Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products in the Category "Optical Components and Devices"

List of Products

For each of the listed products, you find a list of suppliers for that product (blue button), and for some of them also the corresponding encyclopedia article (red button).

acousto-optic deflectors9 SE
acousto-optic modulators31 SE
acousto-optic frequency shifters17 SE
acousto-optic tunable filters12 SE
achromatic optics74 SE
adaptive optics20 SE
add–drop multiplexers14 S
anamorphic prism pairs19 SE
anti-reflection coatings147 SE
anti-reflection microstructures5 S
apochromats → achromatic optics74 SE
arrayed waveguide gratings11 SE
articulated mirror arms → beam delivery systems37 SE
aspheric optics95 SE
attenuators → optical attenuators84 SE
axicons18 SE
Babinet–Soleil compensators7 SE
ball lenses29 SE
beam blocks → beam dumps19 SE
beam collimators58 SE
beam combining optics36 SE
beam delivery systems37 SE
beam dumps19 SE
beam expanders52 SE
beam homogenizers22 SE
beam shapers35 SE
beam shifting devices1 S
beam shutters14 SE
beam splitters183 SE
beam traps → beam dumps19 SE
Berek compensators3 SE
binoculars6 S
birefringent tuners5 SE
borescopes5 S
Bragg gratings27 SE
Brewster plates14 SE
Brewster windows23 SE
camera objectives24 S
chirped mirrors15 SE
chromatic dispersion emulators1 S
coherent beam combining components7 SE
cold mirrors26 SE
color filters → optical filters263 SE
condensers12 SE
corner cube prisms17 SE
crystalline mirrors---E
custom optics145 SE
cylindrical lenses103 SE
deformable mirrors18 SE
diaphragms4 SE
dichroic mirrors75 SE
dielectric coatings156 SE
dielectric mirrors129 SE
diffraction gratings42 SE
diffractive optics32 SE
diffusers29 SE
digital cameras → photo cameras6 SE
digital microscopes → microscopes46 SE
dispersion compensation modules20 SE
dispersion management devices7 SE
dispersion measurement devices → chromatic dispersion measurement devices5 SE
dispersive mirrors18 SE
dispersion-shifted fibers7 SE
electroabsorption modulators1 SE
electro-optic modulators48 SE
enhancement cavities2 SE
etalons31 SE
Fabry–Perot interferometers14 SE
Faraday circulators36 SE
Faraday isolators72 SE
Faraday rotator mirrors10 SE
Faraday rotators37 SE
fiber mode field adapters10 SE
fiberscopes5 S
filters → optical filters263 SE
first surface mirrors60 SE
flat optics → photonic metasurface optics2 S
focusing objectives2 S
free form optics20 S
frequency shifters → acousto-optic frequency shifters17 SE
Fresnel lenses13 SE
f–theta lenses → scanning lenses27 SE
gain equalization filters3 SE
gas cells10 SE
Gires–Tournois interferometers3 SE
goniometers8 S
gradient-index lenses9 SE
half-wave plates → waveplates96 SE
harmonic separators → dichroic mirrors75 SE
high-speed imaging cameras11 S
holographic bulk gratings → volume Bragg gratings5 SE
holographic diffraction gratings → diffraction gratings42 SE
holographic optical elements3 S
homogenizing rods → beam homogenizers22 SE
hot mirrors24 SE
infrared optics137 SE
interference coatings → dielectric coatings156 SE
interference filters26 SE
large diameter optics21 SE
laser beam delivery systems → beam delivery systems37 SE
laser beam shapers → beam shapers35 SE
laser beam shutters → beam shutters14 SE
laser diode collimators15 SE
laser diode testing equipment and services7 SE
laser line optics21 SE
laser mirrors136 SE
laser optics110 SE
laser resonators6 SE
laser scanners26 SE
laser scanning lenses → scanning lenses27 SE
laser scanning mirrors → scanning mirrors10 S
laser speckle reduction components6 SE
LED testing equipment and services1 S
lenses233 SE
light pipes5 S
loupes2 SE
Lyot filters4 SE
magnifying glasses5 SE
metal-coated mirrors81 SE
metalenses → photonic metasurface optics2 S
Mach–Zehnder interferometers → interferometers53 SE
Michelson interferometers → interferometers53 SE
microlens arrays20 SE
microlenses17 SE
microscope objectives34 SE
microscopes46 SE
micro-optics67 SE
mirror substrates17 SE
mirrors208 SE
mode cleaners---E
mode converters2 S
mode field adapters → fiber mode field adapters10 SE
mode field converters → fiber mode field adapters10 SE
modulators → optical modulators65 SE
monoculars6 S
multilayer coatings → dielectric coatings156 SE
multimode laser diodes → broad area laser diodes17 SE
multipass gas cells5 SE
multiple element lenses13 S
neutral density filters39 SE
nonplanar ring oscillators3 SE
optical apertures16 SE
optical attenuators84 SE
optical bonding services or machinery8 S
optical cage systems5 S
optical domes20 SE
optical filters263 SE
optical flats48 SE
optical materials135 SE
optical mirrors → mirrors208 SE
optical multiplexers21 S
optical profilometers12 SE
optical prototyping systems7 S
optical rail systems13 S
optical resonators5 SE
optical surface characterization equipment15 S
optical surface profilers → optical profilometers12 SE
optical windows178 SE
optics characterization equipment10 S
optics cleaning equipment23 SE
output couplers28 SE
parabolic mirrors17 SE
parabolic reflectors → parabolic mirrors17 SE
pellicle mirrors1 S
phase conjugating cells1 S
phase corrector plates1 SE
photo cameras6 SE
photographic objectives → camera objectives24 SE
photonic metasurface optics2 S
photonic packaging and assembly2 S
photonic wire bonding2 S
pinholes7 SE
planar waveguides3 SE
plastic optics42 SE
polarization beam combining optics17 SE
polarization controllers14 S
polarizers134 SE
polarizing beam splitters → polarizers134 SE
polarizing cubes → polarizers134 SE
polymer optics → plastic optics42 SE
prism retroreflectors → corner cube prisms17 SE
prisms189 SE
projection objectives13 S
protective coatings10 S
quarter-wave plates → waveplates96 SE
reflectors3 SE
retardation plates → waveplates96 SE
retroreflecting prisms → corner cube prisms17 SE
retroreflectors17 SE
rod lenses18 SE
rugate filters4 SE
ruled diffraction gratings → diffraction gratings42 SE
scanning lenses27 SE
scanning mirrors10 S
slits4 SE
spectral beam combining optics6 SE
supermirrors5 SE
superpolished optics11 S
surface profilers → optical profilometers12 SE
telecentric lenses22 SE
telecom optics10 S
telescopes10 SE
terahertz optics9 S
thin-film coatings → dielectric coatings156 SE
thin-film mirrors → dielectric mirrors129 SE
thin-film polarizers40 SE
transmission gratings18 SE
trihedral prisms → corner cube prisms17 SE
tunable lenses7 S
ultrafast optics24 SE
ultraviolet optics72 SE
vacuum beam delivery systems2 S
variable optical attenuators41 SE
variable reflectivity mirrors11 SE
video cameras5 S
videoscopes4 S
volume Bragg gratings5 SE
waveguides19 SE
waveplates96 SE
wedge prisms28 SE
wire grid polarizers → polarizers134 SE

If you miss certain product terms in our list, please contact us! We are happy to add more product terms where it is appropriate.

Featured Suppliers

The following logos are those of suppliers for products in the category "optical components and devices" who use our advertising package.


This hall of our virtual exhibition contains all suppliers offering products in the category "optical components and devices". Click on the exhibition plan to enter the exhibition.

exhibition floor plan