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Keywords beginning with C

On this page you find all our articles on keywords beginning with "C". Further below, you find the acronyms.

(See also: list of products for the letter C.)

C band → optical fiber communications

calibration lamps → spectral lamps

calorimeters → optical energy meters

camera sensors → image sensors


candela → luminous intensity

carbon dioxide lasers → CO2 lasers

cardinal points

carrier lifetime → upper-state lifetime

carrier–envelope offset

cascade lasing → cooperative lasing


caustic → beam quality


cavity bandwidth → resonator modes

cavity design → resonator design

cavity dumpers → pulse pickers

cavity dumping

cavity modes → resonator modes

cavity resonances → resonator modes

CCD sensors → image sensors

ceramic laser gain media

chalcogenide fibers → mid-infrared fibers

channel waveguides

characterization of laser beams → laser beam characterization

charge injection devices → image sensors

chemical lasers → gas lasers

chemical vapor deposition → fiber fabrication


chillers → laser cooling units

chillers for lasers → laser cooling units


chirp: Spotlight 2008-02-03: Quantifying the chirp of ultrashort pulses

chirped fiber Bragg gratings → fiber Bragg gratings

chirped mirrors

chirped mirrors: How to design multilayer optical devices

chirped pulses → chirp

chirped-pulse amplification

chirped-pulse amplification: Case study: Chirped-pulse ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier system

chirped-pulse amplification: Spotlight 2017-08-01: Fiber amplifiers: modeling of ultrashort pulse amplification with saturation of wavelength-dependent gain

choppers → optical choppers

chromatic aberrations

chromatic dispersion

chromatic dispersion: Tutorial chapter on the chromatic dispersion of optical fibers


chromium-doped laser gain media

CIE standard illuminants

circle of confusion → imaging with a lens

circular multipass cells → multipass gas cells

cladding → fiber cladding

cladding mode strippers

cladding modes

cladding pumping: Tutorial chapter on double-clad fibers

cladding pumping: Case study: pump absorption in a double-clad fiber

cladding pumping: Case study: cladding-pumped high-power ytterbium-doped fiber laser

cladding-pumped fibers → double-clad fibers

class-A and class-B regime of a laser → relaxation oscillations

cleaner cavities → mode cleaners

cleaning of optics

cleavers → fiber cleavers

cleaving of fibers


CMOS sensors → image sensors

coatings → dielectric coatings


coherence: Spotlight 2009-11-03: Coherent light from a bulb?

coherence: Spotlight 2009-06-23: Coherence – a black-or-white issue?

coherence: Spotlight 2008-04-22: Abused photonics terms: coherence

coherence function → coherence time

coherence length

coherence length: Spotlight 2006-09-22: Coherence length of ultrashort pulses

coherence time

coherent beam combining

coherent detection → optical heterodyne detection

coherent states

coherent time-resolved spectroscopy → time-resolved spectroscopy

cold cathode fluorescent lamps → fluorescent lamps

cold mirrors

collimated beams

collimation optics → collimated beams

color centers

color filters → optical filters

color rendering index

color spaces

color temperature

color vision



coma → optical aberrations

comb spectra → frequency combs

common-path interferometers

compact fluorescent lamps → fluorescent lamps

complex degree of temporal coherence → coherence time

complex reflection coefficient → reflectivity

complex refractive index → refractive index

composite laser crystals

concentration of dopant → doping concentration

concentration quenching → quenching


confocal microscopy → confocal scanning microscopes

confocal parameter → Rayleigh length

confocal scanning microscopes

conical emission → laser-induced breakdown

conjugate planes

connectors for fibers → fiber connectors

constringence → Abbe number

contact bonding → optical contact bonding

continuous-wave operation

cooling units for lasers → laser cooling units

cooperative lasing

copper vapor lasers → metal vapor lasers

core → fiber core

core-less end caps

corner cube prisms

coupled-mode theory → mode coupling

CO2 lasers

critical phase matching

cross lasers → alignment lasers

cross relaxation → energy transfer

cross-phase modulation

cross-phase modulation: Spotlight 2008-02-12: Factor 2 in the equation for cross-phase modulation

cross-sections → transition cross-sections

crown glasses

cryogenic lasers

crystal ovens

crystalline fibers → single-crystal fibers

crystalline mirrors

current amplifiers: Spotlight 2006-10-16: Using a current amplifier for optical power measurements and recording with a photodiode

custom optics

cut-off wavelength

cutting heads → laser processing heads

cycle jitter → timing jitter

cylindrical lenses

Acronyms with C

CCFL = cold cathode fluorescent lamp

CCT = correlated color temperature

CEO = carrier–envelope offset

CEP = carrier–envelope phase → carrier–envelope offset

CFL = compact fluorescent lamp

CID = charge injection device → image sensors

CLSM = confocal scanning microscope

CPA = chirped-pulse amplification

CRI = color rendering index

CWDM = coarse wavelength division multiplexing

… and if you need any more help on such topics, consider to use the consulting services of RP Photonics AG! There is a variety of services available in topical areas such as lasers, amplifiers, nonlinear optics, fiber optics, ultrashort pulses, multilayer mirrors, noise and fluctuations, and other topics in photonics and optoelectronics.