Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

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Professional Societies and Publishers

Here we explain how professional societies and publishers can benefit from an enhanced presence on the RP Photonics website. Use these instruments, for example, for acquiring new members for your society or to promote your publications.

These offers for professional societies and publishers are rather new, introduced in late October 2020. Further improvements are expected to come soon.

Buyer's Guide Entry as the Starting Point

The starting point is to have an entry in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide – just as a supplier for optical elements, laser sources or whatever hardware and software. See our general rules on Buyer's Guide entries.

As a professional society or a publisher, you can register the following types of products, for example (assuming that you really offer them, also on your own website):

  • society membership
  • scientific journals
  • trade journals
  • books
  • webinars
  • marketing in photonics

That information will not only appear on your profile page, but also in every list of suppliers for the corresponding product.

Special Status as Society or Publisher

In our resource, we automatically give you a special status as a professional society and/or a publisher. That has a profound effect on your appearance in our virtual exhibition: You will have a virtual booth in the exhibition room for every product category – even without having any product in that category. For example, you may not be selling “non-laser light sources”, but can nevertheless be present in that hall. This is because some of your publications may cover such sources, or your society membership is relevant for people who are interested in such light sources.

Further, additional types of benefits are possible with our Advertising Package (see below).

Free Entry

You can have a free entry for your institution in our resource. This gives you the following features:

  • You have a basic profile page, which lists the name and postal address of your organization, also additional contact information including web address, e-mail and telephone. Also, all registered products are listed, but without further description. For example, users can see that you have scientific journals and offer society membership, but without getting further details like publication titles or membership benefits.
  • In each list of suppliers for a registered product, you will appear as a supplier, but again without further details.
  • In each virtual exhibition hall, you will have a virtual booth which covers a single grid point and simply contains the name of your institution – similar to that of any supplier company not having our ad package. When somebody clicks on your virtual booth, some basic information and a link to your profile page will be displayed.

Enhanced Entry with Ad Package – Also Free at the Moment!

Similar to the Advertising Package for suppliers, we offer such an ad package specifically for professional societies and publishers. With that, you get the following features, which substantially improve your visibility and changes to produce results (e.g. additional members or journal subscriptions):

  • Your profile page is much improved. We will display your logo and a description of your organization (a couple of sentences). For each registered product, we display your product description. For example, you can explain the benefits of your society membership or what your scientific journals are about.
  • The mentioned product descriptions also occur on every page with suppliers for that kind of product. Thus they receive much more visibility.
  • Your virtual booth (appearing in every exhibition hall) gets much larger. It shows your logo and an additional image which you supply. You can also have news buttons for news and a video. All this will get far more attention than a standard booth.
  • Probably most important: you can display special promotions, each one appearing as an additional virtual booth in every exhibition hall. You can promote, for example, a scientific journal or a trade journal, a conference, an exhibition, another event or a society membership. For that, we display a graphical image on the virtual exhibition floor, and when somebody clicks on it, an info window will present your logo, additional information and an action button through which they can get to a web page e.g. on your own website. That additional booth can have a substantial size, covering multiple grid points to obtain much more attention. With your ad package, you book some number of grid points. For example, if you book 10 promotion grid points, you can at one time display one promotion with 2 × 3 grid points and another one with 2 × 2 points.
  • We can also include your events in our event calendar, which appears on the exhibition page just below the exhibition area. We normally do that only for major events, but if you have our ad package, we can list more here.

The ad package for societies and publishers will cost some money. However, as it is difficult for both sides to estimate the resulting value at this early stage, you can begin with a free trial lasting until end of 2021, which includes special promotions covering up to 4 grid points each, and up to 8 grid points in total. You just need to present a few descriptions and graphics files, but will not pay anything to RP Photonics. We will nevertheless support you diligently to get it set up nicely with a minimum amount of work. Thereafter, you can decide whether or to which extent to continue your enhanced presence. We are confident that you will like it, and hope that you will accept our offer for a continuation next spring.

Note that we are still developing further the concept and will therefore probably soon introduce various further improvements. We will be happy to consider your comments and suggestions!

Sponsoring the Encyclopedia

Another possibility – independent of Buyer's Guide entries and promotions as explained above – is that you become a sponsor of the famous RP Photonics Encyclopedia. Sponsor logos are shown on all Encyclopedia pages and in the virtual exhibition. See our page on encyclopedia sponsoring for more details.