Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products in the Category "Various Devices"

List of Products

For each of the listed products, you find a list of suppliers for that product (blue button), and for some of them also the corresponding encyclopedia article (red button).

acousto-optic tunable filters12 SE
birefringent tuners5 SE
calibration light sources16 S
cavity dumping components1 S
chopper wheels → optical choppers10 SE
coherent beam combining components7 SE
crystal ovens16 SE
delay lines → optical delay lines20 SE
dispersion compensation modules20 SE
dispersive pulse stretchers → pulse stretchers10 SE
displays8 S
drive electronics for photonic components23 S
endoscopes8 S
eye protection equipment41 SE
flow tubes4 S
goniometers8 S
grating compressors → pulse compressors24 SE
integrated optical circuits → photonic integrated circuits18 SE
integrating spheres25 SE
interlocks3 SE
laser cooling units11 SE
laser diode testing equipment and services7 SE
laser enclosures12 S
laser goggles → eye protection equipment41 SE
laser interlocks → interlocks3 SE
laser processing heads16 SE
laser power supplies30 S
laser rangefinders22 SE
laser safety equipment and consulting46 SE
laser safety curtains9 S
laser safety goggles → eye protection equipment41 SE
laser safety interlocks → interlocks3 SE
laser speckle reduction components6 SE
laser stabilization devices17 SE
laser synchronization devices16 SE
laser viewing cards17 SE
laser warning signs3 S
machine vision devices13 S
micro-displays2 S
microelectromechanical systems1 S
mirror mounts30 S
mode locking devices11 SE
monochromators28 SE
noise eaters2 SE
nonlinear pulse compressors → pulse compressors24 SE
optical breadboards20 SE
optical cage systems5 S
optical choppers10 SE
optical delay lines20 SE
optical mounts23 S
optical multiplexers21 S
optical prototyping systems7 S
optical switches37 S
optical tables24 SE
optical traps1 S
optical tweezers11 SE
optics cleaning equipment23 SE
optoelectronic components and devices28 SE
opto-electronic oscillators1 S
opto-mechanics102 SE
packaging of optoelectronic modules5 S
passive Q-switches → saturable absorbers28 SE
Peltier elements → thermoelectric coolers8 S
periodically poled nonlinear crystals13 SE
photonic integrated circuits18 SE
photonic microwave sources2 S
photovoltaic cells---E
polarization scramblers12 S
positioning equipment19 S
power over fiber systems3 SE
pulse compressors24 SE
pulse pickers19 SE
pulse shapers9 SE
pulse stretchers10 SE
pump chambers5 SE
Q switches57 SE
Raman amplifiers14 SE
Raman microscopes11 S
range finders → laser rangefinders22 SE
reference cavities2 SE
RF drivers21 S
rotating disc choppers → optical choppers10 SE
safety glasses → eye protection equipment41 SE
saturable absorber mirrors → semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors2 SE
saturable absorbers28 SE
scanning delay lines → optical delay lines20 SE
semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors2 SE
silicon photonics9 SE
single-photon sources4 S
solar simulators9 S
temperature controllers20 S
laser testing equipment10 S
thermoelectric coolers8 S
terahertz detectors26 SE
terahertz sources26 SE
timing electronics for photonics9 S
tunable optical filters22 SE
tuning fork choppers → optical choppers10 SE
Ulbricht spheres → integrating spheres25 SE
variable optical attenuators41 SE
vibration isolation devices9 S
wavelength-tunable light sources26 SE
wavelength tuning devices10 SE

If you miss certain product terms in our list, please contact us! We are happy to add more product terms where it is appropriate.

Featured Suppliers

The following logos are those of suppliers for products in the category "various devices" who use our advertising package.


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