Directory of Photonics Products – I
(see also: encyclopedia articles for the letter I)
Product |
illumination → light sources for lighting |
illuminators |
image amplifiers → image intensifiers and image converters |
image intensifiers and image converters |
imaging instruments |
imaging spectrometers |
image sensors |
immersion oils |
incandescent lamps |
index matching fluids |
industrial lasers |
infrared cameras |
infrared detector cards → laser viewing cards |
infrared detectors |
infrared emitters |
infrared fibers → mid-infrared fibers |
infrared optics |
infrared sensor cards → laser viewing cards |
infrared viewers |
infrared-to-visible converters |
injection-locked lasers |
injection-seeded lasers |
integrated optical circuits → photonic integrated circuits |
integrating spheres |
intellectual property → patent development |
intensity modulators |
intensity noise measurement equipment |
interference coatings → dielectric coatings |
interference filters |
interferometers |
interlocks |
investment analysis and due diligence |
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