Keywords beginning with R
On this page you find all our articles on keywords beginning with "R". Further below, you find the acronyms.
(See also: list of products for the letter R.)
r.m.s. values → power spectral density
Rabi frequency → Rabi oscillations
radiance scaling of lasers → power scaling of lasers
radiant power → radiant flux
radiant sensitivity → responsivity
radiation modes → cladding modes
radio and microwave over fiber
radioluminescence → luminescence
radiometers → radiometry
radius of laser beam → beam radius
Raman effect → Raman scattering
Raman fiber lasers → Raman lasers
Raman lasers: Spotlight 2012-03-12: New Raman lasers
Raman scattering: Case study: Soliton self-frequency shift
Raman scattering: Spotlight 2018-03-05: Dependence on Raman conversion on the optical bandwidth
Raman scattering: Spotlight 2010-03-03: Thresholds for nonlinear effects in fiber amplifiers
Raman scattering: Case study: stimulated Raman scattering in a multimode fiber
Raman self-frequency shift → solitons
range finding → distance measurements with lasers
rare earth ions: Tutorial chapter on rare earth ions in fibers
rare-earth-doped fibers: Education with simulations for active engagement of students: example with pump absorption in an Yb-doped fiber
rare-earth-doped fibers: Spotlight 2016-05-12: Measurement of absorption spectra of active fibers: not as easy as one might think!
rare-earth-doped gain media: Spotlight 2014-06-27: Shortages of rare earth materials – a problem for photonics?
rare-earth-doped laser gain media
rate equation modeling: Spotlight 2008-10-20: Rate equations – an example for stiff sets of differential equations
rational harmonic mode locking → active mode locking
ray optics → geometrical optics
ray transfer matrix → ABCD matrix
reabsorption in laser gain media → four-level and three-level laser gain media
red–green–blue sources → RGB sources
references surfaces → optical flats
reflection coefficient of an interface → Fresnel equations
reflection gratings → diffraction gratings
refractive index: Spotlight 2007-10-07: Effective refractive index: correcting a common belief
refractive index fluids → index matching fluids
refractometry → refractometers
regenerative amplifiers: Case study: regenerative amplifier
regenerative mode locking → active mode locking
regular reflection → specular reflection
relative intensity noise: Spotlight 2018-06-08: Understanding intensity noise
remote cutting → laser cutting
remote ranging → distance measurements with lasers
remote welding → laser welding
repetition rate → pulse repetition rate
residual absorption → absorption
residual jitter → timing jitter
resonant cavity → optical resonators
resonant second-harmonic generation → resonant frequency doubling
resonator bandwidth → resonator modes
resonator design: Spotlight 2017-11-02: Gaussian apertures in resonator models: not only for exotic lasers, but also for gain guiding
resonator design: Spotlight 2011-06-10: Are compact resonators more stable?
resonator design: Case study: resonator with automatic optimization
resonator mode spacing → free spectral range
resonator modes: Spotlight 2008-04-15: Abused photonics terms: modes
resonators → optical resonators
retarders → retardance
retroreflecting prisms → corner cube prisms
rod-in-tube method → fiber fabrication
rotating disc choppers → optical choppers
rotating slit profilers → beam profilers
rubber band model → frequency combs
rugate filters: Case study: rugate filters
Acronyms with R
RBL = radiation-balanced laser
RF over fiber = radio over fiber → radio and microwave over fiber
RFoF = radio over fiber → radio and microwave over fiber
RGB source = red–green–blue source
RIN = relative intensity noise