of 234 px and a height roughly between 500 and 600 px. That will appear in the right column of many pages with a certain display probability.
Such banners are mainly used for branding, and we usually equip them with a link to your homepage, but you may tell us an alternative URL if you like.
Company News
Focus on Product Descriptions!
Don't worry if you can't (yet) utilize all features, e.g. because you couldn't yet produce a suitable white paper. We can always add such things later on.
As soon as we have sufficient data, you will obtain your statistics page, which also serves the purpose of regularly reminding you of Advertising Package features which you have not yet utilized.
If you alter your web page structure, affecting links in the published product descriptions, please inform us. We also perform regular link checks to avoid broken links going unnoticed for extended periods.