High Harmonic Generation
Author: the photonics expert Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta (RP)
Acronym: HHG
Definition: the phenomenon that very high harmonics of an intense input laser beam are generated in a gas
More general term: nonlinear frequency conversion
Categories: nonlinear optics, light pulses
DOI: 10.61835/xb7 Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML Link to this page LinkedIn
When a very intense light pulse is focused into a gas (usually in a gas cell at reduced pressure), strong nonlinear interactions can lead to the generation of very high odd harmonics of the optical frequency of the pulse, i.e., to an extreme form of nonlinear frequency conversion. This typically occurs at optical intensities of the order of 1014 W/cm2 or higher. Although only a tiny fraction of the laser power can be converted into higher harmonics, the frequency-upconverted output can still be useful for measurements down to wavelengths in the hard ultraviolet or even the X-ray spectral region. Such high harmonics may be used instead of synchrotron radiation. They are also used for generating ultrashort pulses with attosecond durations in the extreme ultraviolet spectral region [4, 10, 11, 13, 12, 21]. Such attosecond pulses are now used for various fundamental studies e.g. of electronic motion in various kinds of materials. Even zeptosecond pulses (i.e., with durations well below one attosecond) might be possible [24].
In most cases, the pump source used contains a passively mode-locked laser and a regenerative amplifier based on titanium–sapphire crystals as the gain media. The repetition rate is then between a few hertz and a few kilohertz. Recently, however, a resonant cavity (enhancement resonator) has been used instead of an amplifier to increase the pulse energy to the level required for high harmonic generation [15]. This allowed for a much higher repetition rate of more than 100 MHz.
For the detection of weak high harmonics, one may use a microchannel plate followed by a phosphor layer and a CCD image sensor.
Although a detailed description of the physical processes behind high harmonic generation is complicated (and often relies on computationally intensive numerical quantum simulations), a number of basic aspects can be grasped with the “simple man's model” [3], describing how an electron under the influence of a strong electromagnetic field can leave its atom, be accelerated and later collide with the atom, thereby emitting harmonic radiation. More sophisticated models describe the quantum dynamics of the involved electrons.
For further dealing with the generated ultraviolet light, special ultraviolet optics are required. For the shorter wavelengths, the choice of available components is very restricted, and one can essentially use only reflective optics.
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Encyclopedia articles:
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The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 11 suppliers for high harmonic generation equipment. Among them:
Active Fiber Systems
The photon-flux values obtained by fiber-laser-driven HHG sources can be considered the highest of all laser systems for photon energies between 20 eV – 150 eV. Even higher photon energies up to the soft X-ray regime are feasible using Tm-based lasers.
AFS ultrafast fiber lasers are ideal high-harmonic drivers. These turnkey HHG beamlines can address several applications in the EUV to X-ray spectral region.
UltraFast Innovations
NEPAL, by UltraFast Innovations (UFI®), is a high-harmonic-generation (HHG) chamber vacuum setup which contains all required vacuum components (including the vacuum pump) and a fully motorized gas jet target for extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray generation. One can generate isolated attosecond pulses through HHG by injecting suitable femtosecond laser pulses.
The optical breadboard inside the chamber is isolated from environmental vibrations for optimum temporal and pointing stability. A feedthrough with a noble gas inlet is included to supply e.g., argon, neon or helium for HHG in the spectral region of interest.
Class 5 Photonics
The Moonlander HHG-50 is a high flux coherent EUV source for time-resolved spectroscopy such as ARPES. Class 5 Photonics' White Dwarf HE OPCPA serves as an ultrashort driver at 400 nm or 800 nm with excellent temporal contrast and clean pulse profile to drive stable and efficiently higher harmonics. Hence, the Moonlander HHG-50 provides high photon flux at high repetition rates with long-term stable operation based on a robust, reliable design.
A second, synchronized optical output from UV to mid-IR can be provided with our White Dwarf HE OPCPA, hence offering a full pump-probe suite to take the next step in time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy.
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