Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

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The RP Photonics Exhibition

Use this virtual exhibition similar to a real one – for exploring what's going on in the industry. It contains all suppliers listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, but you can select a certain product category to see only those suppliers with products in that category. Further down, you find additional explanations.

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See also the list of products in the Buyer's Guide!

A Virtual Exhibition

This virtual exhibition is a further expansion of the already leading digital photonics marketplace. It complements the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide.

Hints for Users

Similar to a real exhibition, this invites you to “walk around” and explore what is going on in this industry:

  • Move around: for shifting the displayed area, use the arrow buttons or drag with the mouse. For magnifying your view of the hall, use the zoom buttons or the mouse wheel.
  • Get additional information: by clicking on a virtual booth, you obtain additional information on the supplier. From there, you can also go to their company profile page in the Buyer's Guide, which gives you comprehensive information, or visit their website.
  • Product categories: if you are interested in a certain product category, you can get to an exhibition hall containing only those suppliers who have at least one product in that category. Many suppliers have a booth in more than two categories.
  • Search functions: you can select a particular product or enter part of the company name to mark the booths of companies matching those criteria.
  • Take a random flight tour: use the play button to get a flight over the exhibition floor. You can pause it at any time, or reset to the standard full view with the Stop button.

Advertising of Products

  • Who can participate: all suppliers listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide – even with free entries only – are represented. (If your company doesn't have an entry yet, register here.)
  • Stand out with our Advertising Package: Suppliers having our Advertising Package stand out with a substantially better-equipped virtual booth, showing their company logo and some random selection of images, mostly product images. They can also supply alternative images for use in the exhibition, and publish short company or product news items for display in the above-mentioned info box and on their company profile.

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