Keywords beginning with F
On this page you find all our articles on keywords beginning with "F". Further below, you find the acronyms.
(See also: list of products for the letter F.)
f–2f interferometer → frequency combs
f–theta lenses → scanning lenses
F-centers → color centers
f-stop number → f-number
fabrication of optical fibers → fiber fabrication
Faraday isolators: Spotlight 2010-06-09: Poor man's isolator
fast absorbers → saturable absorbers
fast axis → diode bars
fast light → superluminal transmission
faster than light → superluminal transmission
femtosecond fiber lasers → mode-locked fiber lasers
femtosecond lasers: Solid state lasers for ultrashort pulses – a diverse family
femtosecond pulse amplifiers → ultrafast amplifiers
ferroelectric domain engineering → periodic poling
few-cycle pulses → ultrashort pulses
fiber amplifiers: Tutorial: Fiber amplifiers
fiber amplifiers: Tutorial: Modeling of fiber amplifiers and lasers
fiber amplifiers: Case study: Erbium-doped fiber amplifier for a long-wavelength signal
fiber amplifiers: Case study: Erbium-doped fiber amplifier for rectangular nanosecond pulses
fiber amplifiers: Fiber amplifiers – a technology for many applications
fiber amplifiers: Spotlight 2007-07-30: Fiber amplifiers: stronger ASE in backward direction
fiber amplifiers: Pump absorption in amplifier fibers
fiber amplifiers: Modeling multi-stage amplifiers with RP Fiber Power
fiber amplifiers: Pulse amplification in the steady state
fiber amplifiers: Transverse dependencies in fiber amplifier and laser modeling
fiber Bragg gratings: Case study: mode coupling in a fiber Bragg grating
fiber Bragg gratings: Case study: mode coupling in a fiber Bragg grating
fiber connectors: Tutorial chapter on accessories and tools for optical fibers
fiber couplers: Tutorial chapter on fiber couplers
fiber couplers: Case study: fused fiber coupler
fiber coupling stages → fiber launch systems
fiber drawing towers → fiber fabrication
fiber end caps → core-less end caps
fiber ends: Tutorial chapter on fiber ends
fiber joints: Tutorial chapter on fiber joints
fiber lasers: Tutorial: Modeling of fiber amplifiers and lasers
fiber lasers: Spotlight 2011-02-10: Fiber lasers: more difficult to design than bulk lasers
fiber lasers: Spotlight 2008-06-06: Fiber lasers which are no fiber lasers
fiber lasers: Ytterbium fiber lasers emitting at 975~~nm
fiber lasers versus bulk lasers
fiber loop reflectors → fiber loop mirrors
fiber manufacturing → fiber fabrication
fiber modes → fibers
fiber modes: Tutorial chapter on fiber modes
fiber modes: Case study: Mode structure of a step-index multimode fiber
fiber modes: Spotlight 2014-07-28: How to define the mode radius of a fiber?
fiber modes: Spotlight 2008-04-15: Abused photonics terms: modes
fiber modes: Spotlight 2006-10-04: Higher-order modes of fibers: a solution for single-mode guidance with large mode area?
fiber nonlinearities: Tutorial chapter on nonlinearities of optical fibers
fiber nonlinearities: Spotlight 2010-03-09: Nonlinearities in fiber amplifier modeling
fiber nonlinearities: Spotlight 2010-03-03: Thresholds for nonlinear effects in fiber amplifiers
fiber optics: Tutorial: Passive fiber optics
fiber optics: Launching light into step-index multimode fibers
fiber optics:: Field Guide to Fiber Optics
fiber polarization controllers
fiber polishing → polishing of fibers
fiber rods → fiber bundles
fiber sensors → fiber-optic sensors
fiber splices → fiber joints
fiber splitters: Tutorial chapter on fiber couplers and splitters
fiber-feedback parametric oscillators → optical parametric oscillators
fiber-optic arrays → fiber arrays
fiber-optic cables → fiber cables
fiber-optic communications → optical fiber communications
fiber-optic connectors → fiber connectors
fiber-optic parametric amplifiers → optical parametric amplifiers
fiber-optic patch cords → fiber cables
fiber-optic splitters → fiber couplers
fibers: Tutorial: Passive fiber optics
fibers: Spotlight 2016-09-12: An apparent paradox concerning light beams in fibers
fibers: Spotlight 2009-10-08: Nobel Prize for Charles K. Kao for pioneering work on optical fibers
fibers: Spotlight 2009-07-09: Gain-guiding index-antiguiding fibers
fibers: Spotlight 2006-12-03: Diffraction in optical fibers
field curvature → optical aberrations
field propagation: Tutorial chapter on power propagation vs. field propagation
figure-eight lasers → mode-locked fiber lasers
figure-of-eight laser → mode-locked fiber lasers
filters → optical filters
flash lamp pumping → lamp-pumped lasers
flat-top beams: Spotlight 2010-04-08: Creating a top-hat laser beam focus
fluorescence lifetime → upper-state lifetime
fluorescence quenching → quenching
fluorescent cooling → optical refrigeration
fluorine lasers → excimer lasers
fluorozirconate fibers → fluoride fibers
fly-wheel oscillators → frequency metrology
FM mode locking → mode locking
Fock states → nonclassical light
focusing of light beams: Spotlight 2009-11-22: The beam focus – not just a demagnified version of your beam
focusing power → focal length
forbidden transitions: Spotlight 2011-03-13: What if solid-state laser transitions would be much stronger?
forsterite crystals → chromium-doped laser gain media
forward and backward pumping: Tutorial chapter on forward and backward pumping of fiber amplifiers
four-level and three-level gain media: Spotlight 2018-08-22: What is different for quasi-three-level lasers?
four-level and three-level gain media: Spotlight 2017-03-15: Interesting features of over-long fiber lasers
four-level and three-level gain media: Spotlight 2006-08-12: Understanding quasi-three-level lasers
four-level and three-level laser gain media
four-level and three-level laser gain media: Case study: Ytterbium-doped 975-nm fiber lasers
Fourier limit → transform limit
Fourier spectrum: Spotlight 2007-10-11: Understanding Fourier spectra
Fourier transform spectral phase interferometry → spectral phase interferometry
Fourier transform spectroscopy
fourth-harmonic generation → frequency quadrupling
Frantz–Nodvick equation → gain saturation
Franz–Keldysh effect → electroabsorption modulators
free-space communications → free-space optical communications
free-space modes → modes
free-space optical communications
frequency chains → frequency metrology
frequency combs: Spotlight 2006-07-01: Characterizing a cavity with a frequency comb
frequency combs: Spotlight 2006-07-01: With wavelength combs to picometer resolution
frequency conversion → nonlinear frequency conversion
frequency domain interferometry → spectral phase interferometry
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2014-11-14: Correctly designing frequency conversion stages: not easy, but worthwhile!
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2013-08-26: Frequency doubling and the reverse process
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2008-01-27: Beam quality in second-harmonic generation
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2008-01-14: Frequency doubling: long pulses cause trouble
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2007-10-17: Why the second-harmonic beam is smaller
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2007-09-21: Optimum crystal length for frequency doubling
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2007-03-05: More efficient frequency doubling with shorter pulses?
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2006-09-29: Frequency dependence of the conversion efficiency for frequency doubling
frequency doubling: Spotlight 2006-08-15: The effect of a double pass in a frequency doubler
frequency standards → optical frequency standards
frequency synthesizers → frequency combs
frequency-resolved optical gating
Fresnel zone plates → zone plates
front surface mirrors → first surface mirrors
frustrated total internal reflection → total internal reflection
fused quartz → fused silica
fused silica fibers → silica fibers
Acronyms with F
FASOR = frequency addition source of optical radiation → sum and difference frequency generation
FBG = fiber Bragg grating
FCPA = fiber-based chirped-pulse amplification
FEL = free electron laser
FLIM = fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy → fluorescence microscopy
FLM = fiber loop mirror
FMF = few-mode fiber
FOP = fiber-optic plate
FOV = field of view
FPA = focal plane array
FRM = Faraday rotator mirror
FROG = frequency-resolved optical gating
FS mirror = first surface mirror
FTIR = Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy → Fourier transform spectroscopy
FTS = Fourier transform spectroscopy
FTTH = fiber to the home
FWM = four-wave mixing
FZP = Fresnel zone plate