Keywords beginning with I
On this page you find all our articles on keywords beginning with "I". Further below, you find the acronyms.
(See also: list of products for the letter I.)
idler wave → parametric amplification
idler waves: Spotlight 2007-12-11: The idler wave – essential for parametric amplification and oscillation
image converters → image intensifiers and image converters
image distortion → optical aberrations
image intensifiers and image converters
image space → object and image space
imaging spectrometers → hyperspectral imaging
in-plane lasers → edge-emitting semiconductor lasers
incandescence → thermal radiation
incandescent lamps: Spotlight 2009-11-03: Coherent light from a bulb?
index of refraction → refractive index
index-depressed cladding → fiber cladding
indicator lamps → signal lamps
induced focusing → thermal lensing
inelastic scattering → scattering
infrared absorption → absorption
infrared detector cards → laser viewing cards
infrared fibers → mid-infrared fibers
infrared sensor cards → laser viewing cards
infrared sources: Spotlight 2016-10-27: Challenges for nonlinear frequency conversion in extreme wavelength regions
infrared spectroscopy → spectroscopy
infrared thermography → thermal imaging
inner cladding → double-clad fibers
integrated optoelectronic devices → photonic integrated circuits
intensity → optical intensity
intensity noise: Spotlight 2018-06-08: Understanding intensity noise
intensity profile measurement → beam profilers
intensity-to-phase coupling → linewidth enhancement factor
inter-satellite communications → free space optical communications
interference: Spotlight 2009-05-22: Interference effects with imbalanced intensity levels
interference: Spotlight 2007-09-27: Light plus light = darkness: no energy problem, but quantum weirdness
interference coatings → dielectric coatings
interferometers: Spotlight 2008-07-13: The simplified history of the Michelson–Morley experiment
intermediate image planes → image planes
intersubband transitions → quantum cascade lasers
intracavity frequency doubling
intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy
inversion → population inversion
ion beam sputtering → dielectric mirrors
Acronyms with I
IBS = ion beam sputtering → dielectric mirrors
ICLAS = intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy
II = image intensifier
IR = infrared
IR optics = infrared optics