Femtosecond Lasers
Author: the photonics expert Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta (RP)
Definition: lasers emitting light pulses with durations between a few femtoseconds and hundreds of femtoseconds
Alternative term: ultrafast lasers
More general term: mode-locked lasers
DOI: 10.61835/6si Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML Link to this page LinkedIn
A femtosecond laser is a laser which emits optical pulses with a duration well below 1 ps (→ ultrashort pulses), i.e., in the domain of femtoseconds (1 fs = 10−15 s). It thus also belongs to the category of ultrafast lasers or ultrashort pulse lasers (which also include picosecond lasers).
The generation of such short (sub-picosecond) light pulses is nearly always achieved with the technique of passive mode locking. This leads to pulse trains with high pulse repetition rates in the megahertz or gigahertz region. This combined with the limited average output power leads to relatively small pulse energies (often in the nanojoule region). Far higher pulse energies (at lower repetition rates) – often higher by many orders of magnitude – are possible by using some kind of optical amplifiers system (→ ultrafast amplifiers) in addition to a femtosecond laser.
Types of Femtosecond Lasers
Femtosecond pulses can be generated with very different kinds of lasers, which are explained in the following. Some of these lasers are industrial lasers, while others are scientific lasers.
Solid-state Bulk Lasers
Passively mode-locked solid-state bulk lasers can emit high-quality ultrashort pulses with typical durations between 30 fs and 30 ps. Various diode-pumped lasers, e.g. based on neodymium-doped or ytterbium-doped laser gain media, operate in this regime, with typical average output powers between ≈ 100 mW and 1 W. titanium–sapphire lasers with advanced dispersion compensation are suitable for particularly short pulse durations below 10 fs, in extreme cases down to approximately 5 fs, and with substantial average powers – often of the order of 1 W, sometimes several watts.
The pulse repetition rate is in most cases between 50 MHz and 500 MHz, even though there are low repetition rate versions with a few megahertz for higher pulse energies, and also miniature lasers with tens of gigahertz.
Fiber Lasers
Various types of ultrafast fiber lasers, which are also in most cases passively mode-locked, typically offer pulse durations between 50 and 500 fs, repetition rates between 10 and 100 MHz, and average powers between a few milliwatts and tens of milliwatts. Substantially higher average powers and pulse energies are possible, e.g. with stretched-pulse fiber lasers or with similariton lasers, or in combination with a fiber amplifier.
All-fiber solutions can be fairly cost-effective in mass production, although the effort required for development of a product with high performance and reliable operation can be substantial due to various technical challenges – in particular, the handling of the strong optical nonlinearities. The handling of strong nonlinear effects requires relatively complicated operation principles for high performance, which implies that device optimization is substantially more sophisticated than for bulk lasers.
Dye Lasers
Dye lasers dominated the field of ultrashort pulse generation before the advent of titanium–sapphire lasers in the late 1980s. Their gain bandwidth allows for pulse durations of the order of 10 fs, and different laser dyes are suitable for emission at various wavelengths, often in the visible spectral range. Mainly due to the disadvantages associated with handling a laser dye and the limited dye lifetime, femtosecond dye lasers are no longer frequently used – mostly in spectral regions which can otherwise be accessed only with optical parametric oscillators and the like.
Semiconductor Lasers
Some mode-locked diode lasers can generate pulses with femtosecond durations. Directly at the laser output, the pulses durations are usually at least several hundred femtoseconds, but with external pulse compression, much shorter pulse durations can be achieved. Mode-locked semiconductor lasers are also suitable for very high pulse repetition rates, e.g. tens or even hundreds of gigahertz. In most cases, however, the pulse energy is severely limited to the picojoule region.
It is also possible to passively mode-lock vertical external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs); these are interesting particularly because they can deliver a combination of short pulse durations, high pulse repetition rates, and sometimes high average output power. Due to the large mode area and small propagation length in the semiconductor, their pulse energies can be far higher than for edge-emitting diode lasers, but still much lower than for solid-state bulk lasers in particular because the gain saturation energy is rather small.
Frequency-converted Sources
Some femtosecond laser devices are strictly speaking not just a femtosecond laser because they contain essential additional components such as an optical amplifier or means for nonlinear frequency conversion to get into other wavelength regions. For example, some devices contain a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator or a optical parametric generator, which allows for the generation of widely wavelength-tunable radiation.
Other Types
More exotic types of femtosecond lasers are color center lasers and free electron lasers. The latter can be made to emit femtosecond pulses even in the form of X-rays.
Important Parameters of Femtosecond Lasers
The key performance figures of femtosecond lasers are the following:
Pulse Duration
The pulse duration (usually specified as the full width at half maximum (FWHM)) is in most cases fixed, e.g. a 100 fs or 25 fs. In some cases, however, it is tunable in a certain range.
Center Wavelength
Femtosecond lasers with different center wavelengths are available. Frequently, the center wavelength is between 1 μm and 1.1 μm, where most powerful laser sources can be made. However, amplified sources can also be quite powerful e.g. in the 1.5-μm or 2-μm region.
In some cases, nonlinear frequency conversion is used to reach other wavelength regions, e.g. visible or ultraviolet light with frequency doubling.
Pulse Bandwidth
There is a lower limit for the optical bandwidth which scales with the inverse pulse duration; if that limit is reached, one has so-called bandwidth-limited pulses. For 100-fs pulses around 1 μm wavelength, for example, that limit is around 10 nm. For very short pulses with e.g. 10 fs duration, the optical bandwidth becomes very large.
Pulse Quality
The pulse quality includes additional aspects such as details of the temporal and spectral pulse shape, such as the presence of temporal or spectral pedestals or side lobes, and the stability of pulse parameters. In such respects, different femtosecond lasers can differ a lot.
Pulse Repetition Rate
The pulse repetition rate from the laser is in most cases fixed, typically between some tens and hundreds of megahertz, sometimes several gigahertz. If it is tunable, then usually only in a small range.
The output pulse repetition rate may be strongly reduced with a pulse picker, e.g. down to 10 kHz or even less. Here, one essentially transmits only every <$N^\textrm{th}$> pulse, and by varying the number <$N$> one can change the resulting repetition rate in very wide ranges (but not continuously).
Burst Mode
Some sources can produce powerful bursts of pulses with a rather high pulse repetition rate within a burst. That can be advantageous for certain applications, e.g. in laser material processing, including laser micromachining. Ideally, at least some parameters of the burst (e.g. the number of pulses) can be flexibly adjusted.
For more details, see the article on burst mode lasers.
Average Power and Pulse Energy
Assuming a steady sequence of pulses with the same properties (which is usually the case for such lasers), the pulse energy is simply the average output power divided by the pulse repetition rate.
Output Type
The laser output can be delivered into free space (usually as a collimated beam), e.g. through some optical window in the housing. Other devices have a fiber connector for plugging in a fiber cable.
Generally, fiber delivery of femtosecond pulses is considered as problematic due to the substantial chromatic dispersion and particularly the fiber nonlinearities. However, solutions for those problems have been developed, in particular hollow-core fibers which allow transmission with a minimum of nonlinear effects and possibly in addition with tailored dispersion properties. One may also apply dispersion compensation before or after a fiber cable.

Optimizing Femtosecond Lasers
Design optimization of a mode-locked laser, whatever mode-locking mechanism it is built on, is a complex task. Having a suitable simulator is essential for getting detailed insight as the basis for any optimized design. For example, find out how exactly the pulses propagate inside the laser, and how sensitive your design is to variations of various parameters. The RP Fiber Power software is an ideal tool for such work.
Other Aspects
There are various additional aspects which can be important for applications:
- Many femtosecond lasers offer a stable linear polarization of the output, whereas others emit with an undefined polarization state. If emission is polarized, it is also possible to transform this into other polarization states, e.g. to achieve radial polarization, using suitable optics.
- The noise properties can differ strongly between different types and models of femtosecond lasers. This includes noise of the pulse timing (→ timing jitter), the pulse energy (→ intensity noise), and different types of phase noise. It may also be important to check the stability of pulse parameters, including the sensitivity of external influences such as mechanical vibrations or optical feedback.
- Some lasers have built-in means for stabilizing the pulse repetition rate to an external reference, or for tuning the output wavelength.
- Built-in features for monitoring the output power, wavelength, or pulse duration can be convenient.
- Other aspects of potential interest are the size of the housing, the electrical power consumption, the cooling requirements, and interfaces for synchronization or computer control.
Apart from these aspects of the laser itself, the quality of the documentation material, such as product specifications, user manual, etc., can be of interest.
Applications of Femtosecond Lasers
Is a very wide range of applications of femtosecond lasers, exploiting quite different properties of the pulses. In the following, we give some typical examples.
Laser Material Processing
Femtosecond laser systems have important applications in laser material processing. Picosecond and femtosecond pulses have substantially higher peak powers than nanosecond pulses of the same pulse energy. Therefore, the material can be evaporated even more quickly, which gives a potential for further improved processing quality in various situations. However, femtosecond pulses are not necessarily better suited than because picosecond pulses, particularly if the duration of those is already below the electron–phonon coupling time.
Another aspect is that the extremely high optical intensities achievable with femtosecond pulses lead to nonlinear effects which can also be utilized. In particular, such laser radiation can be absorbed even in actually transparent materials such as glasses or crystals because multiphoton absorption (followed by avalanche ionization) becomes sufficiently strong: such materials are then no longer transparent to the laser radiation. In this domain, femtosecond pulse durations can be preferable or even indispensable.
Femtosecond lasers can thus be applied to a particularly wide range of materials to be processed, including metals, polymers (plastics), glasses and crystalline dielectrics (even diamond), ceramics and semiconductors. Often, even the same laser apparatus can be used to process very different materials.
Medical Applications
Femtosecond lasers are also used in medical application areas, mainly for laser surgery. For example, it is now common to use femtosecond pulses for eye surgery (vision correction), e.g. in the form of femto-LASIK or cataract surgery. It is another area where the extremely short pulse durations are advantageous.
Other medical applications involve femtosecond lasers for diagnostic purposes. Methods of laser microscopy (see below) are particularly relevant in this area.
Laser Microscopy
Femtosecond lasers have also become quite important for laser microscopy, e.g. in the form of fluorescence microscopy. Here, one frequently utilizes multiphoton excitation (based on multiphoton absorption), where very short pulse durations are quite advantageous. It is also possible to use stimulated Raman scattering (SRS spectroscopy).
Femtosecond laser pulses are useful for a very wide range of measurements. For example, they are essential for modern optical clocks, serving both as a highly stable frequency reference and as an optical clockwork creating a phase-coherent link between many different optical frequencies and microwave frequencies.
There are also very different measurement applications such as distance measurements with LIDAR, in interferometry and in pump–probe measurements. The latter method allows one to investigate ultrafast processes, for example in chemistry, including biochemistry.
In the area of optical fiber communications [4], femtosecond lasers can be used in different ways. For example, it is possible to realize dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) with a very large channel count (sometimes >1000) by spectral slicing of broadband femtosecond pulses. By applying time division multiplexing in addition, one can achieve extremely high bit rates of >1 Tbit/s.
More to Learn
Encyclopedia articles:
- mode-locked lasers
- ultrafast lasers
- mode-locked diode lasers
- titanium–sapphire lasers
- solid-state lasers
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[2] | D. H. Sutter et al., “Semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror-assisted Kerr lens modelocked Ti:sapphire laser producing pulses in the two-cycle regime”, Opt. Lett. 24 (9), 631 (1999); https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.24.000631 |
[3] | U. Morgner et al., “Sub-two cycle pulses from a Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser”, Opt. Lett. 24 (6), 411 (1999); https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.24.000411 |
[4] | W. H. Knox, “Ultrafast technology in telecommunications”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 6 (6), 1273 (2000); https://doi.org/10.1109/2944.902178 |
[5] | S. V. Marchese et al., “Pulse energy scaling to 5 μJ from a femtosecond thin-disk laser”, Opt. Lett. 31 (18), 2728 (2006); https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.31.002728 |
[6] | W. Sibbett et al., “The development and application of femtosecond laser systems”, Opt. Express 20 (7), 6989 (2012); https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.20.006989 |
[7] | C. J. Saraceno et al., “Ultrafast thin-disk laser with 80 μJ pulse energy and 242 W of average power”, Opt. Lett. 39 (1), 9 (2014); https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.39.000009 |
[8] | T. Nubbemeyer et al., “1 kW, 200 mJ picosecond thin-disk laser system”, Opt. Lett. 42 (7), 1381 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.42.001381 |
[9] | M. E. Fermann, “Ultrafast fiber oscillators”, in Ultrafast Lasers: Technology and Applications (eds. M. E. Fermann, A. Galvanauskas, G. Sucha), Marcel Dekker, New York (2003), Chapter 3, pp. 89–154 |
[10] | R. Paschotta and U. Keller, “Passively mode-locked solid-state lasers”, in Solid-State Lasers and Applications (ed. A. Sennaroglu), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC (2007), Chapter 7, pp. 259–318 |
(Suggest additional literature!)
The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 95 suppliers for femtosecond lasers. Among them:

n2-Photonics offers the Lamiks lasers with:
- Pulse duration: <100 fs; <50 fs and <10 fs
- Power: up to 300 W
- Energy: 10 μJ and up to 3 mJ
- Repetition rate: up to 100 MHz
- Wavelength: 1030 nm

EKSPLA offers a wide range of femtosecond lasers for various applications:
- FemtoLux3 series microjoule class industrial fiber laser
- Ultraflux series femtosecond tunable wavelength laser based on the novel OPCPA technology
- FFS series compact fiber seeders

Radiantis manufactures femtosecond broadly tunable laser systems based on Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs). Our MHz repetition-rate femtosecond OPOs pumped by femtosecond Ti:sapphire oscillators provide continuous tuning across 350 – 4000–nm with average powers of up to 1 W.
Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' femtosecond fiber lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration. From the shortest pulses to highest average power beyond 10 watts and pulse energy beyond 10 μJ, we have the solution for your application ranging from basic research to industrial applications in spectroscopy, quality control, and material processing.

Cycle supplies tailored laser systems with unique features and affordable prices:
The SOPRANO-15 is Cycle’s state-of-the art femtosecond fiber lasers, designed to fulfill tasks such as OPO/OPA pumping, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis and processing. The SOPRANO-15 operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm or 775 nm and pulse duration below 350 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments in 24/7 operation.
The SOPRANO-15 mini is designed to carry out tasks such as multiphoton microscopy, spectroscopy, semiconductor testing, and materials analysis. In addition to its dependable 24/7 operation, the SOPRANO-15 mini operates at a center wavelength of 1550 nm and typical pulse duration below 130 fs, establishing benefits in both industrial and scientific environments.

Halite is a compact, single-box, all-fiber femtosecond laser, specifically designed to meet the most demanding applications in the field of neuroscience, biophotonics, microscopy and engineering. With pulses as short as <180 fs, average power up to 2 W at 1030 nm and the option of second harmonic generation at 515 nm, it is an irreplaceable tool in every lab that needs a reliable, turn-key, ultrafast light source. Thanks to its unique construction and SESAM-free technology it is a cost-effective solution that provides high pulse energy (up to 100 nJ) and an excellent beam quality. Halite’s industrial design facilitates easy integration with both experimental and commercial systems.

Thorlabs manufactures an extensive selection of femtosecond lasers and related products for control and characterization. Applications from nonlinear excitation and amplifier seeding to THz and supercontinuum generation are served by a family of products covering a spectral range from 700 – 4500 nm. Femtosecond fiber lasers are among our key ultrafast laser offerings. Complimenting these laser systems is a suite of ultrafast optics, including nonlinear crystals, chirped mirrors, low-GDD optics, and related products for pulse measurement, pre-compensation, and dispersion measurement.
MPB Communications

MPBC offers all-fiber mode-locked femtosecond lasers (AFML) which use our patented Figure-8 technology ensuring reliable and consistent mode-locking, ideal for long-term stable operation in challenging environments. This solution is offered in various wavelengths such as 920 nm, 1030 nm and more.
Additionally, MPBC provides high-power mode-locked femtosecond fiber lasers (MLFL) which operate at various wavelengths between the range of 920 nm and 1560 nm – traditionally covered by ultrafast Ti:sapphire lasers and optical parametric oscillators. They generate linearly polarized nearly transformed-limited pulses with a pulse duration of 80 fs to 800 fs at a repetition rate of 10-80 MHz, and an average power greater than 1.5 W.
Compact and maintenance-free, MPBC’s femtosecond fiber lasers have an exceptional beam profile and do not require optical alignment.
Class 5 Photonics

Class 5 Photonics delivers ultrafast, high-power laser technology at outstanding performance to advance demanding applications from bio-imaging to ultrafast material science and attosecond science. Our robust optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers (OPCPA) provide high-power, tunable femtosecond pulses and user-friendly operation.
Active Fiber Systems

AFS’s customized kW average power and multi-mJ pulse energy ultrafast laser systems are based on AFS leading-edge fiber technology. They unite multiple main-amplifier channels using coherent combination, a technology which AFS has matured to an industrial grade. All essential parameters are software-controlled and can be tuned over a wide range, making them an extremely valuable tool for numerous application.
Light Conversion

LIGHT CONVERSION has worldwide recognition for its industrial-grade Yb-based PHAROS, CARBIDE, and FLINT femtosecond lasers.
- The PHAROS series focuses on customizability, reliability, and process-tailored output parameters, providing pulse durations down to 100 fs and pulse energies up to 4 mJ.
- The CARBIDE series features a compact industrial design with both air- and water-cooled models, the latter reaching 120 W of output power for the fundamental wavelength and 50 W for UV radiation, while sustaining excellent output stability.
- The FLINT oscillators extend the parameter range with repetition rates of up to 100 MHz.
Together, these products cover a wide range of scientific, industrial, and medical applications.
O-E Land

O/E Land Inc. offers compact and lightweight femtosecond laser sources with pulse durations as short as 50 fs in different spectral regions of 1 to 2 µm. Pulse repetition rates range from 100 Hz to 100 MHz. This turn-key solution is available with moderate to high output powers.
RPMC Lasers

Serving North America, RPMC Lasers offers a selection of femtosecond lasers, including mode-locked pulsed DPSS lasers, pulsed fiber lasers, and femtosecond range DPSS amplifiers from 900 fs down to 100 fs, with pulse energies up to 500 µJ, average powers up to 100 W, and standard wavelengths at 1064 and 1030 nm, with harmonic wavelengths available. Our femtosecond systems offer repetition rate options including single shot to 80 MHz. The high peak power and short pulse widths of femtosecond lasers are ideal for a wide range of applications, especially for cold ablation material processing, non-linear spectroscopy, two-photon microscopy, optogenetics, second harmonic generation, and micromachining. Standard and custom options available. Let RPMC help you find the right laser today!
TOPTICA Photonics

With more than 20 years of experience, TOPTICA provides high-repetitive femtosecond lasers based on fiber laser technology. TOPTICA offers systems for OEM integrators as well as customized solutions for scientific customers, ranging from compact laser systems to tailored for specific applications, to customized high-power multi-watt laser systems.
Menhir Photonics

Menhir Photonics offers ultrafast mode-locked lasers at 1.5 μm wavelength. These lasers offer pulse width below 200 fs and fundamental pulse repetition rates that can be chosen from 250 MHz up to 2.5 GHz. These systems are hermetically sealed and all-in-one (laser and electronic is one box). Menhir Photonics’ products have been designed to achieve ultra-low-noise performances combined with high-reliability and robustness, to ensure that they can be used in any situation from laboratory setup to harsh environments.
AdValue Photonics

AdValue Photonics offers the AP-ML2 generates 800-fs pulses with up to 10 μJ pulse energy and up to 500 kHz repetition rate.
The AP-ML is a seed laser available with pulse durations between 350 fs and 950 fs. Pulse repetition rates can be between 20 MHz and 50 MHz.
NKT Photonics

The ORIGAMI XP is the first all-in-one, single-box, microjoule femtosecond laser available. Designed for precision applications, the ORIGAMI XP offers long-term amplitude stability, low phase noise, and low timing jitter. Features include clean, ultrashort pulse duration, superior beam quality, and excellent beam-pointing stability. This laser is ideal for medical device manufacturing and ultra-high precision micromachining. The ORIGAMI XP is compact, rugged, and provides maintenance-free operation 24/7.
HÜBNER Photonics

The VALO Series of ultrafast fiber lasers are unique in their design offering among the shortest femtosecond pulses and highest peak powers which can be obtained from a compact turn-key solution. Pulse durations of <50 fs are achieved using novel fiber laser based technology. The ultrashort pulse durations combined with computer controlled group velocity dispersion pre-compensation, allow users of the VALO lasers to achieve the highest peak power exactly where its needed, which makes the lasers ideal for use in multiphoton imaging, advanced spectroscopy and many other applications.
- <50 fs pulse duration
- up to 2 W output power
- very low noise
- integrated pre-compensation dispersion module
Stuttgart Instruments

The Stuttgart Instruments Primus is an ultrafast (fs) mode-locked oscillator, based on the solid-state technology. It provides a high average output power combined with a superior low noise level (shot noise limit above 300 kHz) and an excellent long-term stability.
The solid-state technology with 1040 nm central wavelength enables the excellent long-term stability by providing several watts of output power at 40 MHz pulse repetition rate and 450 fs pulse duration. Its superior low noise level reaches the shot noise limit above 300 kHz. In combination with the stability and output power, it enables ultrasensitive measurements and makes the Primus perfectly suited as pump source for frequency converters like the Stuttgart Instruments Alpha. The entire system is encapsulated in a solid CNC-cut and water-cooled housing, thus reaching excellent robustness against external perturbations.
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