Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

RP Photonics Buyer's Guide

The great Buyer's Guide of RP Photonics helps you identify all relevant suppliers for a wide range of photonics products. (On another page, learn more about this Buyer's Guide.) You can search by product keyword (see below) or by supplier name, and comprehensive scientific and technical background information in the form of Encyclopedia articles is just a click away.

The top-level categories, through which you can find all 759 product categories:

ApplicationsApplicationsNon-laser Light SourcesNon-laser Light Sources
Calculations, Software and DesignCalculations, Software and DesignNonlinear OpticsNonlinear Optics
Detectors and MeasurementsDetectors and MeasurementsOptical Components and DevicesOptical Components and Devices
Fiber opticsFiber opticsOptical ModulatorsOptical Modulators
InformationInformationServices and TrainingServices and Training
Lasers and Laser AmplifiersLasers and Laser AmplifiersTelecomTelecom
Manufacturing EquipmentManufacturing EquipmentVarious DevicesVarious Devices
MaterialsMaterialsVision, Displays and ImagingVision, Displays and Imaging

Click here to learn more about our product categorization scheme.

Understand the Product Categorization Scheme

Our product categorization scheme works as follows:

  • First of all, we don't register individual product models, but rather product categories. For example, a supplier can register for laser diodes and describe available diodes there, rather than making an entry for each individual laser model.
  • There is simply a long alphabetic list of all product categories for which suppliers can be registered – no complicated hierarchical system of categories.
  • There are also shorter lists of those product categories belonging to certain top-level categories. They are available with the buttons which you find above. Some product categories appear in more than one top-level category.
  • For each of the 759 product categories, there is a page with suppliers offering goods in that category, containing links to their profile pages and their websites. For most product categories, there is also a related Encyclopedia article. For example, see the supplier list for ultrafast lasers and the related Encyclopedia article. Before buying expensive items, learn about the technology!
  • On each company profile page, there is a list of all product categories registered for that company. For each product, there is a link to the corresponding suppliers page and (if available) the Encyclopedia article. Suppliers can register only product categories which they also cover on their own website.
  • Product descriptions and images (always applying to a category of products) can be displayed by suppliers having our ad package. They appear on the supplier's company profile, on the lists of suppliers for those products, and also in related Encyclopedia articles (for example, see the one on ultrafast lasers, section “Suppliers” at the end). Users of the Buyer's Guide benefit from the chance to easily find out which suppliers appear to have products which are suitable for them – before searching through websites of suppliers.

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Advertise Your Products – More Effectively Than Elsewhere!

Register: Make sure that your company and all its relevant products are registered here. Those who are not yet registered are asked to fill out a registration form. You can have a free entry, but we warmly recommend using our advertising package, which gives you many times stronger benefits.

Edit: On your profile page (upper right part), find Edit profile data: here, you can e.g. add further products.

Why it is so effective: Advertising here is effective mainly through the publication of product descriptions. Users searching suppliers for a product category often obtain a very long list of suppliers, from which they need to select a few. They do that based on product descriptions published there, which help them to quickly find out which suppliers may be suitable. These are then inspected more closely by visiting their websites. The product descriptions also appear on the supplier profile pages and even in Encyclopedia articles related to the products.

The advertising package also has other nice features, e.g. to announce company news and exhibitions events, showcase a white paper or video, and have a much improved company profile page.