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End Pumping

Author: the photonics expert (RP)

Definition: a technique of optically pumping a laser medium in a direction along the laser beam

Opposite term: side pumping

Categories: article belongs to category laser devices and laser physics laser devices and laser physics, article belongs to category methods methods

DOI: 10.61835/ona   Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML   Link to this page   LinkedIn

End pumping (also sometimes called longitudinal pumping) of lasers and optical amplifiers is a technique of optically pumping a laser gain medium, where the pump light is injected along the laser beam, rather than in a transverse direction (side pumping).

end-pumped laser
Figure 1: Setup of a typical end-pumped solid-state laser.

The geometry of end pumping often allows one to achieve a good spatial overlap between pump and laser radiation. That in turn can have multiple benefits:

For these reasons, most diode-pumped solid-state lasers, particularly those with lower output powers, are end-pumped.

There are also various potential disadvantages of end pumping:

  • Pump light can be injected only from at most two directions, and that may limits the applicable total pump power.
  • Particularly for pumping a long laser crystal with a small beam radius, one requires a pump source with high beam quality, or in combination with a certain level of optical power a high radiance (brightness). Therefore, lamp-pumped lasers, for example, can usually not be end-pumped.
  • The optical intensity and the crystal temperature vary along the beam direction – particularly for unidirectional pumping, but substantially less for bidirectional pumping.

Due to these limitations, end pumping often cannot be used for high-power lasers, and in particular not for lamp-pumped lasers. There are techniques, however, to extend the end pumping concept to fairly high powers; for example, multi-segmented rods (→ composite laser crystals) can be used for better distributing the absorbed power.

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The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 125 suppliers for diode-pumped lasers. Among them:


diode-pumped lasers

ALPHALAS offers advanced diode-pumped solid-state lasers with pulse durations in the nanosecond or picosecond region, as well as CW lasers. Different types of pulsed diode-pumped lasers include:

  • actively or passively mode-locked picosecond lasers,
  • regeneratively amplified lasers,
  • actively and passively Q-switched lasers, and
  • mode-locked and cavity-dumped lasers.

Customer-specific repetition rates and pulse energies are available on request. Some models can operate at single longitudinal mode in CW or pulsed mode. Optionally available are also second, third or fourth harmonics for most of the above lasers.

Sheaumann Laser

diode-pumped lasers

As a breakthrough in DPSS laser technology, the MirPac is a 2.94-μm Er:YAG laser with TEM00 output beam in a hermetically sealed windowed package that was the first of its kind. Operating at 2940 nm, the wavelength with strongest absorption in water, the MirPac is ideal for use in tandem with water or with materials that contain some amount of water.

Teem Photonics

diode-pumped lasers

Teem Photonics offers air-cooled diode-pumped passively Q-switched lasers – the Microchip laser series and the more powerful Powerchip laser series. Higher average power versions are based on a MOFA architecture, i.e., using a fiber amplifier. All can generate intense sub-nanosecond pulses. Available emission wavelengths are 1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm and 213 nm.

CNI Laser

diode-pumped lasers

CNI offers the widest range of diode-pumped lasers not only in terms of wavelength, but also concerning various features: we have single-frequency lasers, narrow linewidth lasers, low noise lasers, high power and energy lasers, mode-locked and picosecond lasers and Q-switched lasers.


diode-pumped lasers

The large range of Lumibird pulsed nanosecond solid-state lasers includes diode-pumped models, from 5 mJ to 1.5 J at 1064 nm, from single pulse to 400 Hz. These lasers can be integrated into a system thanks to their compactness and robustness, or used as stand-alone devices. Several wavelengths are available, including 1.57 µm.

Bright Solutions

diode-pumped lasers

Bright Solutions offers a range of diode-pumped solid-state lasers, including

  • Wedge – nanosecond Q-switched lasers for 266, 355, 532, 1064, 1570, 3100 nm (also multi-wavelength configurations), used e.g. for atmospheric LIDAR, monitoring, glass machining or lithography
  • Onda – compact monolithic nanosecond Q-switched lasers for 266, 355, 532 or 1064 nm, used e.g. for lens marking, plastic marking or intravolume glass marking
  • Sol – compact Q-switched lasers for 355, 532 or 1064 nm, up to 200 kHz, used e.g. for automotive fabrication, electronic machining, ID card writing and other industrial applications
  • Vento – sub-nanosecond MOPA lasers with pulse durations down to 500 ps, up to 200 kHz, up to 100 W average power at 1064 nm or 50 W at 532 nm, e.g. for LIDAR or PCB microprocessing
  • [Aero – high energy lasers ](aero-high-energy-dpss-lasers/) with up to 200 mJ at 1064 nm, 100 mJ at 532 nm, multi-wavelength configurations, custom beam shaping, application e.g. in atmospheric LIDAR, LIBS or nonlinear spectroscopy
  • BDL and BFD – fiber-coupled diode laser modules with up to 200 W cw (or 400 W quasi-cw) in a 200-μm core fiber, e.g. for pumping of solid-state and fiber lasers, material processing or illumination; pulsed models are available
  • NPS – narrowband picosecond lasers for applications like OPO pumping, Raman or fluorescence spectroscopy and multimodal imaging
  • ONE DPSS – miniaturized Q-switched lasers with up to 200 μJ and down to 3 ns, e.g. for atmospheric LIDAR and laser marking on plastics

HÜBNER Photonics

diode-pumped lasers

HÜBNER Photonics offer continuous-wave diode-pumped lasers (DPLs) with wavelengths between 355 nm and 1064 nm. Most of them feature single-longitudinal mode operation with excellent noise and power stability.

Frankfurt Laser Company

diode-pumped lasers

Frankfurt Laser Company offers a wide range of diode-pumped solid state laser products, including the smallest DPSS laser heads, low cost modules, low power and high power laser systems and high quality single longitudinal mode laser systems with different power output and wavelengths.


diode-pumped lasers

Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VECSELs), also known as semiconductor disk lasers or optically pumped semiconductor lasers, provide a versatile platform with features beneficial for applications requiring broad wavelength coverage and high output power. Key features include:

  • Broad wavelength coverage
  • Multi-watt power output
  • Low noise
  • Excellent spatial quality
  • Tunable narrow-linewidth operation

VECSELs are suitable for applications that demand exotic wavelengths and high power with narrow spectral linewidths.


diode-pumped lasers

EKSPLA offers a wide range of femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond lasers for research and industrial applications.


diode-pumped lasers

GWU-Lasertechnik provides diode-pumped solid-state laser solutions with wavelength conversion. The sophisticated optical and mechanical design and the soft pumping scheme ensure excellent performance, highest reliability and longest lifetime. Continuous, gap-free tunability from the deep-UV at <190 nm to the infrared spectral range at >2700 nm is offered for best usability.

CSRayzer Optical Technology

CSRayzer's high quality pump laser diodes with butterfly package can provide high output powers for fiber amplifiers. The built-in thermo-electric cooler (TEC) can make the laser diode work properly in various environments.

RPMC Lasers

diode-pumped lasers

Serving North America, RPMC Lasers offers one of the widest selections of pulsed and CW diode-pumped lasers, ranging from the UV through the IR regimes. Our product offerings include continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers, fiber lasers, ultrafast lasers, microchip lasers, microlasers, tunable lasers, MIL-spec lasers, and CW DPSS laser modules, with a wide range of output powers, pulse widths, and pulse repetition rates. Applications include material processing, LIDAR, micromachining, and MANY others. Standard and custom options available. Let RPMC help you find the right laser today!


diode-pumped lasers

Monocrom offers diode-pumped solid state lasers for medical, material processing, LiDAR and spectroscopy applications as well as for laser pumping:

  • LQ-527-12: a frequency-doubled Nd:YLF laser emitting up to 1 mJ at 527 nm
  • Multi-Path 532: a photocoagulation laser emitting up to 8 W cw or 15 W qcw at 532 nm
  • CiOM lasers emitting nanosecond pulses at 526.5 nm

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