Keywords beginning with H
On this page you find all our articles on keywords beginning with "H". Further below, you find the acronyms.
(See also: list of products for the letter H.)
half-wave plates → waveplates
half-wave voltage → Pockels cells
hand lenses → magnifying glasses
hard apertures → optical apertures
harmonic separators → dichroic mirrors
heat capacity lasers → quasi-continuous-wave operation
heat control filters → cold mirrors
heat radiation → infrared light
heavy metal fluoride fibers → fluoride fibers
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: Spotlight 2008-06-13: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the transform limit
helical drilling → laser drilling
helium–cadmium lasers → metal vapor lasers
Henry factor → linewidth enhancement factor
Herriott multipass cells → multipass gas cells
heterodyne detection → optical heterodyne detection
high intensity discharge lamps
high pressure discharge lamps → gas discharge lamps
high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers
high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers: Spotlight 2018-03-05: Dependence on Raman conversion on the optical bandwidth
high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers: Spotlight 2011-05-28: Explanation for the mode instability in high-power fiber amplifiers with few-mode fibers
high-power lasers: Spotlight 2011-12-23: mode-locked thin-disk laser
high-power lasers: Spotlight 2007-01-15: Origins of heating in laser crystals
high-power lasers: Spotlight 2006-10-22: Lasers attract dust to cavity mirrors
high-Q resonators → Q factor
higher-order dispersion → chromatic dispersion
higher-order modes: Spotlight 2006-10-04: Higher-order modes of fibers: a solution for single-mode guidance with large mode area?
higher-order solitons: Case study: Numerical experiments with soliton pulses in fibers
holey fibers → photonic crystal fibers
holographic bulk gratings → volume Bragg gratings
holographic gratings → diffraction gratings
homodyne detection → optical heterodyne detection
hybrid laser crystals → composite laser crystals
hybrid mode locking → mode locking
Acronyms with H
HC fiber = hollow-core fiber
HEL = high-energy laser
HF = holey fiber → photonic crystal fibers
HHG = high harmonic generation
HID lamp = high intensity discharge lamp
HNLF = highly nonlinear fiber
HNLF = highly nonlinear fiber
HPFL = high-power fiber laser
HPS lamp = high-pressure sodium lamp
HRS = hyper Raman scattering
HSI = hyperspectral imaging